I’m excited to share SINGULARITY by S.E. Anderson for my MTMC Creative Tour stop today!!
This is the kind of space opera, scifi, witty and explosive saga that you will love being swept up in. And, um, can we take a moment for the cover?! Singularity is book 10 in the saga, and also the finale, so if you adore bingeing series, your time has come. It hits shelves July 9th, 2024!
I’m also chatting with Sarah today about her series, so read on for the interview!!
this series is perfect for fans of…
✨Intergalactic Road Trips
🪐Slow Burn Romance
✨Friends to Lovers
🪐Found Family
✨Comic Misunderstanding
🪐Space Opera Drama
✨Paradox Prone
🪐Time Travel
✨Redemption Arcs
🪐Everything Talks
✨Hyperspace Is a Scary Place
In case of breakup, saving the universe is not a healthy alternative to ice cream.
Freshly single and with more free time than she knows what to do with, Sally Webber thought she was done with aliens, interstellar crises, and planet-saving heroics. But when mysterious texts lead her on a quest to save James Felling’s soul, Sally realizes the universe is teetering on the brink, thanks to a time paradox her ex-boyfriend, Zander, unwittingly unleashed in a misguided attempt to play hero.
With her not-quite-dead brother as collateral damage and the higher-dimensional unicorns seemingly on a coffee break from managing cosmic order, Sally’s not just fighting for her own sanity — she’s battling for the soul of the universe. Along with her glitch-prone emotional support AI hologram and a rockstar whose career’s seen better days, it’s up to them to take on the final frontier: saving the universe from itself.
But as they weave through the fabric of time and space, Sally is forced to confront not just the chaos Zander has left in his wake, but her own place within the cosmos. With every jump, every battle, and every unlikely alliance, she inches closer to a confrontation with the very forces that keep the universe ticking.
Can Sally ascend to a higher plane of existence and knit the fraying fabric of reality back together? Or will the final chapter of her starstruck journey end not with a bang, but with a whimper?
Amazon | Goodreads | Author’s Instagram
Hi Sarah! Thanks for chatting with us today about the final book in the Starstruck Saga! Tell us a little bit about how long it took you to write the whole series and how it feels to know the finale is about to be in readers’ hands?
S.E. Anderson: It’s so surreal to know that it’s over, and all out there, especially considering I started the series 15 years ago as a fun project with one of my best friends! Looking back over the years, I can’t believe how far the characters have come… or even how far I’ve come as a writer. It’s been a helluva ride.
Can you tell us 3 things about Sally?
S.E. Anderson: She cares deeply and sincerely.
Anxiety and depression are her constant companions.
Yet she bravely tackles her fears and inner demons to protect others.
Which has been your favourite book in the Starstruck Saga to write? And which was the hardest?
S.E. Anderson: It’s hard to pick, because it’s always the one I’m currently writing (I joke that when when I reach the point where my current WIP is my least favourite, it’s ripe and ready to go!). Looking back on the series as a whole, I really liked the camp of book 3. The hardest to write was either book 9 or 10, as I was battling my own burnout, and pulling humour from my drafts was like pulling teeth.
What was your favourite thing about writing Singularity?
S.E. Anderson: Bringing back favourite old characters. There were some people (and not people) who I really missed!
Best part of long series is seeing old fave characters make returns!! What kind of things did you get to research while writing your series?
S.E. Anderson: So many rabbit holes! For this last one, I ended up trying to figure out where the science of higher dimensions – or the vocabulary of the science of higher dimensions – got co-opted by new-age free thinkers. I ended up deep-diving belief systems about ascension! But over the series my google search history has only gone from strange to weirder, with such classics as “Can you be allergic to stardust?” or “What would happen if you tried to outsmart an AI therapist?” – that last one I tried myself, just to create Clyde for book 10.
Oh those rabbit holes sound like so much fun, haha! Did you plan the entire series as you wrote? Did it surprise you in any way?
S.E. Anderson: When I first drafted the series back in high school, I winged the whole thing. When I came back to it as an adult, I took out my favourite story beats to use as a guide, but rewrote everything from scratch. I was surprised by how the characters grew away from those beats until I had to scrap them altogether! It’s weird how characters feel like they have a mind of their own sometimes.
Our characters surely do run off and do their own thing 😭 Where do you write?
S.E. Anderson: Almost always at home, on my couch. My side has a dent from all the hours I’ve (literally) sunk into it.
Do you have a favourite piece of writing advice?
S.E. Anderson: I think it was from Neil Gaiman, but most authors agree: you gotta do it every day. Just a little bit, but every day. Your first draft will suck, and that’s normal, but you got to get through it so that you can start improving it. And you gotta do it every day,
Okay and tell us some of the best author moments you’ve had!
S.E. Anderson: The moment I started talking with a stranger on a train and she pulled my bookmark out of her backpack to show me. It was pure magic. It made me realize my book had really left my circle of friends and was out there in the world.
Oh, what a surreal moment!! Okay now for fun: You’re headed to a cafe with Sally and Zander…what is everyone ordering?
S.E. Anderson: Sally’s ordering a PSL because after saving the galaxy, she needs the comfort of seasonal spices. Zander, trying to blend in and not realizing there are other options, orders a PSL too. I would then also order a PSL because I can’t get them here and I want to feel like one of the gang.
You will be the pumpkin gang. And can we ask for a sneak peek about what projects you’re working on next? 👀
S.E. Anderson: I’ve gone full-blown cozy fantasy! Currently working on an F/F adventure where a badass dragon hunter hits burnout and discovers the joys… of truffle hunting. Stay tuned!