I’m about to lose my mind because I get to say MY BOOK IS A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER??!?!?! MY BOOK. I WROTE THAT??? I’M—
Don’t Let The Forest In just hit the NYT bestseller list at Number 3 (NUMBER 3!!!!) and the Indie Bestseller List at Number 4 (!!!!!) and I can’t breathe basically hahaha. FREAKING BESTSELLER. This feels incredibly not like real life and I am so happy right now. And so grateful!? Thank you for hyping my book and supporting me and making it sell out in bookstores and just— I can’t get my brain around this. You all loved my feral forest rot horror so freaking much?!?
And here on the Indie Best Seller List TOO.
The most massive thank you to my editor, Emily Settle, and my team at Feiwel & Friends and @fiercereads and my agent Claire Friedman!! They made the most gorgeous book possible and championed it so hard and I’m forever grateful.
My previous book came out 5 years ago and then I had 5 years of nonstop rejections and I truly thought I was too autistic to ever get a real chance in publishing. NOW THIS IS MY LIFE. I don’t even think it’s sunk in yet hahahah omfg that’s my book on the NYT BESTSELLER LIST???? I don’t think I’ll ever breathe again.
YOU DESERVE IT!!! I was blown away by how good the prose was in this book. 5/5 stars, so proud of you and delighted that your book is doing so well!! <3
I am so incredibly proud of you!
Got an email from a bookseller today featuring “Don’t Let the Forest In”, and it took my brain a second to notice, “Hey, wait… CG Drews? THAT CG Drews?!?!” I double-check and lo and behold, it’s YOU!!! And I’m just SO EXCITED for you and PROUD of you!!! I used to read your blog all the time, I’ve read your first two books, I know how hard you’ve worked and how discouraged you felt while waiting for another of your titles to sell… And now here you are!!! Soak in ALL THE JOY, Paper Fury; this is phenomenal <3
C.G., I’m absolutely delighted for you! I always knew you would “make it big,” and I’m so thrilled to have been proven right!!
I hope you’ve been eating lots of celebratory cake and wearing many bedazzled royal author cloaks! You deserve it!
This is so kind 😭🖤 Thankyou!!
Congrats Cait. I’ve been following your blog since before your first book, A Thousand Perfect Notes, and it’s been amazing to see how far you’ve come. Today your book is a bestseller, tomorrow it just might be adapted into a movie which would be awesome! Congrats again and I can’t wait to read this book and the others you write in the future.