One of my favourite parts of book blogging is definitely #bookstagram.
“What is #bookstagram?” you might ask if you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t seen its wildfire takeover across the blogosphere. WELL. I will explain all.
#Bookstagram = Instagram for books.
Most people with instagram accounts like to post pictures of their food, their children, their selfies, the poltergeist in their bathroom, their coffee, their engagement ring, or new car they just bought or…BASICALLY THEIR LIFE. When it comes to bookstagram…we bookworms are also posting about our lives. It just happens to be 100% books.
Today I shall guide you throw how to kick start your #bookstagram obsession.
Because you probably don’t have enough to do already. And it’s also super fun and you don’t want to miss out on how fun this is. Trust me. I know everything. But before we dive in, feel free to follow me @paperfury…just sayin’. I’m friendly and probably won’t eat you.
EDIT NOTE: This post has been updated November 2018.
This part is rather obvious. But hey I’ll say it anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The only tricky part here is that you must have a smartphone (or an iPod touch or iPad) to actually be able to use the app. It is not available on the computer. I AGREE THAT THIS SUCKS. Someone talk to instagram. Make them change their ways and threaten them a little with dragons and the promise of a life with no snacks if they don’t comply.
Moving forward.
Sign up. Create yourself a user name. Write a bio. Admire the blank screen.
- Pick a username that matches your blog. Or your name. IF YOU CAN. Obviously the user name you like might already be taken and you’ll have to be creative. But shortness is key. If your user name is Books-Are-My-Best-Friends-In-All-The-World-Of-Ever-I-Love-Them-So … I will 100% die. Try to keep your name to two or three words. Making it match your blog is super handy, too, because it makes you easier to find. FOR INSTANCE: I am @paperfury absolutely everywhere.
- Writing bios is HARD. And don’t look at mine, it’s atrocious. But maybe put 4 or 5 words about yourself. Ideas include maybe your country, your age, your favourite cake, your favourite author, your hobbies. Make it brief. Mine also includes my book title since i’m an author.
- Add a link to your blog. You only get to have one link, unless you use something like linktree, which I thoroughly recommend because then you can use a whole stack of links and truly live again.
People assume you have to have DSLR. You do not! You can affably use an iPhone camera. But I will say — the better the quality, the more people are going to like your shots. If you take grainy photos…
However I do have DSLR and it’s a Nikon D3200 and I only ever use automatic BECAUSE I KNOW NOTHING, JON SNOW. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Yet I still get pretty far, so there you go.
Anyway. Feel free to use whatever camera you have on hand. If you have a relative/friend with a nice camera, steal from them too. I stole from my parents for about 6 months before buying my own camera.
“What the mangled monkey does that even mean anyway????” you grumble because now I’m just getting pretentiously complicated with this tutorial. BUT KEEP YOUR POLKA DOT SOCKS ON. I shall explain.
Actually I’m going to screenshot a dictionary. Ha.
Basically “aesthetic” on bookstagram relates to how you want your feed to look. Is your aesthetic consistent? Do you automatically know who’s photo that is when you see it? Does your feed match? Is your feed aesthetic black and white…super colourful…a consistent background???? Etc. Etc.
(They’re totally not frequently asked…but they could be. I’m being organised just in case.)
- DO YOU HAVE TO HAVE A CONSISTENT FEED? No you don’t. You can do whatever the heck you want because guess what….it’s your bookstagram.
- WILL A CONSISTENT FEED GET ME MORE FOLLOWERS? I personally noticed a huge increase in my followers when I started trying to get a theme going.
- HOW DO I GET A NICE BOOKSTAGRAM AESTHETIC? You take photos. They don’t have to be identical. But you work with patterns. For instance: my theme is cluttered and colourful. Someone else might be simplistic. Someone else might take 90% of their photos outside.
- CAN I STILL POST PICTURES OF MY DOG ON THERE? Aren’t you listening, dangit? YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. But. Be ye aware that often people follow accounts that look visually pleasing all the time. If you want to grow your account, make sure it’s like 98% books and 2% your dog. Or better yet, put a book on your dog’s head. That works.
Props are a scary thing because WHERE DO YOU GET GOOD ONES FROM IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SPEND $89093840 DOLLARS?
Calm down. I’ve got you covered.
You don’t have to spend money on your #bookstagram account if you don’t want to! After all those books are downright expensive by themselves. Another PRO TIP is to use what you already have about your house.
- ORIGAMI. I am an origami lover. I frequently use lucky stars and kusudama balls and paper cranes in my photos. Which anyone can make! Better yet, get that old ARC you don’t want, cut it up, and turn it into art. VOILA. Genius. Or, to be even more of a genius, you can hop over to my Etsy store and I WILL MAKE THEM FOR YOU. (Support me. I’m poor.)
- YOUR BOOKSHELF. It makes a grand backdrop. Especially if it’s organised. Go do that.
- FAKE WOODEN PHOTOGRAPHY MATS. Okay, I have a love/hate relationship with mine. It was $7 off ebay…which is really not a lot. Mine is basically a sheet of material that looks like white floorboards. The problem is…it scrunches and looks like material. I assume you can get expensive, better quality, ones that don’t do this. But have we met? My name is Scrooge. (EDIT 2018: I actually ended up drawing my own rainbow mat! Not super cheap once I used up 50 million pens, but very pleasing to behold and helped keep my theme cohesive.)
- PAGES OF THINGS. I use ripped out pages of a very old, browned book. I also use atlas pages and scrapbooking pages. (Remember how I run that etsy store? I have a lot of pretty paper lying around.) If you don’t have anything on hand, may I suggest a thrift-store? Or 2nd hand store? I buy atlases for around $3 each and often get my books free because they’re old and spotty and no one else wants them. (THANK YOU LIBRARY.)
- MUGS. This is super easy. Every house has mugs.
- ART SUPPLIES. Like me you might not be an artist at all. Also like me, maybe someone else in your family is. Steal from them. They’ll understand it’s books before bros. I also use old tins/cans that I’ve saved from cooking, let go a little rusty, and then fill with pencils. BECAUSE AESTHETIC. I also have a lot of Bic markers, which are fake sharpies. They look fabulous in photos.
- RANDOM THINGS ABOUT YOUR HOUSE. Honestly just trawl your house and nab stuff. My mother keeps peacock feathers. I found a wooden little elephant in the cupboard. I found hessian sacking too. SCORE. Pretty plates? Knick-nacks? Buttons? Jewellery? Skull bones? Old photos? Food? Musical instruments? ALL CAN BE USED.
- FLOWERS: Fake flowers are best, but also keep an eye out for other people’s abandoned bouquets. I tell you Valentine’s day is a fabulous time. You can also get wildflowers from florists that last a long time because they dry out instead of die. That’s what I have…although they shed like nothing else omg.
- YOURSELF. Your face, your hands, your feet. Kidnap a child and make them pose too.
- PLAIN WHITE BACKGROUND: I bought a small piece of white cardboard from a Newsagency. (What is that in American language? An art store? IDEK.) It was like $1.
Now how do you actually take the photos?
This is an excellent and mysterious question, my fiends, and I will actually not give you many tips because, like I mentioned, I KNOW NOTHING.
But here are some general guidelines I’ve acquired during my short #bookstagram career. (I’ve been going for about 1.5 years, I believe.)
- NATURAL LIGHTING. Everyone says this…but what does it mean??? Take your photos near a window. Don’t use flash. Don’t take your photos at 5pm in the afternoon.
- FLAT-LAYS VS ANGLES. Why can’t we have both? I do a lot of flaylays (the camera is directly above the book arrangement) but angles are fun too.
- FIGURE OUT YOUR STYLE. This will help you know how you want the photos to turn out. Do you want a messy throw-everything-in-there style? Will your photo just display the book? Are you using a backdrop or taking them on your bed or by a wall or with your bookshelf in the background?
- BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. What’s in the back of your photo? Your messy kitchen? Are you taking the photo on your kitchen table? IS IT CLEAN? Are you taking it with a window directly in the background? It’ll probably be too bright and washed-out-looking. Are you taking it outside? NOT IN FRONT OF THAT SCRAPPY BUSH. MOVE TO YOUR LEFT.
- DON’T COPY OTHER’S STYLES TOO CLOSELY. I mean duh. But this needs to be said REPEATEDLY because it really sucks to have your style stolen! Trust me! Be inspired by other people, but don’t copy exactly.
I’ve discovered that most bookstagrammers don’t edit their photos. WHICH IS COMPLETELY FINE. But I am a perfectionist and editing is where my photos actually turn out…nice. (Plus I use my DSLR and don’t have a phone, so I have to send the photos to my iPod anyway. I might as well edit them before that.)
I’ve done a tutorial on how I edit my photos here.
But the basic idea is (A) make it brighter, (B) sharpen it up so it’s really cripsy like a bacon sandwich, (C) crop out anything unsavoury…like my feet which always end up in there, and (D) add a watermark.
NOTE: Watermarks are, of course, very optional. I use them because my photos constantly get stolen. Or “reposted”…but the person reposting says NOTHING ABOUT THE FACT IT’S MY PHOTO IN THEIR CAPTION. They just tag me for goodness knows what reason. So I can see they’re using my photo like their own??? HELP ME CONTAIN MY DRAGONISH WRATH. Ahem. So use watermarks if you want. Or don’t.
What’s a hashtag? It’s a GLORIOUS way for people to find your photos. I just click on #bookstagram and thousands of photos and accounts will come up for me to browse. Do not underestimate these!! People browse them all the time, and if you want new followers — HASHTAG IT, FIENDS.
Here are some common hashtags you could use: #bookstagram #bookworm #bookphotography #bibliophile #booklover #bookaddict #instareads #book #bookblogger #instabook #reader #bookish #bookgram #beautifulbooks #reading #booktag #prettybooks #coverlove
Make sure you ONLY hashtag what’s in the photo though, okay? It’s super annoying to be looking at #bibliophile and be bombarded with selfies of humans outside admiring their toenails or whatever. I mean. C’mon.
2018 EDIT UPDATE: I’ve since learned that you can use 30 hashtags, but it’s better to use maybe 10? And many hashtags are shadowbanned. You can check and see if your photos/hashtags are being shadowbanned on this site. Which is helpful ya. But use a few big ones (like #bookstagram and #booksofig) and then a few specific ones depending on your photos (like the book’s title or #anticipatedTBR or #bookishfonts or something).
Up until a few months ago I had NO IDEA HOW TO DO CHALLENGES. But holy cake crumbs they’re fun. They’re also inspiring when you don’t know what to take photos of!
What the heck is a “challenge”? WELL. A blogger will host it and give you a list of prompts for every day in the month! You can interpret them as you like and join in the challenge’s hashtag. For example I’ve been doing the #RFABJuly16 hosted by my glorious friend Charnell @ Reviews From a Bookworm! I make sure to tag my photo so it shows up in the challenge list LIKE SO:
Honestly challenges are great for inspiration. When it’s Day 13 and it’s “book and snack”? I GOT THIS.
I like to hang out on @bookstagramchallenges to see what upcoming challenges are happening!
Just some more random #ProTips from your FAVOURITE PERSON IN THE WORLD. (Spoiler: that’s me.)
- You’ll get more likes if people recognise the books in the photos.
- I also notice I get more likes when there’s multiple books in my photos. So lines of books, stacks of books, towers of books — ALL THE BOOKS.
- Build things with your books! Build towers, chevrons, windows, hearts, circles, squares, mazes, etc etc. SO MANY OPTIONS.
- Like and comment on people’s photos. INTERACTION IS GRAND.
- Don’t worry if you don’t know what your “style” is! Just keep taking photos and it’ll come to you. And you do not have to have a consistent theme if you don’t want.
- If you don’t own many books, take photos of your ebooks with your ereader! Use your library! (Although those shiny library jackets are THE PAINEST OF PAINS.) And take photos of the same books. Pfft, have you seen my feed?!? It’s 87% Maggie Stiefvater and I have no regrets.
- Write interesting or fun captions!
- Post consistently! I post 1 to 2 times a day. You don’t have to post everyday, but I’ve noticed it definitely boosts the follower count if you do.
- Instagram hates allowing paragraph gaps in your captions…WHICH IS JUST SO RUDE. But if you type your caption in your Notes App, this should help. I also put lots of dots (like so: ••• ) because that helps keep the paragraph gap too. DON’T ASK ME WHY.
Before I wrap up this gargantuanly mammoth post…I want to give a shout out to some of my favourite #bookstagram accounts!
Plus this’ll help you know who you should be following. AND will give you inspiration! AND LET’S JUST ADMIRE PRETTY BOOKISH PHOTOS, OKAY?!?! Okay.
Aaand…I’d like to mention the other 147 accounts I follow, but I shall RESIST. (For now.) (You can always go stalk who I follow on my instagram page.) (It would be a good life decision FYI.)
And hopefully you aren’t too entirely overwhelmed by all of this. But seriously — baby steps. It’s not hard! Just take photos of books and post them, basically, and enjoy yourself. Super easy.
If you’re really serious about your account and want to, like, become rich and famous (good luck with that, by the by) then utilise hashtags and network by commenting and liking other photos. Or else just have fun with this!
BECAUSE WHAT TRULY IS AS GLORIOUS AS THOUSANDS OF PHOTOS OF PRETTY BOOKS???? It’s honestly a dream come true. Oh, excuse me. I need to run away and marry bookish photos. Goodbye.
Ahh this WAS fabulous. *love heart eyes* I wish I’d had this when I started Bookstagram!
Whenever people ask me for tips I’m like LIGHTING TAKE PHOTOS WITH GOOD LIGHTING. *throws lightbulb at them, throws the sun*
Seriously, lighting makes all the difference.
And just post whatever makes you happy <3
My bookstagram is @abbie.reads DO NOT FORGET THE FULL STOP or
Much love, X
Throwing the sun is EXCELLENT advice honestly. *nods* I highly approve of that. But omg lighting DOES MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.
When people say that their photos are all dark and blurry, I just have to calmly say “now…let’s talk about lighting”. But now I’m going to just throw the sun at them because YOU DID IT FIRST SO I’M GONNA.
Your pictures are INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! I seriously don’t get how you do it, even with this very detailed explanation
I VERY briefly ventured into the world of bookstagram earlier this year but holy moly the amount of commitment required was huge o.O soooooooo much respect for you in posting 1-2 times a day as well as writing blog posts, twitter posts and then replying to your infinite number of comments. Oh, and then there is the huge amount of books you read as well. Do you ever sleep??? All hail Queen Cait!
And thank you so very much for linking to how to make those stars in your photos, I’ve wanted to know FOREVER
Omg, thankyou Jess.
You’re so nice!! heheh
Pfft, sleep is for the weak.
But YES. There is a lot to do!! And I think bookstagram can be as much of a time commitment as one likes? Like I spent 10 minutes on a photo shoot today…but last week I spent 40mins. (Okay I also often have bad time management.) SO YEAH. It just depends, I think.
GOOD LUCK WITH THE STARS!! They are tricky little beasts but SO PRETTY.
Great tips but one HUGE problem.
You mentioned using your face in pictures. YOU DON’T USE YOUR FACE *sigh* but I’ve been stalking you long enough to see your face in the beginning days of your blog *evil laugh*
But these are great tips! And I adore your bookstagram. It’s BEAUTIFUL.
HAHAHAHHAHAHA. okay. Fine. You caught me. *pouts* But seriously, Kat, omg STAY OUT OF MY ARCHIVES YOU’RE KILLING ME HERE.
I have a general Instagram account, which is pretty much a mixed bag of all things under the sky. I am also terrible at taking book photos. I mean… HOW? I shall follow your advice and pray my photo quality improves enough to get a consistent follower… speaking of, I totally don’t think I can have a theme going. It is mighty difficult for me to try and maintain two or three different accounts for different kinds of photos… so yeah… my account has everything… portraits, street, and books… all bunch of other stuff… no wonder I have no follower…
But well, I guess that’s OK. We’re all gonna die one day so, meh…
Ahem… here’s my meh instagram account, in case you’re curious… @usualhabitat
I totally get that though!! And like ALL of the tips here are just tips…definitely not golden commandments.
I think things just depend on what you want to achieve with your account? (It’d be helpful if I put that in the post hahahha #fail Cait) because I see certain types of accounts really BOOM and those are the ones I sort of emulate. Because I wanna be famous. hhahahh.
I don’t do bookstagram, even though I really like looking at people’s pictures (especially yours!). I don’t have a mobile device and I also choose not to spend that much time, but I really admire those who do. I do really like taking pictures in general, and pictures of books for blogging in specific. I do definitely want to work more on my photography though! But my little point and shoot camera is broken right now
I totally get that!! I actually put off starting for AGES. My sister was all “GET INSTAGRAM” and I was all “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO”. So 99% of the reason I put it off is because of her telling me to get one. Ahem. Shhh. I’m not petty at all. ANYWAY.
Now I’m addicted and it’s all downhill from here.
OH NO to your broken camera! *cries for you*
I love your tips here, some I couldn’t agree more. And if you post a shelfie, it’ll get more likes too but sadly I don’t have a single bookshelf in my house. PATHETIC, Haha. Spotted many favorite accounts of mine in your feature <3
Omg YES to posting shelfies!! They are like guarantees for lots of likes, right?!? I think that’s because we bookstagram communities HAVE INFINITE LOVE FOR BEAUTIFUL SHELVES.
This is such a very helpful guide. I actually want to start a bookstagram account but I a) don’t have a phone/ipod and b) don’t have the time. So I guess I’ll just settle on taking photos for blog posts, which is very enjoyable, btw, and good. I actually usually do edit my photos, at least a little, but I just use iPhoto. Sometimes I use PicMonkey for adding text, but in general I’m too lazy (#confessions). And aaaaa all your photos are so super pretty I’m just partly dying maybe. They definitely are crispy and colourful (although bacon=ugh because think of the innocent pig waiting for slaughter :'( ) Finding whit backgrounds or things is hard for me, but I feel like I enjoy a somewhat non-cluttered aesthetic (maybe because I’m too lazy to find things? But *nods* This photography advice is gold (not literally. Literal gold would be nice….)
Awww, thank you Shar! YOU ARE REALLY NICE. <3 And I'll try to recover from the traumatising realisation that you don't like bacon.
) Ahem. I use picmonkey mostly because I also have to crush my photos and I can't figure out how to do that in iPhoto?!? I'm sure there's a way but I'm a technologically inhibited frog.
Gold would be nice though now that you mention it...
My handle is @booksnbujo and my account isn’t strictly bookstagram, more like blogstagram. I just started and I’m getting so intimidated by all the beautiful pictures and mine as below subpar but I’m okay, I’m doing fine
I’ll get better (hopefully)
I think everyone gets better at things the more they do them right?!? I should’ve shown my first bookstagram photo actually.
IT WAS SO GRAINY AND HORRIBLE OMG. haha. And it had like 2 likes and they were my relatives. Ahem. *dashes off to stalk your account* 
2016 is the year I decided that my life was too boring and I needed a sort of theme for my account after 3 years on Instagram, so I joined bookstagram. I studied the most popular accounts during these months, I made some experiments with my own photos and I noticed that nobody cares about my italian editions, but if they are YA (read Harry Potter) I receive much more likes and interactions. It’s interesting how instagram works
Your advice are super useful and I prefer not having a theme for now, since I’m still trying to figure out my own style!
You can stalk my photos at
It is interesting how bookstagram works!! And i always find the photos I work the hardest on get the least likes…and the ones I just slap together get TONS. LIKE WHAT IS THIS WORLD?!? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? GAH.
Figuring out themes/styles does take a while! I only just got into mine hahah. And, of course, no one even HAS to have a theme!! IT’S ALL ABOUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT. 
I love all your tips!! It would make super good reading and instructional material for beginner bookstagrammer, well done Cait! The best bit however is that you’ll be hosting a book challenge. Awesome! I shall join you!!!!

OMG YAY THAT YOU’LL JOIN IN THE CHALLENGE!!! *flails wildly with you* I can’t wait to see your photos for it, Dashie! THANKYOU.
Oh my God! @thedarkestpartsofsnow’s Harry Potter one with the POP figures is amazing!
Does instagram automatically connect to Facebook? And do you need bookstagram to do the challenges, or can you do them on a blog? (Not a big social media person, you may have noticed. I only got FB when I went to uni, and that was only because you miss out on everything if you don’t. Also, I like to keep my blogging seperate from real life.)

I just want to screech and love all their photos forever. Ahhh. <3
The bookstagram challenge is supposed to be for instagram,
but I see exactly no reason why one couldn't do them as a blog post, right?!?? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.
I have like a half and half, so I post about books and me.
As long as you’re having fun, THAT’S ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS, RIGHT?!
Also yeah, what’s with IG hating paragraphs??? SO MAD.
And omg, I notice I get more likes when I look perplexed and/or panicked in my photos. People are so sadistic. THESE ARE EXCELLENT TIPS THOUGH. One of these days I might get a DSLR but for now I’ll stick to my iPhone

Also also, I didn’t realise most Bookstagrammers don’t edit?? My raw photos look like trash haha, if I didn’t edit my feed would suck.
YOUR INSTAGRAM IS SO PRETTY, EMILY. JUST SAYIN’. And also someone needs to talk to instagram about their priorities with the while no-paragraph-debacle. And also links. Like why is it allergic to making links clickable in the captions? WHAT YEAR IS THIS.
Bahhahaah to the panicked photos. People enjoy your pain. BUT TO BE FAIR you make some hilarious faces.
OMG BUT I KNOW RIGHT?!? I see tons of people like “I never edit” and I’m over here dying because if I didn’t edit my photos would be little monstrous things.
*creates instagram account*
*downloads app to phone and tablet*
*writes profile*
*starts following everybody Cait suggested*
*adds things like ‘find camera’, ‘gather props’ to todo list*
Sooo… since with 10 working hours days, RL getting in the way and managing a crazy challenge on a crazy big goodreads group allow for no absolute reading time… let’s add another thing to it, shall we?
*takes deep breath*
Repeat after me…. Cait knows best.
Okay so… here’s my brand new created instagram account:
As soon as first photo is taken/uploaded, you’ll be the first to know.
Omg you actually did it all!! HHAHAHAHH.
*gives you cake* And yes, pfft, of course you need ANOTHER THING on top of your already busy life. I mean, who needs sleep? Who needs sanity?
(I look forward to seeing your photos!!)
Well… I was thinking about taking my own book photos to use on the blog… your post was final push… and if I’m going to do something, may as well do it right, right?
*eats cake* delicious!
Not sure how my Xperia L is going to behave.. thought… its camera has same definition as my old nikon, so… I’ll try both. Eventually a new camera will go to the wishlist.
That’s so true!!
And I got really serious over my photos when I decided to use them on my blog! SO YAY. *hi fives* And cameras are expensive, omg, but definitely worth it when one gets a good one. *nods*
First attempts…done!
*looks at result*
Okay…. time to look at the editing tutorial
I always end up having photoshoots and just taking loads of photos in one day so I have a stock for the next couple of weeks (though my room gets VERY messy on those days). The amount if time I’ve confused my family just by wandering around the house asking for random props like “tree branches” or “screwdrivers” or something xD I have a lot of ornaments and candles dotted around my room though so they always end up involved somehow.
It really bugs me how instagram refuses to do paragraphs properly! In between all my paragraphs I put “___” though and that seems to work
Also, here’s my bookstagram:
(Hopefully that link will work!)
SAME I DO THAT TOO!! I usually do a massive photoshoot and end up completely dismantling my bookshelves.
But seriously the no-paragraph-thing is arghrghghg THE WORST. Even when I write my captions on the Note App is STILL sometimes ruins the paragraphs. *cries* Instagram really needs to fix this.
Yay! Thank you Cait. I LOVE your Instagram feed and might just drool over your gorgeous photos every day (but I’m not admitting anything). I am moving house in August so will maybe probably not do your next challenge unless the elves and the dragons help unpack boxes
OMG THANK YOU, SUE. *twirls happily* But agh, I hope you find some dragons to do the unpacking for you. Buy one off ebay perhaps? ETSY??? *goes off to find out where they sell dragons*
Unfortunately I am not I’m possession of an Instagram account, because…well let’s just say a 15 year old can only push their parents for things so much….But I do take pics for my blog, and let me tell you, this was really helpful, as I’ve noticed most of my pics are really boring and all the same. IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE! Ahem. I’m really proud of my pics for my review of Queen of Hearts. They were soo fun to set and up and take. And I always edit my photos, because they’re usually very dark if I don’t.
I’m glad it was still helpful for you!! *flails* And omg I must go stalk your blog for this Queen of Hearts photoshoot now.
I just started my bookstagram, @rivka.ray. This post could not have come at a better time! I love your August challenge, and plan on participating in it
AHHH YAY FOR STARTING!! *dashes off to see your account* And omg I look forward to seeing your photos for the August challenge!
Great tips! I absolutely ADORE your Bookstagram! I always struggle with arranging things. I truly suck at that. I’m still trying to find my theme, which will take a while, haha. How do you arrange everything? Like the books and props etc? I never know how to put things and then I keep looking on Instagram how other people do it, but I keep struggling.
Aww, thank you so much! *blushes* THAT’S SO NICE TO HEAR. And for arranging, I honestly just chuck everything on and then move it around so it kind of looks balanced/even. It doesn’t always work.
I just started bookstagramming like, two? weeks ago, so I am BOWING DOWN TO ALL YOUR GLORY right now, Cait! I love your tips, they’re great–and I’ll be pulling from them as needed in the coming weeks, for suuuuure! Thank you for being all the awesome-sauce-cake epic we all know you are, Carrot Cait! Your knowledge of all things bookish is astounding. <3
AHHH YAY FOR STARTING, BETH!! *flings confetti at you* And I really am pleased that some of this post will be helpful. :’) THAT MAKES MY DAY.
I LOOOOOVE your pics, by the by (because I’m totally stalking you over there as well, mwuahahaha!)
AND YES! YES I DID! Got a problem with it?!
This is a fabulous post. I’ve always been curious about Instagram, but I haven’t joined because I’m bad at social media and usually neglect my accounts pretty badly. I’m also a terrible photographer.
Ah, that’s okay!! Not every social media account is for everyone right?!?
I’m super motivated because I use lots of photos on my blog anyway. Although my computer HATES ME with all the book photos I have on there now omg.
This is a great post. I have been trying to do some of this but wasn’t even aware of the #bookstagram hashtag as “a thing.” LOL!!! so I’ll be seeing all of you out there in Bookstagram now…
It is difficult (for me) to move from writing to photo staging…definitely not in my comfort zone or talents but I have noticed some traffic from it even without using those hashtags so it’s worth it.
Thanks for the tips. I could just look at books all day!!!
and hashtags are super helpful for driving traffic, I agree!! I like to just trawl through my favourite hashtags and like all the things. hehe. I could look at books all day too! THEY ARE SO PRETTY.
THIS POST WAS THE BEST OF EVER!! I’d absolutely love to get into Bookstagram, but I already run an Insta account for my blog, and my blog isn’t solely book based. So I’m pretty sure that if I tried to do Bookstagram too, I would probably lose what little is left of my sanity, and that wouldn’t be good. But your account is basically the most gorgeously aesthetic place on the planet, and I love it to the ends of the earth. These tips were great for anyone who uses Insta!!! Also I really want that cheesecake you had in the photo. YUM.
AHHHH I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT GRACE!! It’s the most monstrous post of ever omg. Someone needs to tell me to chill.
Ahem. And yes I can understand managing multiple accounts would equal losing sanity. THAT WOULD BE ME HONESTLY. I don’t understand people who can run multiple blogs I just…omg. They are superheroes.
CHEESECAKE FOR EVERYONE HUZZAH! (Well, actually, just for me, honestly. I don’t share cheescake.)
I keep trying to keep up with the challenges each month, and I’m good for the first week and then…. I miss a day. And then two days. And then three weeks. I really want to keep up with my Bookstagram every day, but I think I’d rather do a mass photoshoot and then schedule posts. Are there any apps you’d recommend for that kind thing? I was looking at Hootsuite, but then I’d need to find a good photo editor app. (so many apps)
Mayhaps I’ll join your challenge in August!
My bookstagram is readerrayna and I’m still finding my style but I’m really enjoying how the setup looks, just not the floor (because I use my floor and that’s my rug, but I want something a little softer for the background.
I apparently fail with linking, but it’s
I’m kind of like that with challenges.
I’m doing two at the moment and I’ve kind of fallen apart in the middle…BUT HEY. IT’S RAINING AND I CAN’T TAKE NEW PHOTOS. So I blame it on that. #logic
I do mass photoshoots too!! It saves time instead of having to set things all up everyday. I am no help with apps though because my Ipod is a 4th gen and barely lets me do anything. *cries* I’m surprised it lets me still have instagram.
I have a bookstagram account (@Laurablogsbooks), but recently I’ve just had the urge to completely start over. I have a consistent theme of books, but the style of them is all different (like in some I have bright coloured backgrounds, whilst in others it’s white or quite muted) so I kind of want to start again and be more consistent, but I don’t want to have lost all my work so far! This has been a super helpful post though, so thanks! It’s given me some stuff to think about
Ooh, I’m glad you like the post, Laura!! And I totally get that “I want to start over” sort of feeling.
I used to post like 90% outdoor photos myself and then NOW LOOK AT ME. I never go outside hahahha. ahem. (But like don’t delete your archives! You can change and you don’t have to delete! That’s what I did. :P)
…Wow. O_O That was one fascinating tutorial! Brilliant post, Cait!
I have never in my life thought that much about photographing books. XD
I unfortunately may never manage to be a bookstagramer myself BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE A PHONE DRAT IT ALL. Ahem. I did SOMEHOW (?) manage to get an account made so that I can follow other gorgeous bookstagrams (a.k.a. yours and Christine Smith’s) so I’M PLEASED WITH THAT. I just can’t put up pics myself. Which honestly is just as well at this point because wow, I’m daunted. O_O Plus I don’t have time, so there’s that. XD Maybe someday though!
Anyway this was a great post, huzzah!
THANK YOU, DEBORAH. *bows* Although I admit this is like a small mammoth of a post.
Someday I’ll write smaller posts. SOMEDAY. I PROMISE. Ahem. I think you can sign up for instagram on the computer, but just can’t post through it? It’s weird. IT’S UNFAIR. I wish they’d open it up so computers could!! IT’D MAKE MY LIFE SO MUCH MORE EASY. <3 
Hey Cait!
Yes, I have a bookstagram account, but since I’m an author I mix it up with LOOK AT ME posts and book photos.
But mostly book photos. I love the bookstagram community and while I feel photography-eye-challenged, I still take pictures because books and cameras and happiness. (
Thanks for this post! *logs away tips*
OH that sounds like a great combo, Nadine!! And mixing things up is also exciting right?! Keeps everyone on their toes.
These are wonderful tips, Bob; Wonderful! I try to do Instagram but I’m not really as serious about it because HI MY NAME IS LAZY HAVE WE MET? I have my bookshelf all organized and stuff and I hate messing it up the whole time for a picture. Also, I only have one sad almost full bookshelf so I don’t have enough books to get really creative.
So yeah. I basically just do whatever and hope for the best. xD
HAhaha, but it is a lot of work if you want to get super serious about Instagram! I DO GET THAT. I’m obsessed but pfft, it doesn’t take much to get me obsessed in something to do with books.
And I spend a LOT of time cleaning up after dismantling my bookshelf for shots. But #noregrets
I would’ve loved to play around with something like this when I was first getting into blogging. Back when I was reading more.
Alas, I have no phone or tablet, so I wouldn’t be able to join in. (That’s one thing that really bugs me. There are so many cool apps out there, but you pretty much have to have a small device to use most of them. Which sucks.)
I tooootally agree, gah, why isn’t it available on the computer?!? Like it’s a pain because I have to email my photos to myself and I’m sure they lose quality. PLUS I have to have them crushed smaller because my iPod is old and cranky and will crash if the photo size is too big. SO YEAH. Instagram sure does have it’s downsides…but still. Much much fun.
THIS IS SO HELPFUL HONESTLY. I have a bookstagram…but it’s insanely underused and I never remember to take photos and there is like 0 consistency. BUT AH WELL. So thank you for this lovely guide, it’s awesome!
AFJDKSLA I AM SO GLAD, EVI! *flings confetti in the air*
I like this post a lot! I’ve been wanting to get better at bookstagramming for aaages, but … I don’t know what happens. I get overwhelmed or lazy or whatever, and then I end up not posting nearly as often as I’d like. But! I’m going to change that! For real this time. Should definitely get my hands on some cool fairy lights, though… Thanks for the tips, Cait!
OH FAIRY LIGHTS YES!!! I actually want to get some of those too.
I mean, we have some in our christmas box, but the idea of getting that out is mildly terrifying. SO MAYBE ONE DAY. haha.
Absolutely amazing post. Everything a person needs to know about bookstagram in one place. Very helpful indeed!

I also started taking my photos with my phone and only recently bought a compact camera but it’s quite the difference. But the cameras in phones are now getting better and better every time so I don’t think people should buy camera just for the sake of bookstagram. And I like to edit my photos because without it it would be a disaster. I love playing with filters.
Paragraphs are getting on my nerve too. I mean… whyyyy? Why is it so hard to enabled them? It would make life so much easier.
Btw I find sticking to one theme really hard because I want to change thing a lot, but I think I found one that’s working for me. I love your aesthetic and your cluttered photos, I think they’re adorable and I wish I’d be so good at it. Maybe someday
Also, instagram is a strange place and I don’t know how it works either because some days photo gets a lot of like and some day just a few. Also, the number of people I’m following has been changing without me unfollowing anyone so that’s strange.
Aww, thanks Simona!! *flails happily* It is such a mammoth post, omg. Basically CAKE TO WHOEVER MAKES IT TO THE END!! HAH.
*whispers* I absolutely bought a DSLR for bookstagram.
And omg why can’t instagram get its act together and let us have paragraphs?!? Links would also be nice. IT’S SO FRUSTRATING that it won’t make links work. *growls*
And I don’t think anyone HAS to stick to like one style of photos!! I like variation.
And like I mostly go for that cluttered look but I also do minimalism shots sometimes because I like them.
So it’s just about doing what you want, I think. Depending on what you want to achieve.
OMG I love bookstagram

when I finally gave in and got Instagram I instantly told myself off for having waited so long. It’s so much fun! And YAY totally going to do your book challenge *victory boogy* it’s going to be swell. And also, I totally agree on the whole reposting thing, ffffs, I scroll through liking these photos and then I realise it’s not actually their photo so I’m like OH NO YO DIDUNT and unlike it #reckless
Same! SAME.
I actually put it off for ages because my sister was the one telling me to get one…and seriously, it’s like 90% of the Laws of Being a Sibling to actually purposely not do what your siblings’ ask. But anyway. I BROKE. I GOT ONE. I LOVE IT. *joins you with the victory boogy*
I’m so not a fan of reposting. Unless it’s STRICTLY because you want to promote an account you love and you are sending people their way! Then that’s cool. Now though, whenever I find accounts taking my photos I block them.
I tend to dabble around in challenges and don’t like to stick to just one but for sure I will pop in multiple times to yours!
I ADORE bookstagram, though I don’t really have a consistent feed I don’t think. I’ve got the colorful thing going, and like 60% of my pictures are on a white background, but I don’t know if that counts? If I pick a theme, I want it to be really broad (like yours), so I was thinking about doing a white background thing, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to stick to it. Maybe I’ll try it for August. Hmmm…
I have a protip, even though I’m not very pro. It falls into your “use pages of things as background” category. So – if you go to a paint store/remodeling store/ wherever they sell wallpaper and ask the person if they have any old Demo wallpaper books of styles that they don’t use anymore. They throw these things out. So you get a giant book of really pretty, thick paper that you can cut out and use! I’ve got THREE like this (though I have yet to use them on bookstagram. My sister makes birthday cards out of them).
So that is all I have to add to your wonderful advice.
YAY SOPHIA. I AM GLAD. I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR PHOTOS!! (This is like my first time of ever hosting…well co-hosting…a challenge and eep I’m nervous.
) And I totally think consistent is great but like breaking it is also perfectly fine.
Or changing it up completely!! I sometimes do that! I don’t think we should have to lock ourselves into anything, you know? Or else it’d be easy to get bored and limited. Sometimes I do like minimalistic shots even though it doesn’t really match my theme. BUT WHATEVER. hheh
Great post!! Bookstagram is one of my favorite things on the planet! I like just browsing #booknerd or #booklover to find new books to read or get inspired by people’s pretty pictures! I use a foam core board as my background most of the time. One side is covered with fake marble and the other with pages of an old medical book!
Ohhh, that sounds like a glorious background!! My white cardboard piece basically got ruined since my dog decided it looked delicious.
Bookstagram truly is life and it’s just so INSPIRING seeing how creative people can be!!
This made me laugh so much, and it had some great advice! I’m still trying to get to grips with bookstagram and trying to come up with new ideas all the time. I might have to write some down because my brain is like a sieve. My instagram is @wonderfullybookish in case you wanted to have a look ;D :)))
Eeep, I’m glad it was helpful and you liked it!! *dashes off to visit your bookstagram*
Aww Cait this is the best post I’ve ever read about bookstagram! I know I’ve said it before, but I really want to joint bookstagram. I had a fandom account a few years back though and it ended up being quite stressful, so I’m a bit tentative about running an account again, I guess. I’ve been taking photos and let me tell you, as a frequent library visitor, those shiny covers KILL ME. Also I loved oragami as a kid, I should get back into that. Oh and instead of emailing your photos to yourself, you could upload them to a google drive account and they will be right there on your phone if you get the app! I find it much simpler. Thank you tons for this!
Agh yes I do hear you about the library covers.
IT’S REALLY HARD TO GET THEM LOOKING NICE. Like I want nice natural light…but then it reflects off those dreaded library dust jackets and just arghrarugh. Also the stickers and barcodes are annoying. *heavy sigh* BUT WE DO WHAT WE CAN.
I’d try that with the google account, but unfortunately my iPod is REALLY OLD NAD FINICKY. Honest it shuts down for just about every ap and I don’t think it’d handle google drive very well. *cries*
I have this very weird discomfort about hashtags. I’m not sure where it came from, but… hashtags on Instagram are kind of odd to me. (Granted I’m fairly new to them, so… maybe I just have to get used to it.) Thanks for the excellent post! It’s definitely given me some stuff to think about as I prod Instagram with a stick and look at it suspiciously out of the corner of my eye. (As one does when one acquires a new form of social media.) (Or is that just me?)
Ohhh. That’s interesting! I mean, hashtags are kind of crucial for things like instagram and twitter.
They totally are, which is why me whole preoccupation with them is so silly! The strangest part is I’m pretty okay using them on Twitter… I think it’s more that Instagram is new to me, so everything about it feels a bit odd? …I don’t know. My brain is weird.
Ah this post is great! I’ve been contemplating a bookstagram account, but I’ve kind of pushed it to the side because 1. I suck at taking photos and 2. I’m so inconsistent. Always. But your post inspired me and maybe I will make one… in the near future!
Thanks for all the tips!
Eeeep, I’m glad you liked the post, Cloe! AND GOOD LUCK IF YOU DO START! And trust me, the more you do things the better you get at it.
I should’ve posted my first instagram upload…it was HORRIFIC and grainy and unfocused haahhaha. I’ve come a long loooong way.
This is like the fiftieth thing that semi freaks me out about joining the online bookish community, haha. Okay … that may be an exaggeration. But I’m still like: HOW DO I DO ALL OF THIS?! Cait, this helped and now I’m a little excited. Eventually, I’ll be coming, eventually.
Ahem. But still! One doesn’t have to do ALL the things with book blogging! It’s just what you want to do and what you can handle.
I tried to establish a bookstagram theme once upon a time, but I get so bored when my photos are even remotely similar. Henceforth, the theme flew out the window. Oh well.
I haven’t been posting regularly because my family just moved and half of my belongings are in unlabeled boxes. I keep telling myself I’ll get back to posting soon, but idk.
That’s totally fine!! I don’t think people HAVE to have themes or anything.
Although I did notice my numbers go up when I went with a semi-consistent theme, but pfft, I also break it all the time. IT’S ABOUT HAVING FUN. THAT’S THE #1 THING.
I kind of have an obsession with Bookstagram, despite the fact that I do not own a phone capable of taking pictures (or a decent camera), THOUGH I LOVE LOOKING AT ALL THE PRETTY BOOKS.
Between tumblr and pinterest and bookstagram I AM LOST TO THE pRETTY.
I personally hate the need for an aesthetic! IT INFURIATES ME THAT IT’S A THING! I only ever see people’s photos on MY feed, so why does it matter so much if all their photos match? I. DON’T. GET. IT.
I understand that they look nice, but how often are people just looking at one persons photos at once? Like I look at my feed? Don’t people do that too? I’m confused.
I spent like a year being worried that my photos were too similar, and turns out that was not something I needed to be worried about, because people want that… don’t people get bored with that? I will never have an aesthetic I just can’t do it. I will edit my photos how I think they look best, and that’s not going to be the same for every photo. I WILL NOT DO IT!!! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME WORLD!
I have just accepted that I will never have lots of followers on there, and well that’s fine.
Well, like I hopefully conveyed in this post, I don’t think anyone needs an aesthetic if they don’t want one. It’s more a style thing. When I see your photos I think they’re very clearly in your style.
Anyway, sorry you disliked the post so much.
Oh I didnt dislike the post at all! I dislike how so mamy people on instagram care so much more about whether all the photos match than whether they are good. My anger was direct at instagram, not at you.
It was a great post, but just the idea that people (not necessarily you, just people in general) only like instagrams where everything matches annoys me because you usually see them in a feed not all together anyway so I just dont get why its so important.
I’ve seen other posts that are all “all the good intagrams have themes” and I just dont get why its so damn important. This is the first post ive seen where someone hasnt said that they are completey essential, which is very nice. So i didnt dislike the post at all… i just have my issues with the whole instagram themes thing…
I mean, definitely “each to their own” with themes vs no themes, right?! But I do think people can have successful and beautiful accounts without themes. Whenever someone says “you must do this and this to be successful” they need to just sit down. There are ALWAYS more ways. *nods sagely*
Sorry for misunderstanding your original comment! haha. *gives you cake*
OMG DID YOU READ MY MIND OR WHAT? Last time I just googled ‘props for bookstagram’ because I’m fairly new and have little ideas about it so where else I turn to but the godly google?
I feel like you wrote this post for ME! So I also used paper stars, kusudama flowers, and buttons and colorful paper clips because they’re cheap and I like my photos bursting with colors! and also like you, I have tendency to ransack the house to find things I could use for props. I have recently claimed my mom’s marble table and my brother’s Nikon D3100 but clearly I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO USE IT. I keep asking him what to do if I want to darken the picture or blur it or whatever it is I want to do to the point where he’s completely annoyed and just tell me to play however I want with his camera lol. Also, I love looking at those beautiful flatlays but angles work best for me. I can modify the angle easily PLUS IT’S EASIER because with flatlay I have to, like, stand on the marble table which kind of horrifies my mom. Plus, I tend to take the photos on my porch so the passerby are very likely to find me standing at a table and taking pictures. Fabulous post!!
Also ransacking the house for props is the BEST and usually very cheap. hahahh. But omg I hear you with having no idea how the camera actually works. MY LIFE. I did try tutorials and things but omg I just have no idea. *flails and collapses* It’s still pretty awesome what you can do with automatic though!
That’s kind of awesome
Ohhh I was just about to try watching tutorials…. let see if it works or not
I know automatic is the best!!
My account is 80% books, 10% food, 8% travel photos and 2% random selfies. having separate accounts for everything just seems too complicated. I’ve been following you from the beginning and I followed all the accounts you just mentioned as well. Thanks for the tips. I haven’t done a challenge so far. I love the idea of the one you’re hosting but I’ll be travelling most of the month and I don’t want to worry about the challenge. I’ll join in the next one
That sounds like a really awesome combination of things, honestly!! *flails for you* And aww, thank you for following me. YOU ARE SO VERY KIND.
Awesome post Cait! I do have a bookstagram account – followed your tips and it’s the same name as my blog woo! But yeah, I have a lot of trouble consistently posting! I’m finding that I need to take lots of photos all at once, and then upload them slowly, if I want a consistent feed
OH WELL ^_^ Another worry is finding the right style, my style. But you’re right – it WILL come to me eventually (I hope!!) This was honestly so fun to read – thanks for sharing! 
I do that too! Bulk photoshoot and then just stagger them out over the weeks.
It saves time, too, I think, instead of trying to set up photos everyday. omg I would go mad trying to do that. (I probably should’ve mentioned this in the post ahhh. Oh well.
Yeah, the only problem is when you don’t have any photos left! But that comes down to organisation I guess haha xD
I love your tutorials, Cait XD Goodness, I would read a tutorial of //how to vacuum your room// if you wrote it. I DON’T EVEN CARE your tutorials are the best. Okay, all your posts are the best. But your tutorials just ring with SOMETHING. I can’t explain it. You’re so hilarious and adorable and YET YOU ACTUALLY TELL US KNOWLEDGE IN THE MIDST OF BEING COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY CAIT-ISH. You are a magical cake creature of doom.
(also now I’m inspired to find a nitch of stationary//jewelry//art mixture and possibly actually take decent pictures and stuff. So good job.)
I AM REALLY GLAD LISA. THIS PLEASES ME IMMENSELY. It’s probably because I spend so much time yelling at poor Susan. (Or Bob, as the case may be. I’m trying to spread it out.)
I am both amazed and upset that you use Automatic for you photos. Upset because the settings was literally what I was going to ask you. Amazed because I find it really hard to work with automatic most of the time lmao! I really want to get started on Bookstagram again, but it’s so hard to take images because I’m not an early riser enough to get the good lighting LOL. My account is thewordsoffthepage
BAHAH SORRY ALEXA!! I honestly wish I knew how to use settings! I read tutorials all the time and just — wheest — the go over my head. *cries piteously for self* I tend to take photos in the middle of the day actually, to get the lighting nice! Or at least in winter.
In summer I can go a bit later because it’s light for AGES here.
OMG this is so helpful, especially considering I’ve been posting book photos on my personal instagram and have been considering creating a secondary account for a bookstagram. i’d be using the username my personal is under now (because my twitter handle too) and switching my personal’s username… and i’ll be doing ALL OF THIS before your challenge starts because do i want to take part YES, YES I DO.
(I should probably take more photos of books before i do this… right?)
But you know that. 
HAHAH THANK YOU I should probably post a photo now… I was tagged in a thing on my personal but I’m going to post it there FINALLY (I may or may not be tagging you)
All these photos were comparable to the crispness of a bacon sandwich and I have to admit I’M SO INSPIRED TO START A BOOKSTAGRAM NOW. I’ve seen them, of course I mean they’re EVERYWHERE, but for whatever reason I have never really felt the urge to make one of my own. A bit of a cop out, I know. I just like looking at everyone else’s pretty pictures I’M SORRY.
Honestly though, this was so helpful, and fun to read through. I feel as if I’m Susan in every instance. Susan = me. Me = Susan. I just have an affinity for scrappy bushes okay?!
Also, will definitely check out the #ausyachallenge – excited to start.
P.S: @introtoblurb is my account name if you have a second to check it out
OMG THIS MAKES ME VERY HAPPY. THANK YOU. Also I’m craving crispy bacon thanks to this post. Sheesh. And bookstagram really has taken off lately, right?!? It’s AWESOME.
Okay I shall call you Susan now. But then I’ll probably yell at you to move from the scrappy bush, so apologises in advance.
Thanks for this post Cait! I’m still pretty new to bookstagram and I’m definitely struggling with some of these things. Eg lighting haha since I’m a night owl for sure. And posting regularly is pretty hard as well, hopefully I’ll get better at this now my life is a bit less busy.

And I need a personal style but I haven’t figured that one out yet haha, still experimenting
If you’re ever bored and want to check me out my account is @bellesbookadventures
Also just wanted to say I love your pictures! And I’m gonna try to keep up with the challenge you’re hosting
Oh YAY I’ll dash over and see your instagram ASAP!! And I totally understand about not knowing quite your style. And I don’t think it’s a make-or-break thing. I took FOREVER to figure out mine…and honestly sometimes I don’t know if it’s a style or just what I happen to be using because the props are convenient haha.
Great post! I tried a photo challenge a few months ago, but fell off when it got busy at work. Maybe I’ll try one again. It was fun, and I got better at taking pictures with my phone. Natural lighting is the best I’ve found. Before, I used to always take photos wit the lights on, and scowl at the glare. My Instagram isn’t solely a Bookstagram, though, as I had an account before I started my book blog, but I think it fits its description. Even though I’ve had it for years, I didn’t really get into using it a lot until earlier this year. I wish I had read an article like this when I first got it, though. I think I would’ve streamlined my posts better.
I sometimes fall off challenges in the middle too.
I did for the two I’m doing this July. Oops. But it was raining and cold for several days so I just didn’t have motivation to try and take photos. *nods* But I like challenges because you CAN slack off if you want and then come back in later. 
This just makes me even more excited for the book blog that I am SO CLOSE to getting started!!! All that’s left is for me to finalize on the name of it, and then I can start Bookstagram-ing ( that way the name of my blog and my bookstagram account will be the same ). The excitement is killing me! I wish I wasn’t so indecisive. But soon! Also super nice to know that you can be an amateur and still have fun with it.
OMG I CAN’T WAIT, EM!! *flails* And I totally love when blogs/instagrams names match, because it’s easier to match/connect them, right?! hehe THE EXCITEMENT KILLS ME TOO. I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE GRAND UNVEILING.
Wonderful advice! Now if only I had a smartphone or tablet. Not to mention time. When I’ve got a work project going, I can’t keep up with my blog and social media as it is!
Fair enough, Lark!
It is time consuming! I accidentally spent like 1hr the other day in a photoshoot…whoops.
Until I discovered the book blogging world about 3 months ago, I had never thought of the idea of using the outsides of books as art, but you really do manage to make books beautiful with your bookstagram! Personally, I don’t think I have the aesthetic, creativity, or photography skills to start a bookstagram, nor do I really want to make another social media account, but I will continue to admire your bookstagram from afar!
Also, I looked up newsagency because I was curious and don’t know any Australian English (I’m American btw) and it is newsstand in American English.
Aww, thankyou, Karen! And I understand! Bookstagram isn’t for everyone *nods* but I appreciate your nice comments. <33
OH newstand OF COURSE. *facepalm* I feel like I should've known that. haha.
I don’t have a set bookstagram account, but I do have an instagram: I’m trying to do more bookish photos because I love them and they are fun, but I don’t want to limit my Insta to JUST that because I don’t have separate accounts for personal and blog so I post a mix of things.
That makes sense! And I think any social media account is just about doing what you want and having fun with it, too.
Because if things aren’t fun, ugh, it just becomes tedious to keep them up. I can’t imagine managing several insta accounts, so I understand!
I’ve been TRYING to do a bit more Instagram lately, but I can never arrange things to look all gorgeous the way you do. I think this is one area where I just might not be able to succeed because I just don’t have that artistic eye. BUT I’m not quite giving up yet. I figure if I keep practicing, it’s bound to get at least a bit better, right? (But I definitely don’t have time to do one or two pictures a day – I’m going for a few a week to start out with!)
I just totally DUMP things in there and hope for the best. I swear that’s all my secrets. hahah.
I don’t honestly think I have a very artistic eye either. (My sister is like an artist so I feel like a small grape in comparison. Ahem.)
A few a week sounds good! BEST OF LUCK, NICOLE!
This is a timely post for me because I have just started getting into bookstagramming. I think I may give the ausyachallenge a go. I haven’t tried a challenge before but have wanted to. Great tips.
OMG YAYYYYY, ANNA, I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOUR PHOTOS!!! It’s like my first time co-hosting a challenge, so I’m hoping tons of people join in, hehe.
Oh boy, this post is making me want to re-join Instagram …
I deleted my Instagram account at the beginning of 2016 because it felt like I was wasting too much time on it. I honestly haven’t REALLY missed it until now. Reading this post. I want all those pretty #bookstagram pictures back!! Egads.
Ooops. Sorry!
EXCEPT I’M NOT THAT SORRY BECAUSE INSTAGRAM IS SO FUN! I guess it’s about balance though!
Wow. This is an amazing post. Thank you so much for putting this together — and for listing some of those instagram accounts. I’d never seen therusticwindow before, but I absolutely love her aesthetic.
I’m struggling to get my bookstagram together. Mainly because I’m a sporadic poster and I often like to take pictures of my cats. But I’m definitely going to try out some of yours tips!!
MOST WELCOME!! I’m glad you liked it! And omg @therusticwindow is just SO AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL. I just can’t look enough at how gorgeous her feed is. <3
But cats are awesome to photograph.
Oh my gosh. Susan really needs to get a hang of this already.
This was such a helpful post! My bookstagram is here and I’ve only recently started to revive it (I am eager, and excited about where it is heading, and gosh bookstagramming is SO MUCH FUN).
And you’re completely right, it is indeed-y your bookstagram and you can do what you please. One of the best ways to get lots of good followers is to post a lot (although this new algorithm thing might make this less effective this is never a bad thing) and it’s what’s helped me ‘grow’ mine.
Also, pretty pictures and a cool-looking feed makes you happy!
Yes, dangit that Susan. Although I feel slightly bad for yelling at her, but HEY SOMEONE’S GOTTA BE THE ONE I SHOUT AT. (Usually it’s Bob, tbh.) Ohhh I shall go stalk your instagram immediately!! WAIT. Did I say stalk? I definitely meant have a friendly visit. :’)
And yes, ugh to that new algorithm, though.
I think the more interaction one gets, like with likes/comments, the more people will see your post? Still is SO annoying. I wish they hadn’t changed it!
This was a really helpful post!! Thank you for writing this, Cait! ^_^
I AM GLAD YOU LIKED IT. *twirls happily*
*cackles and run off with all your secrets*
I feel like your photos have been wonderful the day you started Instagram, Cait. You are too amazing. I cringe at my first photos and now kinda want to delete them all. Thank you so much for giving my account a shout out and for loving my photos, you glorious person. I can barely believe you like my feed XD!
I used to think that Bookstagram was just all pretty pictures, but the community behind it is so welcoming and amazing. Sometimes I just want to abandon all blogging and live on there forever. Haha.
Oh no no no you should’ve SEEN my first bookstagram photo.
IT WAS HORRIBLE AND GRAINY AND JUST THE WORST. I have come a long way hahhaha. Ahem. But omg I LOVE your feed and you are an instagram pro. Honestly. <3
Ahh I just started doing bookstagram a few months ago and so far I’m having a lot of fun! I mean, what’s more awesome than talking about books you love with others & seeing all the gorgeous pictures?!?!? NOT MUCH, THAT’S WHAT.
These tips are bang-on & I’ve been using most of them so far. Haven’t decided about a watermark yet, though………hmm. Stealing is not cool, people. Not cool at all.
EXACTLY MY THOUGHTS, TBH. Nothing beats gazillions of beautiful bookish photos that we can feast our eyeballs on. <3
And ugh, yes, stealing is not cool. I didn't have trouble with it at first, s I guess it depends?! And I know tons of GINORMOUS accounts don't worry about it, so I guess it just depends on whether one is paranoid (spoiler: I am
This is a great post! I wish I’d had it when I started out. My other tip would be to participate in tags and tag other people even if no one has tagged YOU. It’s a great way to interact with people. (Though I do recommend that the people you tag be those who’ve followed you/you’ve talk to versus accounts with 50 billion followers who will never see it) My instagram is @tamaraniac
That’s so true! We don’t have to wait to be tagged!
Although I do tag people I don’t follow, sometimes, because I tag people who tag me and I don’t follow everyone of ever. EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO but omg I’d never get through everyone’s photos!
Hi! Thank you so much for your tips. It really helped me to get started
Yon can stalk me at:
OH YAY!! I am so glad about that, Lena!
I just started my bookstagram account a few months ago and I love it! I don’t have a lot of followers but i just enjoy taking pictures of my books and sharing my love of them. Hopefully more people will join me and my obsession in the future. My link is You know. If you wanted to check it out…
Of COURSE I want to check out your bookstagram!! *dashes over* And I really love your reason for posting. <3 That is epic and wonderful and bookstagram is such a cool creative outlet for we rabid bookworms. :')
This was incredibly helpful. I really needed some tips. I love your bookstagram by the way!
Aww, thanks, Skye! *twirls happily*
Just kidding, it’s me, pulling a Val, but I felt like you needed a Susan, so yeah. Because look, I ask myself the aesthetic/theme question on the regular so. Yeah. My life is too unorganized for bookstagram, I have decided. I am woefully uncreative. I have the consistency of… well, something incredibly inconsistent. I also have crap lighting, and no good props. Maybe one of these days, Cait.
ALSO, yes, can we please get someone to yell at Instagram until they get a computer situation? Like, I used to take my photos with my DSLR but then it got to be such a PAIN, since I had to send them to my phone anyway, and so now I just use my stupid phone camera, because time. So yeah, this Susan will sign that petition.
I want to join your challenge thougH! And by “join”, I mean “intend to do it, start out strong, skip seven days, try to do a few make ups, then admit defeat”. Does it have to be Australian books? Because I have SOME… but not enough for an entire month? Well maybe I do, Idk. I have more than you’d assume, especially ones that are normally not found outside of Australia, but that is because I have problems with patience, and also with Hunger Games. Whatever, I am playinG! Because I like you guys, and I like Australia. And I need to show off my new copy of Corruption
I’m going to be so sunk if an actual Susan follows me blog and gets upset because I’m yelling at them.
BUT IT’S EITHER THEM OR BOB. I thought I’d share the fury?? Because #kindness
But yes, seriously, instagram needs to be able to work on the computer. I MEAN WHY DOESN’T IT?!??!? Sure it’s designed for mobile devices, but soooo???? It’s 2016. Instagram, shape up. Stop living in the dark ages.
OMG I WILL BE VERY HAPPY IF YOU JOIN THE CHALLENGE. <3 And you don't have to post Aussie books at all! I, um, *ahem* won't be.
Mostly because I don't own a lot of Aussie books and I need to post Stiefvater pictures at least 90 times a week. So.
Thank you so much for this! I love and admire all the pretty pictures in Instagram but I’m awful at taking pictures! Most times I’m in a hurry and the best lighting to take a picture in my house is out on the porch which is very inconvenient. *Sigh* I will keep trying and practice makes perfect, right?
Aw, thanks, Liza! And I definitely think just practise. My very first photo was HORRIBLE and grainy and I’m so embarrassed of my archives basically.
But we improve the more we do something, right?!? Good luck to you!
AHH! I love this! I’ve had instagram for the last couple of years but I used to ignore it… until I discovered Bookstagram! Now I’m like give me beautiful photos of books NOW! In the last couple of months I’ve started taking pics I’m happy with but there’s a loooong way to go still. Thanks for all the tips, I’m always amazed as how many prompts people have! My instagram is @albainbookland and I’ll try to join in with your challenge, it looks like so much fun!
Alba in Bookland
Thanks for the advice! You are a hilarious blogger. I’ll definitely follow your blog from now on.
I’ve just started my account: @reginasroyalreads. I hope I can create a profile that represents me well and improve the quality of my content in a matter of time.
Omg THANK YOU REGINA. That is super kind of you to say. <3 I'm off to visit your insta now!
First off: “Kidnap a child and make them pose too.” I’m still laughing over that comment.
Second, I really love this post. You talked a lot about the basics of bookstagram, but the way you presented it is wonderful. You brought your humor and your style, and I really think that any newbie can read this post and feel pumped up and ready to take some pictures. (I’ve been taking book photos for a long while, and I’m excited to take some.)
Thank you for sharing this post!
This is exactly the reason that I agree to babysit my nephew/nieces. (I ACTUALLY PROMISE THAT CHILD IN THE PHOTO IS MY RELATIVE NAD NOT SOME STRANGER OFF THE STREET.) Ahem.
Aww, thanks, Carrie!! YOU ARE SO ENCOURAGING.
YAY Aus YA! Are you Australian too?!

I also am thinking of starting a bookstagram for my blog friends to follow
I am still to think of a name
Yes I am Australian! *flails* And good luck with your bookstagram!
I always find these posts really fascinating because everyone does Instagram differently! It’s so fascinating to hear that there are those fake wood photography backgrounds! I definitely think all the stuff around the house does beautifully for instagram props. So many beautiful accounts to follow too! I’m surprised not many instagrammers actually edit their posts.
Oh oh I totally agree!! I love getting the behind-the-scenes sort of idea about everyone’s blogging/instagram methods.
And YES. All fake ahahhhah oh dear. We do have some wooden floors at my house but they’re in horrible lighting and they’re too shiny. And they’re not beaten and white.
Hi!this is such a syarted my bookstagram back in April.But still.struggling with themes and stuff.we can be friends and you can help well. My bookstagram name is fama.bookshed.
I’m glad you liked the post!
My feed is a mess, hehe. I don’t have a certain theme or aesthetic, but you know what, I love it anyway
I once tried to keep the same style, but I just like to switch it up. Your feed is to die for though 
Lately I’ve been making pictures with the camera on my phone, so I need to pick up my DSLR again and make better quality pics. I’ve noticed that they tend to get more likes.
Liking and commenting on other photographs is so important. That is how you get yourself noticed by other, new people.
But that’s not a problem!! Like you don’t HAVE to have a consistent feed or anything. Bookstagram should be about having fun and being as creative as you want!
I do like my DSLR for photos. <333 But I see people do AMAZING things with their phones too! So much bookstagram talent out there omg.
This post is all of the awesome!!! Mine is scheduled and has been for ages but I keep going back to it. Mines more on how to successfully grow your Instagram, but it’s basically the same thing. This post is just amazing! And thank you so much for mentioning my challenge, I have loved seeing all your photos for it. Your photos are always so stunning and I am very envious of your talent with flatlays… I CAN’T TAKE THEM! I seriously can’t. I never know how to organise the props when I do flat lays or how to get the lighting right. It always looks awful, so I definitely bow down to your superior skills! I completely agree with all the accounts you featured, I follow and love them all! Can’t wait to see you hit 20K followers on Insta, you will get there in no time!!!!
Ahhhh THANKYOU!! And I can’t wait to read yours! Because growing one’s instagram audience is something I still really have no clue how to do.
I honestly feel like I’m just fumbling around in the dark, argh. But omg honestly my secret to organising the props is just: DUMP THEM ALL IN A PILE AND HOPE FOR THE BEST.
I’m s classy.
Love this post! The desire to start booksta-ing grows stronger and stronger …….
DO IT, EMILY. DO IT. It’s fun and you take photos already, right?!? *lures you over with cake*
FANTASTIC ADVICE. I could really stand to use it, because…. My feed is feeling very neglected right now. BUT I DIGRESS. STILL A FANTASTIC POST.
Hey Cait! Been reading (stalking) your blog and you give the best advice and write amaing reviews. My bookstagram is (we’ve interacted before).
Awww, thankyou Sarah! AND WELCOME. Stalkers are given cake of appreciation here.

My god this was is so helpful!! Thank you for everything in this post and I will try to start my account next week *-*
Ahhh I’m so glad you liked it!! THANKYOU! (And good luck)
Great read! I started my bookstagram account a month ago now and I love it! I still have very little followers, but I enjoy taking pictures! I am still trying to figure out my style. I like trying new pictures and seeing how it turns out! These are great tips! Thank you thank you! My account is romeylin
I’m glad you liked the post!! *flails happily* And congrats on starting up your insta! I’ll have to come take a look.
I will use this for my bookstagram account. I just made mine and i’m having a little trouble but your post has helped me out a lot. SADLY I SUCK ST PHOTOGRAPHY. However i wil use your tip and try and not make my book photograph look so crusty. Also my account is @Alliereads_
Oh yay!! I’m glad the post was helpful and best of luck with your account! Trust me, practise is half the battle.
I’m reading this now really really late but I love your blog and you’re so funny!
And I just started my bookstagram account and these tips helped a lot so thank you! and I checked out your account. ITS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!
If you wan to come say hello here’s the link to mine : Its not the best btw just my way of saying I’m awful at it right now but yeah!
I am so late on this lol but I love your blog you’re so funny!
and I checked out your Instagram its absolutely beautiful! I just started my bookstagram still getting the hang of it but these tips helped out a lot so thank you so much! *-* and here’s the link to mine : Its not the best lol my way of saying its awful right now. But thank you so much for this. x
Aw, thank you and I’m glad the post was useful! Good luck with your account!
I’ll be creating a new account in ig exclusive for bookstagram since my feed is kind of messy. This helps a lot.. Thank you!
Here’s my private account for now since I haven’t created one yet ig: paperdollsletter
Aghhh tysm for all these tips. I’m sort of in a photo slump recently and this helped a lot… I love your bookstagram so much (you’re on one of my stalk list when I lack inspiration xdd)
This post has been amazing! I’m just starting out in my bookstagram account – @athousandpages_
Also, LOVE your feed!
Come check it out?
YAY I’m so glad you liked the post! THIS MAKES ME VERY HAPPY.
I’d love to have your support as I get started in my bookstagram career!
Hi, Cait!
Really, thank you for these tipps. Even though I don’t want to open my own instagram account (heck, who am I kidding, I probably will) I want to improve the pictures on my blog. Funnily enough, (<< is that even a phrase?) I'm good at taking pictures of all that is nature but I. Suck. At. Staging. Books. So thanks for all that input. I really had a great time reading your post.
Here I am, browsing the internet in search of somebody who knows the secret art of taking good pictures of the world’s greatest treasure – books. And there you are.
Now I'm probably spending my evening reading through your blog and leaving comments at two year old posts. Hrm, don't be alarmed. I'm not a creepy stalker. I promise!
LG, m
hi! i’m starting a bookstagram now. thanks for the advice!
i’m worried about photo quality, though — i’m dorming, and my room is on the side of the building that gets 0 natural light — and about money… there seems to be a lot of emphasis on book hauls? i borrow all my books from the library (not always the prettiest copies lbr) and can only afford to buy my faves. and my dorm room is kind of grotty, not very aesthetic™ with horrible shelving. i’m mostly just complaining… but do you have any advice for bookstagramming on a budget? (i’ll probably end up taking all of my photos outside lol)
anyways, thanks again! @booksandbriars
You definitely don’t have to spend money on bookstagram if you don’t want to! You can photograph library books or even ebooks on your phone/ereader. And there are tons of things to use as props (including mugs and pens/pencils) that you might already have on hand. Or you can go minimalist with white and simple backgrounds.
The light is hard though…I do suggest going outside in the daylight if you can! Lamps/artificial light will make your photos grainy. But outdoors can be awesomely aesthetic too! *nods* There’s no right/wrong way to do bookstagram.
Do whatever you want!
You take amazing photos! I love these tips! I’ve always posted photos of books on my private Instagram account, but decided my books require there own page. Here goes to having fun and discovering new reads. Hopefully I can get the hang of this and my bookstagram will flourish. I think my biggest problem is lighting but eventually I will find my niche. Thank you for the wonderful tips. My bookstagram page is caudrey_adventureinbooks hope you stop by.
OH I hope you have a good time with bookstagram too!! IT’S SO MUCH FUN, HONESTLY. And the community is so friendly and welcoming. <3 I'll definitely stop by yours and say hi!
I love this post so much! I just made my account today and am still figuring everything out but this post is going to be a lifesaver, I’m sure.
Oohh good luck, Emma!! I hope you enjoy bookstagram!
Thank you! I just started posting photos and they’re not so great but it’s all a work in progress lol. Hopefully I’ll get better in time, It’s not helping that my rear camera on my phone has stopped working so I’ve been using the front camera. But oh well, it’ll all work out eventually. I love your account! It’s gorgeous
Thank you so much! I’ve been debating whether or not to make a bookstagram and now I have the knowledge and ideas I’ve been searching for. Wish you best of luck! Mine is @sparklingbook.s AND IM GOING TO POST WHATEVER I WANT THANKS SUSAN haha
Oh YAY I’m really glad this was a helpful post for you!! I shall go visit your insta now.
This is awesome! i started bookstagram a month ago and it is so fun!
This was amazing!!!!
I’ve just started my bookstagram: @browneyedbibliophile_ and was wondering if you would mind checking it out and giving me your thoughts?
I’m glad you enjoyed the post! And I love your photos so far and good luck with your account!
Aww thank you!!! Would you mind following me? I’d love to have your support as I grow my account x
This was the best ever… seriously! I love your bookstagram not only for your incredible photos but for your hilarious dragon humor…unless its not humor and you really are a dragon………
I’m new to the bookstagram ( @booksandbertiebotts )universe and I’m starting to find my style and take photos that I’m proud of. This post was super super helpful! I am having a blast so far! I cant believe it took me as long as it did to come out from under the rock I was living under to discover this incredible world!
Aww, thank you! That’s so kind of you to say! *sniffles happily and shares cake with you* I’ll definitely come pop over and visit your account!
This is amazing. Glad I found your post when I’m started to create a bookstagram and bookblog. I will definitely follow you on Instagram
my instagram is @ardent_bibliophile
OH that’s so awesome that this was helpful for you!

Hi there!
As a brand spankin’ new bookstagrammer, this post was SUPER helpful. I was feeling a little lost and sad, looking at my photos against the bookish beauties I’ve been seeing haha. Thank you so so much for your guidance
My bookstagram account is called @bibliobeauties. I’d love if you could come check me out, your support would be much loved!
Thanks so much!
Hiya! I’ve found your page and realised I follow you already on Instagram ahah.
I have a question that sounds kinda conceited to me but I’m feeling a little disheartened. I started a bookstagram account last week because I love books and I’m using the hashtags and interacting with people but my photos aren’t getting the likes at all the most I have is 5 I think.
I don’t feel my photos are awful but maybe they are? I don’t know whether to stick it out and throw all care about likes to the wind or delete my account and stick to my regular account.
And again I love your account it’s so colourful and beautiful! It makes me smile! Have a good day.
Oh HEY THERE, Bex!! I’m glad you found my blog!! And I don’t think your question is conceited at all. Honestly I think it does take time? Like you can try networking by commenting on other people’s accounts. And I also suggest joining in monthly challenges because the hosts often feature their favourite accounts, so that’s a good way to get more traffic. Also make sure you’re posting regularly because the instagram’s horrible algorithm is kinder to people who post more often.
I think your photos are very nice!
Hiyo! Thank you so much for replying to me!
I’ve followed your advice and started looking at challenges and such. I will continue on and hope for the best! Haha I still feel a little disheartened but I think when you want something to do well and it doesn’t at first you tend to. I’ve also started posting more.
Thank you for your help and advice! Hope you have a lovely day
WHY HAVENT I FOUND YOUR BLOG/BOOKSTAGRAM EARLIER???? YOU ARE HILIARIOUS! I love everything about this blog post! This is so helpful! I remember being a mess when I planned on “reactivating” my old bookish account because everything was DIFFERENT!! I need to get my phone and follow you everywhere! you’re AMAZING! (Okay I should stop because I embarass myself! Haha)
I’m really new to this bookstagram thing, and this was sooo helpful!
I’m finally starting to find my aesthetic and lighting really is the key too a good photo.
Thank you so much for sharing your tips <3
Oh I’m so glad this was helpful!!
I had so much fun reading this blog. Kudos
You have seriously made my entire night! I was looking for tips and stumbled upon your blog. I laughed my ass off the entire time I read it. I’m a new bookstagrammer. Like really new, maybe a few weeks or so…. @naomisbookshelf if you want to know. I just want you to know how much your post helped me! Thank you!
Wow. I did a bookstagram post too, but yours is in much more detail!!! Thanks for the advice, by the way.
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
OMG!! I wish I had read this before. I started bookstagramming seriously only recently. Previously, I used to post pictures of my reads but also post pictures of my life. However, now I have begun posting only bookish clicks. It pains my heart to start a new account or delete the old pictures because those are memories. Help!! (secretly hopes that you say it is okay to keep those pictures
) Also I am still finding my theme and experimenting to see what works out for me.
I would love to get your feedback on my feed.
Okay. Take care.
Lots of love.
Omg of COURSE I think it’s okay to keep the old photos!! I haven’t deleted any of my old ones.
It’s just part of your journey and growing, and it’s kind of like a scrapbook of your interests, too, right?! Good luck with the experimenting and the bookstagramming!!
Thanks a ton for the motivation.
Hi! I just started a book blog and so I’m looking for tips. This was extremely helpful! Your bookstagram is amazing. If you want to check out my blog and give me some tips, I would be really grateful!
Have a lovely day!
I’m really glad you liked the post!!
I just started a bookstagram about a week ago and these tips are so helpful.
I’m am pretty new to bookstagram, only a couple of weeks in, maybe even a month. I have noticed my follower count dips low and then goes high. Is there a way to keep a steady follower count? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!
Also, if you want to check out my account, @lifeisfullofbooks I would gladly appreciate it!
Since Instagram pu tin that new algorithm, things have been really hard with the likes and such!! I actually struggle with it a lot now too. I think maybe instagram is just not letting people see our posts?!?
It’s a bit disappointing. However I’ve heard that posting consistently and a lot helps!
Good luck with your insta!!

I loved this article! i just started my bookstagram and you are very welcome to stalk me at !
love, iz
Congrats on starting your bookstagram!! WOOOOO. Good luck!

Just started my bookstagram. New rookie has arrived to the community, haha. This post helped me so much and actually gave me enough confidence to actually go forward and try. Thank you!!
Congrats on starting your insta!! I hope you have tons of fun with it and yayyyy that this post was helpful for you.

Thanks for the awesome tips!!! I just started my own Bookstagram (@mysticinkwell) One hting I have noticed is that most Bookstagrammers are female, do you know of many male Bookstagrammers?
I actually don’t generally know if a bookstagrammer is male vs female because I only see their screen names.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve been meaning to start both a book blog and bookstagram but didn’t know where to start or how. This has surely made a difference. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you for this very insightful post about #bookstagram. Guess I’ve been under a rock writing my first novel and releasing it, that I didn’t know this revolution had started! Time for me to get the camera out & join in!
Thank you so much for this post, Cait – it’s ridiculously in-depth and helpful! I’ve always loved your bookish pictures, the cluttered and colorful is so pretty. I’ll definitely employ these tips – I really appreciate the advice as I just started a bookstagram, @the.bookish.orca. I’m having way too much fun taking pictures of books… pretty bookish pictures are the best thing ever, apart from cheesecake I suppose.
Would you recommend having a book blog to go along with Instagram? That’s also something I’ve been thinking about, but I’d love to get your take on it if you don’t mind!
Hi Claire! I’m so so pleased you like this post!
YOU ARE TOO KIND. As for the book blog — it just depends on what you’d like! If you want to write like longer posts or discussions or do reviews or something, blogs are great for that. 
Thank you for the post. I learned a lot. I have launched my book blog ( and bookstagram (@timely.reader) recently in June. I must say, hands down to all lovely bookstagrammers, you guys did a great job. Btw, I love your bookstagram <3
Omg !!! thank you . Best bookstagram post I’ve read so far
my instagram is @tam._14
oooh tips from the first bookstagram I followed! yayyyyy.
I “started” a bookstagram on a whim in July, because I wanted to do a challenge (am only 17 days behind, but pffft who’s counting?)but I’m going to switch back in August, or when I finish the challenge.
I’m so glad I fouhbd this post! Ij started a bookstagram about a year ago withvan old phone with a mad camera but now I have an s8 with a amazi ng camera and so really want to upgrade my page.
Check me out:
I love your little notes in between posts
This was my first time discovering anything you own, but I shall go now and follow your bookstagram… YOUR FEED IS SO DAMN COLOURFUL I LOVE IT
Anyway…this blog post really helped, so thank youu!!
I post scene edits/fandom stuff, because I do like making edits too, hmm idk. ANYWAY THANKS
Please do come and stalk my bookstagram-ish thing… its not even all bookstagram
oh also i forgot to tell you the username oops. @books.arent.just.books
i know i know its longer than 2-3 words oh well ehe
so … the one thing I really need to know is how to create the challenge post !
The layering of photo with prompts, etc….
prompts which I’ve created, a photo I have, but to get them the correct size for bookstagram posting
and letters the correct size to fit the photo sized right… arghhhh
Mine is set for August as well, though a different topic, and I’ve spent 2 days still attempting the project !
Thanks for your help for this newbie !
@faith.hope.cherrytea instagram bookstagrammer hopeful
I absolutely love this post! This gives me so many new ideas about how to make my bookstagram better
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks, Sophie!! I’m SO glad it was helpful for you!
Thank you so much for this, Cait. Your hilarious rambles are what kept me reading. And your amazing tips as well. I’ve just started a Bookstagram yesterday (@literaryventure), and I’m honestly hyped and intimidated at the same time. I can’t help but compare myself to all those other great accounts out there with flawless photography (including you).
Anyway, thank you loads for your helpfulness. I shall continue on with this Bookstagram endeavor.
And btw, my name is pronounced “knee”. Everyone has a hard time with it.
Thanks so much for reading, Nghi!! (And I think your name is awesome!) And congrats on starting your bookstagram.
It’s honestly so much fun and I think it doesn’t have to be full of pressure if you don’t want it to be! ANd trust me, my first photos were hot messes.
Photography gets better with practise!
Still in the beginning stages of bookstagramming and it’s so much fun!!! ♡♡♡
Awesome tips!! I recently started my #bookstagram and I am loving it!!! I follow you now!!!
What an entertaining blog & blogpost! I love it. ♡
I tried to read your post and half way I just gave up… Nevertheless, I do have to ask: Do you read? Do you really read the books or taking their pictures is enough for you? In any case, a piece of advice for you: Get an editor, a real, flesh-and-blood editor, otherwise, do not promote yourself as a book blogger.
Omg do you mean books are for reading????? I never KNEW. Thanks for leaving this lovely kind comment that makes literally no sense (like why would a bookworm want an editor?) and for insulting someone you’ve never met! I suggest maybe you should go have a snack, because you seem really angry and quite entirely rude and maybe it’s low-blood-sugar. And while you’re doing that I’ll continue telling everyone I’m a book blogger because, in this beautiful world of freedom, I don’t care what you think!
Wow…. I guess I missed the memo. When did it become a requirement for bloggers to hire editors? *snort* I’ve worked for over a dozen bloggers, and known dozens more. No one had an editor. Gosh… I guess we ALL missed the memo. Thank the heavens that Leticia is here to enlighten us.
What a pity she didn’t bless us with the link to her blog, so we could gaze in the soft glow of it’s editing.

I was going to say hi and thank you for this post FIRST (and I did down below), but the spirit of snark overtook me. I just cannot handle pettiness. There’s SO MUCH ROOM out there in the big old wide Internet… why does someone need to poop on another persons parade?
No I love it! Thank you.
That person’s comment was SO rude and SO unnecessary I get mad just rereading it after a few months. ugh.
Hahaha you are SO welcome.
I’m afraid my other “hi and thank you” comment isn’t as entertaining, lol. But I’m so glad I read this tonight! 
This is so great definitely gonna follow when I need ideas. I’m also gonna stalk… I mean check out your account. I just created a spread account for books. I love to post book pics but I feel like they were being unaware because of the photos I post after. Hope you can check mine out. I’m @faithence
I’m coming across this article super late, but oh my goodness it was so helpful! Thank you for all the advice and inspiration and now I’m probably just going to be experimenting all day with photos. <3
This was really helpful and had the right amount of humour to motivate people lol thankyouu
Hey love this post and all the awesome helpful suggestions! I just started my bookstagram account and I love all your pictures! @NoReadsTooGreat
I just took a zillion notes so I can make my new IG profile even better! I realized while reading it, that having my lettering and watercolors with bookstagram isn’t an issue, but I could tie it all together to make it super cool… letter characters from the book I just read, or the title of a TBR. Watercolor bookmarks or something…. getting ideas here.
– My Insta is @curmudgeoninflannel
I was scrolling through how to start a bookstagram, and came across this post! Your advice is great, and I feel a little less overwhelmed starting my own bookstagram!!
I’m super glad it’s helpful, Sammie!! THANKS FOR READING!
Let’s pretend I’m an Instagram ignoramus. (Trust me, it’s easier than sounds, even if it sounds simple) Apparently I created an Instagram account at some point in my life, but I’ve never used it because, as I’ve established, I’m an Instagram ignoramus. I’ll google how to use Instagram. I won’t bother you with that, but how do I do this Bookstagram? Is it simply a matter of using the #bookstagram on my posts and that makes it a bookstagram?
It’s okay! You don’t have to feel silly.
So bookstagram IS instagram, it’s just the hashtag you use. (#Bookstagram) It’s mostly like the theme? Like if you were into food, your instagram feed would be full of foodie photos, right? So if you’re just going to go with “bookstagram” you just basically take photos of books! Hope that helps!
This is SUCH a great post, thank you!! I love your sense of humor, this made me relax about my new bookstagram account I just started yesterday (@confabulari_reads). I’m rather nervous because I’m not great at photography but you make it sound so simple, haha.
I’m just really getting serious about my bookstagram and I’m still looking for my style, but please come visit. –
I absolutely loved all these tips!
My bookstagram:
Just starting off my own bookstagram and your advice is really helping me. Thank you. I love your posts they are absolutely stunning.
after reading all your tips, i just can’t choose which kind of feed i will do. like colorful, simple, white, coffee brown or wooden. btw, these tips are really good!
Hi! I love your bookstagram and also how you said it is 87% Maggie Stiefvater because I RELATE. I have had a booklr for a while now (@beggin4books) and I realized I wanted to focus more on just photos of books, so I decided to make a bookstagram account with the same username! I hoping you could go check it out! Right now it’s in its fetus stage, so it’s not very impressive (yet).
I started an account in May last year and it’s the best decision I ever made! I chose to go with a checkerboard theme for my backgrounds! You can find me at if you’re interested
Happy reading!
Interesting blog and I love bookstagram so much … the people are usually lovely and many books
I’m @platform934station
Okay, I am officially inspired to not only create a bookstagram account but work on my poor neglected book blog. Because I am still starting out, I was so lost but now I feel energized because I still have a clean slate to create something awesome. Thank you!
Awesome post ! I have just started my own bookstagram page, and I find it challenging to stand out from the crowd. I love photography and books, and I felt like, on my personal photography page, my friends wouldn’t really care about my book photos. Your post really helped !
My page is @inexhaustible.stories, and I’m absolutely obsessed with your current feed. So colourful !
This was very helpful! I just started my bookstagram. Its emilee_lovestoread.
I loved your blog!!! It really helped me a lot to start my bookstagram yesterday!!
My tip for instant followers is… join bookish communities and drop your bookstagram! Plusses are: you are probably in one allready and thus know a lot of bookworms that have a bookstagram! And you get all warm and fuzzy inside when lots of people encourage you for starting one!
The most fun group I’m in is The owlcrate society. Really join because the people there are warm, positive and post more then just bookbox stuff! What group would you recommend?
Also one question as a newbie: what is a rep? Does it have anything to do with representing some brand?
How do you start a Bookstagram account? Is it just like starting an additional Instagram account that focuses only on books? How does it link with other Bookstagram accounts other than by following? Sorry for so many questions. Great post by the way!! Thank you.
It’s just a normal instagram account haha. The term “bookstagram” is literally just because you’re posting about books. (Like you could post a lot about food or your pet or whatever!)
Thank you so much for this blog post! really helpful!
I started august last year, and find it very hard to grow. Especially bc I feel obligated to uploade “quality photos” every time.
If you want to stalk/ say hello ;)) my profile is called @paperyprose (at least for now)
Also, I have to agree with you on the “theme thing”. Because I feel very true to the theme i have rn (it’s really me and I dont feel like changing it) but at the same time I don’t know whether it is a real “theme” yet.
I would be very happy if u would “stalk” my account.
Love, Anna
Hola! This article actually helped me publish my instagram for books ( or bookstagraming.) So thank you! If you want to check it out t @cansofpaints
I just started a bookstagram and the first thing I did was go to this post. It is so helpful!!
I started following you asap because of your SUPER pretty color scheme! My username is all.the.stories.are.true._ if you want to take a peak at my books ; )
Thank you so much for making this cohesive list of tips for Instagram/bookstagram!! They’re all extremely helpful for someone(me) who wants to start taking photos and posting them. I struggled to find a list as good as this one… so a million thank yous!!
Your article is both useful and extremely funny!
I’ve been following your insta for some months now and whenever I see a photo of yours on my feed I know that’s yours without looking at the name, so marvellous job with the consistent aesthetic. I’m still trying to find a consistency for my photos so it would be really helpful for me if you could visit my account and give me some tips, if you have any.
Maggie Stiefvater’s “Raven Boys” is also one of my favourite series so whenever I see it in your photos I’m like: Yaaaay! There they are!
Keep up the great work!
My account is:
Thank you for the tips!! I’m new to #bookstagram and need all the help I can get! Follow me @syd.squid.reads

hi thank you for these great tips but can you tell me more about book challanges i am not sure i understand the concept .
ps my account is
I know this post is from 2016, but I just started on bookstagram a couple weeks ago, and these tips were SO helpful. Thanks so much for taking the time to help newbies! We appreciate it.
I’m here, if you want to take a look:
. I am a little late but today I read your blog and found it absolutely amazing…. thank you so much for these tips…. my username is what_you_will_love_ 

I am Himangi Agarwal from India.
I had started my bookstagram account about 2 months ago. I had started it with no intention for it being a bookstagram account but in the end I loved the idea of it so I started posting pictures of books. Today I have completed 100 followers
I am so glad that I follow you on Twitter. As soon as I saw Paperfury, I wanted to scream! Thank you so much for the tips – bookstagram can be a bit daunting but I am super happy about these tips. I’ll also be joining you on the #AusYaChalllenge .
Thank you!
Thank you so much!!
i follow you on Instagram and i absolutely love your feed!!
I’m still trying to figure out my #bookstagram style and its honestly been so difficult.
on some photos ill have like 30+ likes and on others ill only have 5 likes.
i wish i had a consistent amount of likes/Views.
I just made my bookstagram account today! I’m a wannabe reader from Canada and I saw how creative people were being with their Instagrams so I thought I’d make one too! I found your blog post and I’m definitely following your Instagram! Love the tips, I’m so excited to get started!
Much Love
Mallory (readwithmallory)
I want to create a Bookstagram account. How do I get started.
EEP this was so helpful!! I’m in love with your Insta and Twitter, so when this article popped up on my “how the heck do I bookstagram??” google search I knew it would be full of good advice!
Been bookstagramming for a little bit now @chelsea.writes14
Well as of now my Instagram ( @litaflame ) is purty much just quotes. . . and blog post announcements….. BUT I AM CHANGING PEOPLE. Yeesss, I am beginning to actually USE a camera (beware, the world has a chance of exploding). So yep, I have popped in here to inform you of something HIGHLY important.
I found your post useful.
Now I shall vanish back into the void of plotting my horrible photography.
Hey! I was curious how you created your little headers ??
Oh my god I love your fucking blog. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much reading a post.
That makes me very happy!
I am still new, but what helps me calm down with my photos is adding #bookstagrambeginner because then the perfectionist in me knows that you all don’t expect my photos to be perfect! Thank you for all of these great pointers!! @ifcatscouldread
ahh, this is soooo helpful! I started by bookstagram to go alongside my blog at the end of 2018! I wish I’d found this then, so I could have made a better start.
I really hope I can improve my photography now
*digs through dusty boxes to find old DSLR camera*
I’m @3lonelyclouds on Instagram (currently on hiatus since I’m doing my A-levels this year (scared))
Thank you so much, paperfury! Your post really helped me get started with bookstagram, and I actually understood what bookstagram means for the first time.
I made my account (@thevoraciousbibliophile) and I’m hoping it goes well.
Thanks a lot once again!
I love you. I want to be you, but then you are already you and that would be weird. You have a great writing voice, and the whole notion of #Bookstagram is thrilling. (I’m a troglodyte who just discovered this wonderland). Going to go do a lot more exploring of this new wonder than open my account!
I absolutely love this post.
I recently started a bookstagram.. Starting means I have an account…I haven’t posted anything yet and I a just contemplating about what my first picture is supposed to be. And I am just overwhelmed. I don’t know what to post
Grazing through I noticed a few typos. THOUGH not THROW / and I think Hash tag FRIEND not FIEND
I’m sure you know and intend to be a supreme jerk right now, but please just go away. It’s rude. And no I meant to write fiend.
Is there a link about how to pimp your IG page a bit. All the bookstagrammers have these nice little ‘circle links’ under their names
I loved this blog so much!!