That feeling when your book releases in like the best possible way and you are just an internal scream for the whole day. Like, I have so much to tell you I don’t even know where to begin ?!!?! But ignore the title of my book, because we have officially let THE FOREST IN. Big day for monstrous forests!! No regrets to be had!! Time to let moss grow over your rib bones be possessed by a tree.

Also, did turn my bedroom floor into a forest for promotional purposes? Yes. There is fake moss strewn all through my carpet and there are no regrets to be had.
Today Looked Like…
- my instagram exploding with so many incredible tags and and mentions
- chatting to the kindest and most encouraging readers
- the most amazing release day tour with MTMC Tours
- seeing photos of Barnes & Nobles tables stacked only with MY BOOK
- being tagged in dozens of photos from B&N booksellers
- being cheered on by authors I look up to so much
- ranking #15 on all books in B&N
- ranking #5 on B&N’s Teens & YA bestseller list
- having people tell me they went out to buy it on release day
- hitting #1 bestseller on Amazon Australia
- hitting spots #1, #2, and #3 on Amazon USA for Hot New Releases in lgbtq+ books

Andrew also looks like he just stabbed someone to get in amongst the romantasy ballgown faves, but well!! No one is kicking him out!! They are too scared.
I cannot be more grateful, more awed, more humbled, and more freaking excited at the response so far. This is my 3rd book release, so I know what it is to release a book quietly and to not get a ton of traction. So just excuse me for a second—BUT THIS IS SO FREAKING WILD MY BRAIN HAS MELTED.
Thank you for hyping my book, for loving it, for recommending it, for talking it up, for tagging me in gorgeous photos and reviews. I am scream. Every single time means the world to me.
Secret News Revealed…
It’s not even that much of a secret anymore because it kind of has been out for a few days now, but… Don’t Let The Forest In is a BARNES & NOBLE YA BOOK CLUB PICK. This is perhaps one of the biggest moments of my career?!? I don’t even know what to do with myself!! I am— It’s just !!! This is huge. He’s on the front page of the B&N website like this… I wrote this.
I can’t believe I wrote a book that is getting hyped lmao what is my life.
B&N Best of 2024
B&N Book Club Pick
Kids Indie Next Pick
Starred Booklist Review
105,000 adds on Goodreads
Junior Library Guild Gold Selection
Out now in the USA and Australia. Find it at…
Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Target, Bookshop, Books-A-Million, Walmart, The Lavender Rhino (comes with signed bookplate), Amazon UK, Amazon Aus, Waterstones, Dymocks, Blackwells
Don’t Let The Forest In is about two boys whose all-consuming friendship takes a dark turn when one of them realises the only way to stop the horrors clawing out of the other’s drawings is to destroy the creator. A dark academia forest rot horror with an asexual main character, eldritch monsters, fairy tales of the macabre variety, and an obsessive codependent romance. Find it on Goodreads
Also sign up to my newsletter here if you want updates in your inbox!!
I can’t say thank you enough.
I’m meant to have words as an author but, well, I ran out!!! I’m just so freaking grateful. My goal since I was literally fifteen has been to have a hardcover book and an audiobook. That was what I wanted most of all. And it’s come true with the most gorgeously designed book imaginable (I can’t believe it’s mine actually) and one of my favourite ever audiobook narrators—and then it didn’t stop there. I feel literally so lucky to have gotten all this love and support and hype. Maybe it is all that sweeter for this being my first time really feeling like my books are seen.
This book has haunted me for years and years and there are so many times I should have given up on it but instead chose to rewrite it, to try again, to not let it go because it had its thorns in me. This book owns me, ruthlessly, beautifully.
I hope, if you decide to read it, you enjoy this tale of monstrous forest monsters and obsessive love and macabre fairytale art. Time to get your heart wrecked.
“Remember you love me. All my stories are about you. They will always be about you.”
Congrats, Cait! I’m so proud and excited for you, been following your author journey since your first book and your blog even longer. Can’t wait to see what you do next!
ALLLLL the congrats and the love, little one!!! Take a moment to breathe and rest on your hard-earned laurels!
Thank you Daley!! no time to rest though 😂
I’ve been following you for I think eight years now (I remember reading The Dead Boy and the Paper Cut on Wattpad), and I just cannot say how much joy and excitement this all brings me. Can’t wait to read!!
OMG YOU REMEMBER MY WATTPAD BOOK!?!? you are one of the very few who will know Thomas then 😂 I pulled him out of the dead boy and the papercut and he’s in Don’t Let The Forest In lmaooo
It’s here! And, it’s gorgeous, Congratulations!