Hiiii and I am back with more books for your towering TBR piles!!
I know, I know our wallets and overcrowded bookshelves do not need this, but do our hearts need it? Yes. That’s what’s important here alright. Snatching that fleeting moment of happiness while burying your face into a new book.
This will be my last YA new releases anticipation list for the year!! I will start in on 2022 books soon though so there will be no true rest. (Okay but the 2022 covers are already looking gorgeous.)
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➢ 2021 YA New Releases (Jan to April)
➢ 2021 YA New Releases (May to August)
➢ Why It’s Perfectly Acceptable To Have An Enormous TBR Pile
Dark & Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain | Goodreads
Ngl this cover made it an instant preorder for me but also small creepy towns and sinister vibes are my thing, so I’m super excited for this!
So Many Beginnings: A Little Women Remix by Bethany C. Morrow | Goodreads
I have absolutely not read the original Little Women but pfft let’s not let that stop me. This looks incredible! And I loved this author’s book, A Song Below Water.
A Clash of Steal: A Treasure Island Remix by C.B. Lee | Goodreads
This cover though I believe this is part of the same series as the above book (but from different authors obviously!) And I LOVE retellings so this is so exciting. I always loved Treasure Island (and Disney’s Treasure Planet let’s be real.)
The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes | Goodreads
Yessss I need this one badly after the cliffhanger of book 1! Also this series is just me living my indulgent dream of inheriting a billionaire’s fortune I am getting tips.
Things We Couldn’t Say by Jay Coles | Goodreads
I’ve been waiting for a new book from this author since Tyler Johnson Was Here so !! Am keen for this and maaaaybe preordered it
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao | Goodreads
I heard this had a love triangle that ends in polyam so finally a triangle that makes sense. Also it sounds really epic!!
White Smoke by Tiffany D Jackson | Goodreads
All of her books are brilliant and utterly HARROWING and now she’s doing horror?!? Yes please. I’m ready to be ruined. (Monday’s Not Coming haunted me enough as is )
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber | Goodreads
Jacks is back with his own book!! Although I actually thought it would be narrated by him but I don’t think so Either way, ready for more lush Stephanie Garber prose after Caraval!
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo | Goodreads
I’m sneaking one adult book onto here (more like a dark academia YA/adult crossover) because I’m absolutely dying with need for this one! It’s like a checklist of everything I adore in books
Social Queue by Kay Kerr | Goodreads
I had the honour of blurbing this one!! After loving Kay Kerr’s debut (Please Don’t Hug Me) I was super excited for more authentic and relatable autistic and australian teen experiences – and this didn’t disappoint!
Honourable Mentions!
Aristotle And Dante Dive into The Waters of the World by Benjamin Alire Sáenz | Goodreads
I’ve been waiting for this forever a sequel to Ari & Dante!? The anticipation is so high I JUST–
That Dark Infinity by Kate Pentecost | Goodreads
This COVER I’m smitten. But also it sounds like an exciting epic fantasy of monsters and curses so I’m here for it.
Vial of Tears by Cristin Bishara | Goodreads
This sounds super unique?! And the cover truly caught my eye too!!
The Keeper of the Night by Kylie Lee Baker | Goodreads
This just sounds extremely badass with soul collecting and death goddesses and a sister/brother duo!
Tink And Wendy by Kelly Ann Jacobson | Goodreads
A queer peter pan retelling (with a love triangle?!) is basically always what I want so I have an eARC of this and am super keen to read it!
The Heartbreak Bakery A.R. Capetta | Goodreads
Just say MAGIC BAKERY and I’m there, and make it queer and it’s just a done deal. Also I really loved A.R. Capetta’s The Brilliant Death too!
Honourable Mentions!
A Snake Falls To Earth by Darcie Little Badger | Goodreads
As a huge fan of Elatsoe last year, I need more from this author!! I’m not sure if this one also has ace rep but kind of hoping. And the cultural storytelling aspect sounds amazing already
The Reckless Kind by Carly Heath | Goodreads
Queerness, disability rep, historical fiction !!! This has it all And I think it has some queer-platonic triangles happening? Will read asap to see
You’ll Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus | Goodreads
It’s funny because the first time I read a McManus thriller I didn’t love it…and then every single one after that I’ve adored So I need this!! I really love her characters and the mysteries in the plots.
Spin Me Right Around by David Valdes | Goodreads
This sounds really fun and twisty! A queer Back to the Future!
Starling by Isabel Strychacz | Goodreads
This is promising lush prose which is my THING. I absolutely can’t wait and may have this preordered.
Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen | Goodreads
Am very excited for mermaids meets West African Mythology here! And the cover is so pretty!!
I knew clicking on this blog post was a mistake. CAIT YOU ARE A CURSE ON MY TBR PILE.
But The Heartbreak Bakery wasn’t on my radar and now I CANNOT wait. The description reminds me of The Confectioner’s Guild and I salivated so much reading that series!! Magic and cakes is just *chef’s kiss*.
So many beautiful covers!!
there’s so many good books coming out in september, i can’t wait to read them all!!
Ahhh so many dark and creepy books are coming out
The creepy part of me is so delighted by this 
So many of these books look absolutely riveting! I added a bunch to my tbr.
Oh I hadn’t heard of The Keeper of Night but it looks so cool!
There are way too many books coming out this fall, honestly. And I mean too many in terms of my bank account, obviously. I have pre-ordered so many of these I don’t know where to begin! And then have a bunch for review, of course. And seriously how is 2022 so close already!? It’s too much!
Right!?! 2022 being this close is offensive