“So how does it feel to be an officially published author now?!” you might be asking.
A Thousand Perfect Notes has been out for 3 weeks now…which is…absolutely mind-blowing?! It’s already been 3 weeks?!? Speaking of which: how is it also JULY.
So anyway. How am I feeling?
Utter mood right now. I’m fiiiiine.
Now let me tell you all about my month! Because wow. It was an intense one. And my #AmCurrently post is my recap of what I’ve been reading, books I’ve collected, life things, and exactly how many times I’ve screamed lately. * So much fun!
Also I hope you appreciate my first photo in this post, where I’m measuring myself in books. It doesn’t take many. I am smol.
* This is a complete lie. One cannot count these.
So my debut novel came out with Hachette UK which is KIND OF A BIG THING JUST SAYING. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m not even exaggerating: 7 YEARS IN AZKABAN AND NOW I HAVE A BOOK. It’s in bookstores. Sometimes it’s featured in bookstores. People actually buy it?!? People bUY IT BECAUE THEY WANT TO???? What is this world.
I’m not…I’m not crying. This is my waterfall cosplay.
I’m so freaking happyyyyyyyyy.
Just in case you haven’t read it yet…
You can find it on Amazon (there’s only 12 left in stock so um, if you’re in America…GET ONTO THAT.) And also Booktopia, Book Depository (free world wide shipping!), Wordery, and add it on Goodreads!
(Also PS. I could really use reviews on Amazon! I need 50 for it to be counted properly / recommended, and I only have 10!)
- Probably by being so frikkin’ humbled and proud all at the same time. Because I was honestly scared my little book would just be a slight hiccup in time. I mean, I’m an unknown author. It’s a debut…it’s kind of dark (which isn’t everyone’s thing), I’m not able to be physically present or go sign in bookstores or meet people, ergo what if IT ALL JUST IS A QUIET MELLOW RELEASE etc. etc. (Hi, yes, I have anxiety.) But it’s been amazing. I worked really really hard and it worked and I JUST AM !!!!
- Cosplaying the waterfall again, look at me go.
- So it got to rank 119 on Book Depository (we’re talking out of thousands of YA books)! It also got to “bestsellers in romance” which cracks me up because it’s so unromantic. August says “I like you” and Beck literally sprints 40 miles in the opposite direction. But looooook! I’M NEXT TO BECKY ALBERTALLI. (Probably alphabetically for this list but hush!!)
- It also hit #1 on Amazon…for the YA music section lmao…which has like 10 books in it all up BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I’M TAKING IT.
- People actually find it in bookstores!!! (THIS IS MY DREAM.) And so many times it’s actually been shelved in prime positions, with cover facing out to catch attention. I am so lucky, wow.
- I opened my annual Booktopia newsletter and…IT WAS FEATURED. This was so unexpected?! And I died a little when they’re like “you might know Paper Fury!”… Yeah. I do. She’s climbing the walls currently but ok.
- It was featured in the Illumicrate May box! With bookmarks. And signed book plates. It was so fun signing those. And it also had red-stained pages so like…my eyeballs are in love.
- I still haven’t gotten my author copies yet, so I literally just have the Illumicrate one. Haha….sob.
- But when I do get them, I can do some more giveaways!
- I’ve done so many interviews, a twitter chat, instagram takeovers for Hachette NZ and AUS, and it’s all intense and also completely surreal. (Little me?! So many opportunities?! ajfkdasldf)
- 0_0 <—- mood
- The #AThousandPerfectNotes hashtag is wild and I love it and it’s no longer just me! Nice!
- My sisters actually all pulled through and proved themselves useful and bought copies. This is the only reason I tolerate having 4 sisters.
- My editors sent me flowers! Which is the actual sweetest thing!!
- People have been so kind, and so supportive, and I hope you absolutely 10000% know that I wouldn’t be able have my heart stuffed so full with all this incredible news if it wasn’t for your help.
(Literally this was the pinnacle of my dreams. My book —> in a bookstore! I have yet to actually go see it myself due to living in a town without a bookstore. And also being too overwhelmed to go to the city right now. BUT SOON I WILL LIVE THAT DREAM.)
I’m so so exhausted haha oh wow. Ok. I’m done. And I PROMISE I WILL NOT ALWAYS GO ON AND ON ABOUT ATPN. It’s just a special time for me right now!! ah!!
Oddly…publishing a book equals less time to read?!
I actually am kind of devastated that this year will be like my least-amount-of-books-read in the last 3 years?!? I know it’s still a lot of books. And it’s ridiculous to be disappointed! But yet here I am. Overachiever me is suffering. I’m still on track for my Goodreads goal but I also feel a little slumpy.
I’m reading less —> but not collecting less books. #OHNO
I also wanted to read a ton of lgbtqia+ books for Pride month and I barely read any. Ughhhhh. So disappointed @ me. I ended up only reading 6.
Review copies vs books I bought!
Actually I say that, but Smoke and Iron is on the wrong side lol lol. I am dysfunctional. Anyway, I’m on the blog tour from that (thanks Berkley Publishing!) so look out for it next week!! SO EXCITED. THIS SERIES IS MY LIFE.
Also thank you Bloomsbury, Flatiron US, Allen & Unwin, Nadine Brandes (who sent me Fawkes herself!!) and Bloomsbury! ALSO PENGUIN FOR THE REVIEW-COPY OF BRIGHT WE BURN AHHHHHHHHH. And Jo for sending me through her ARC of The Unpredictability Of Being Human (which is about an autistic girl and it’s soooo good!).

- I mastered the ice cream sandwich ok. This is me reaching the pinnacle of my life achievements. Forget being published — I can make ice cream sandwiches. (Also they were strawberry and chocolate and dairy/sugar free, meaning they are HEALTHY. Meaning I can eat, like, all of them.)
- Through all the publishing madness I STILL managed to outline another book!! And no it’s not sold or anything, but I’m still pleased I managed to finish it despite my brain being a complete beehive lately.
- My Etsy store is dying and basically I’m waving hopelessly at the funeral pyre haha. Omg.
- My dad built me some new shelves! Which I sorely needed. The fact that they’re directly above my bed is a tiny bit disconcerting, but you know what? Life is short. Bookworms are supposed to live perilously. Here’s the Before vs After:
- Those sheets on the wall are edit notes!!
- There is my dog, Atticus’ butt.
- Also he absolutely blends with my bed and the walls. How and why.
- I’m so so excited to read Bright We Burn (!!!) absolutely busting out of my skin right now!!
- Also if you loved A Thousand Perfect Notes, jUST REMEMBER: next year I’m going to ruin your life with The Boy Who Steals Houses! #excite
- Anyway.
- My sister is visiting so hopefully we’ll watch lots of Brooklyn 99.
- I’ve literally done nothing except answer DM’s and eat ice cream sandwiches this month so I’m not sure what else I should say here except: send help.
- No really, help. I washed my white jumper, got it all pleasantly clean, and went and made strawberry jam. Ah ha, Cait. AH HA HA HAHAH (crying). So my jumper is no longer white, and how are you.
- My plans for July include: (a) reading a sheer ton of books because my TBR is stressing me out. I’m so behind. And (b) I hopefully will draft a new book! Also (c) never never wear white again.
Sounds like an overwhelming month, and deservedly so! Getting a book out is big and try to celebrate that with ice cream sandwiches if possible. I’ve been struggling so much this month with productivity and wanting to do lots of activities with humans I like and write and putting humans first which makes me sad but what can you do? I’m really excited to read The Price Guide to the Occult and finish ATPN I the next week. I loved the sunny vibes of The Way You Make Me feel,because it is bitter winter and I am a total fool and went swimming today in the new Zealand sea which was so numbing and exhilirating and I need cost books now. I had some fig and manuka honey ice cream this morning that which is incredible, and I also had tumeric, finger and cinnamon gelato on the waterfront. And plum gelato! It may be cold buy it has been a good ice cream month!
ahhhh yes SO overwhelming honestly. 😂But good!! So not complaining although I’m honestly really tired hahah (I mean, I know I did all this online, but I still feel like I need some major internet time haha.)
Ohhh but wouldn’t it be nice to have more hours in the day?! It’s so hard to fit it all in ack ack. I can imagine how busy you must be this year too!!
Also that ice cream sounds DIVINE. Although not sure about the tumeric gelato.😂My parents are really into tumeric everything at the moment but, yeah no.😂I will pass but that plum gelato sounds good!!
This is so awesome! <3 The #1 on amazon is so well deserved!
And the shelves look so cool, and what a cute dog <3
Aww, thank you, Norrie!! And afkdslad I have had some seriously amazingness happen lately! I AM FLAILING FOREVER.😂
And I didn’t manage to take pictures BUT!! I saw ATPN in Waterstones twice. Waterstones Picadilly, I SAW IT THERE!! And that Waterstones IS MASSIVE. And I saw it in my local waterstones as well!! LIKE YES, it was so incredibly exciting to see one of my fave books by one of my fave authors in a bookstore!! Next time, I’ll have to take pictures. ALSO CURRENTLY LIKE 45% of my way through SMOKE AND IRON and realllly loving it!! I can’t wait to see how it carries on. (i will be screeching in your twitter dms oops) Also I LIVE FOR ATTICUS on your insta stories. HE’S WONDERFUL and hilarious. But can I just say 100 books is crazy (that’s my goal for the whole year…and I’m behind. I only read 3 books this june?! AND I HATE MYSELF FOR IT because I wanted to read so many books :(( ) Also you only had 2 five star books this month? UNFAIR. (I had 0 five stars lmaooo) BUT YES LEGENDARY WAS AMAZING i wouldve basically cried if you hadn’t loved it tbh. IM OBSESSED WITH IT someone give me Finale pleasseee.
AHHH THANK YOU ILSA. I’M SO EXCITED ALWAYS TO WRITE THEM. 😂I am absolutely one ball of FLAIL at this point…but I’m guess I will calm down in July and actually…be useful. And blog regularly again.😂And read. Wild.
AFjdksald I’m so glad you saw ATPN in the wild. 😍I have got to get myself into a bookstore to see it! But omG I still can’t believe it’s actually in frikkin’ Waterstones. WHAT IS THIS LIFE. NO ONE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS AMAZING DREAM.😍
(Also yes pls scream about Smoke & Iron any time. I’m desperate.😭💛💛)
Legendary was just everything I wanted and more. I honestly don’t get why so many people don’t love this series?!
Also as it turns out for the second year in a row June was my most productive reading month so far. Maybe I should just take the hint and only read queer books from now on,
And I am very ready for July but only because it means there’s only three weeks left before I get two weeks off work. Also it’s my birthday in July.
Btw chocolate ice cream and melon ice cream are both the best. Ugh I need to get some like right now,
BRIGHT WE BURN IS GOING TO ABSOLUTELY RUIN US ALL, ISN’T IT?!? So excited. And terrified. 😂😂But YAY that you had a super productive reading month!! (And also…that’s not a bad idea for your tbr haha. I really wish I’d gotten more pride books read.😭Not that they’re ONLY for June. But I like doing things according to the months sometimes, you know?!)
Ooh and happy-nearly-birthday!!
@sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles
Thanks so much!
Where do I start? That was such an eventful month for you. CONGRATSSS again for the book. How awesome is it to see it in book stores? I think your heart squeals for joy every time you see a picture of it. Well, the icecream sandwich is surely a win. And how cool is it to trend? Are we close to the world domination yet?
Aww thank you so so much.💛💛It just means everything to me!! And SO WILD to see it in stores…like if I’m dreaming, nobody wake me up. 😂😂 (Still can’t believe I trended?! Like for 10 minutes but whatever I HAVE REACHED THE TOP.😂)
ASDFGHKL CAN I JUST SHRIEK WITH YOU BECAUSE I’M SO PROUD OF EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ACHIEVED. I’m telling everyone who wants to listen to read ATPN and just a few hours ago, a twitter friend told me he finally ordered ATPN because of my review. I WAS SO HAPPY OKAY? I’m happy that I get to help you even in my little ways. You deserve everything and more.
I’m excited to re-read heroes of olympus because I miss my demigod children so much. You should really read Magnus Chase or trials of apollo because apparently I am Uncle Rick’s official book promoter now 😂
June has been very crazy. I didn’t read as many books as I did in May but my blogging progress has been huge. After a month, I already have 1000+ hits and almost 100 followers. These little things bring me so much joy. Also, this June, YOU FINALLY FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER and that’s like the highlight of the month. Seriously.
I’m not ready for July because that’s a month closer to the start of classes but I’m trying to swallow my anxiety until I choke. I’m going to make the most out of this last month of vacation.
I basically love ice cream. Period.
I can’t wait for your next book to destroy me again. KEEP ON SOARING HIGH CAIT. LOVE YA xx
YES PLEASE SHRIEK WITH ME FOREVER. ALL THE SHRIEKING. I HAVE NOT STOPPED SHRIEKING SINCE JUNE 7TH I AM JUST TOO EXCITED AHHHHHHHHHH. *sends you all the cake for being so kind to me* (Seriously, though, it means a LOT. 💛💛)
Also rereading HoO is a GREAT idea and I want to do that sometime! I need to catch up on Magnus and Apollo though! Apollo is my utter favourite after Percy and Leo.😂
Ohhh classes! I hope they go well though!! And omg congrats on those awesome milestones for your blog! (And seriously I’m so sorry it takes me so long to follow people.😂I’m SO SCATTER-BRAINED SOMETIMES and forget to do the most basic things *facepalm*)
Ice cream is so perfect and pure and keeping this world together.
I’m very excited for Fawkes, it sounds so good! Also you’re not the only one who’s behind on reading for June, I spent basically the entire month trying to catch up on Harry Potter so those where the only books i finished and they’re huge (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING A NICE 275 PAGE BOOK!!!!! IT’S SO CUTE AND TINY!!!! I LOVE TINY BOOKS!!!!).
For reading next maybe Bright We Burn since you seen so excited for it and better to read it sooner rather than later because that way you’ll remember more of what happened in the last book
June has basically been just me catching up on Harry Potter because some of us didn’t read it as part of our childhood and me being one of the only Americans who has a copy of ATPN (maybe? Idk but it makes me feel speshul) which I haven’t finished yet because idk I should probably do that (but I am enjoying it)
It IS so good! Highly recommend Fawkes ahhh. And omg why do books appear faster than we can read them?! (Says me who is literally rereading a book right now instead of a new one and therefore has no right to complain ever again. *sighs at self*) Also you are WELCOME for my tiny baby book. Seriously half the reason it’s short is so I had to edit less but shhh. Don’t tell. I’m a professional.
Bright We Burn was PERFECT. I am still a messssss. (In the best possible way.)
And IKR?! I can retire now. I have been congratulated by THE GREATS. I pretty much took two hours to write “Thank you” back because I’d died but WHATEVER. I’M DEFINITELY A PROFESSIONAL.
Congratulations!!!!!! You are amazing!!!!
Also, I want your ice cream sandwiches.
We don’t have any bookstores here either, so I kind of feel your pain. It would suck to publish a book and then not be able to see it in the wild. My TBR is currently taller than me, too, but I’ve been so busy that I’ve barely been reading. The books are just piling up. Congrats on making the perfect ice cream sandwich. That’s impressive. Have a good July!
It is awful to live in a town without a bookstore?! I mean WHAT IS THIS. THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE?! *sobs because it is the middle of nowhere* However I’m going to visit my sister in a month and she has a bookstore so !! I will not be stopped!!
It’s frustrating to be too busy to read gahhh. *sends you ice cream sandwiches in consolation too*
MINT CHIP ALL THE WAY. I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
WE MIGHT FIGHT A LITTLE BIT, THO, BECAUSE STRAWBERRY CHOCOLATE CHIP IS ALSO AMAZING AND ALSO COOKIE DOUGH AAAAAND ALSO CHOCOLATE/ORANGE. BUT I ALSO LIKE MINT SO. (No clue why I’m yelling except apparently the thing I’m most passionate about this year is ice cream?!?)
ajfdklasfd thank youuuuuu. I will forever be flailing seeing ATPN exists ahhhhh!!
This was so much fun to read. I enjoyed reading about your journey with publishing. (I’m sorry that you have less reading time and jealous that you’ve still read more than me!!)
June’s been crazy for me. I kept getting health problems, and I haven’t been as productive as I would’ve liked. I did move my blog over to WordPress, and I’ve been loving the change 😁
In July (Which starts tomorrow!!! Where does time go??😱), I’ll be participating in Camp NanoWriMo. I haven’t been able to participate before in November because I’m crazy and take too many classes, and I just found out about the camp version and am really excited to take part in it! 😆😆😆
Aww I’m SO happy you enjoyed reading this! THANK YOU. And gahh I know I can’t complain about my lower reading this month because it’s still A LOT.😂I’m just a horrible overachiever and need to chill. Ha.
Aw that’s awful to hear about the health problems…if they’re ones that just need time/healing, I hope that comes soon for you. 💛💛
Also BEST OF LUCk for Camp NaNo! I have been madly bad with joining in camps this year eeek. I hope you have time to get a ton of words in!
Ah white clothing…I don’t wear it unless it’s this vest top I have which has a black dragon on haha. Also may have fangirled over being in the tweet screenshot section wooop, I don’t know why but my fav ice cream flavour is mint choc chip it’s been that since like forever. I’m so behind on my TBR but it’s fine, I’ll bribe them to leave me alone haha.
Omg you have a vest top with a black dragon!? LIVING LIFE AS YOU SHOULD. So impressed. :’) And I have no idea why I own like anything in white. I’m chronically messy and also have A DOG who constantly has red-mud on his paws so like. Why, Cait, why.
Once again, reading about such an AMAZING blogger being published is making me tear up. 😂 I’m just so happy for you and UGH I WANT THE BOOK SO BAD! I discovered you cannot review anything on Amazon until you buy something through your account and um I don’t have a credit card. Oops. But as soon as I read your book I promise I’ll shriek out a review through my parent’s account. 😂
“There is my dog, Atticus’ butt.” I cracked up hahaa
JULIAAAA 💛💛 MAKING ME ALL EMOTIONAL HERE AJDFKLASD THANK YOU FOR BEING SO SO KIND!! And omg I’m so mad at Amazon about that?! Like for starters, it doesn’t WANT people from Australia to buy anymore, so like I can’t review?!
I’m so eloquent. How do I have a book. 😂😂
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR PUBLISHING A BOOK but I also kind of hate you because I have read said book and it destroyed my feelings and it made me cry in an airport and someone asked me why I’m crying over a book with a pink butterfly on it because isn’t it supposed to be a happy book? HAHAHAHSHDJJDJD they know nothing.
But seriously it was amazing and I can’t wait for the next one. I’m equally excited and terrified.
AHHHHH THIS MAKES MY DAYYYYY😍 *clears throat* Um, wait, I mean…I am SO sorry. Pretend I’m looking ashamed and not gleeful right now. 😂 But seriously afjdksald thank you for reading and I’m SO glad you like dit and ahhh!! 💛💛 (Also…yeah. Be terrified. The next book takes it up a notch.)
I’m recovering from a two-week theatre internship where I helped run their acting classes (which involved lots of child wrangling), so I am EXHAUSTED. But as soon as I get some sleep (hahaha, what is sleep), I’ll be writing my wrap-up post soon, which involves me sitting down and actually reviewing all the books I read this month, so I’ll make sure to put a review up on Amazon for you!
“More people than just my mum like it” x’D If that doesn’t sum up the life of an artist, I don’t know what does.
Look at all those bookstores with your book’s pretty cover facing out!! I LOVE minimalistic white covers with a splash of color, so displays like that would totally catch my eye.
Watching lots of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” is a must. That show restores my faith in humanity.
Omg I can definitely imagine how exhausting that would be! CHILDREN AND ALL THEIR ENERGY. *sits down like a very very old creature* 😂😂 Ahem. I hope you get looots of sleep. (Also ajfkdslad thank you for putting a review on Amazon! It helps a LOT. I’m halfway to 50 now I think!!)
(And omg doesn’t it just?!😂You know you’ve made it as an artist when more people than just your mum approves.😂)
Brooklyn 99 is so PURE. I love it so much! We finished S4. 😍😍
Eeeee! It’s so cool seeing your book out! I’m sorry I find it funny that you TBR pile is literally as tall as you. XD
I’ve been slowly blogging my story and I don’t know if I’m ready for July cuz Camp NaNo. Because then I must write with a medium pace at least.
I tend to like vanilla, but if something fancy like white chocolate raspberry ice cream is available, I’m taking it.
All your photos are so prettily composed!
It’s SO WILD SEEING IT IN BOOKSTORES. 😍 Never going to get over this ah haha. Ahem. But ohh, good luck with Camp NaNo! I always struggle to write + read and blog too, so I think multitasking it all is extremely hard. 😂
I’ve had a good June although it went by so fastttt!! It was crazy but now I’m excited for the 4th and fireworks and watermelon sherbert!! (Which isn’t really ice cream, but whatever 😂) I do really like cookie dough ice cream, though!!
I think you should read Your Destination is on the Left next; simply because the cover is soooo beautiful!! I’ll probably be reading Serephina and Shadowscale next, and I’m excited for those!
And by the way I love your new shelves!! Read lots of fabulous books in July, Cait, and enjoy your ice cream sandwiches!😉😉
Ahh I hope you had a good 4th of July! (I realise I’m replying to these comments so late that it’s most definitely past.😂) Cookie dough anything is INCREDIBLE so I hear you there!!
Also absolutely need to read Your Destination Is On The Left soon!! Seraphina is SO GOOD TOO. Can’t go wrong with dragons.
CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN CAIT on your book’s release! I haven’t had the chance to read it just yet, but I can’t wait and I am so happy so many people are loving it and having their feelings destroyed by it overall haha 🙂
I AM VOTING FOR I WAS BORN FOR THIS because ah you have to read that one. Sorry for screaming, but I loved this book so, very much. Though I’d be very curious to know your thoughts on Your Destination as well, I’ve heard amazing things about this debut 🙂
I hope you’ll have an amazing July! <3
THANK YOU, FABULOUS MARIE. 😍😊 I actually am surprised people are crying at it tbh. 😂 I mean…I’m clearly more heartless than I thought ah hhaha. AHem. Anyway I seriously want to read I Was Born For This soon! I LOVE Alice Oseman’s writing so much!
My favorite ice cream flavor changes. Right now, I’d say mint chip. I’m most excited to read your book! Still waiting for my copy to arrive. My PO box puts the snail in snail mail.
I’d most recommend A Conspiracy of Stars. It’s soooo good! The Astonishing Color of After is amazing as well. 🙂
Mint chocolate chip is also AMAZING. 😍 I am with you there. I am just dissolving into someone who is obsessed with ice cream and I’m ok with that. 😂😂
Oh and I really want to read The Astonishing Colour of After!
A Thousand Perfect Notes is 110% worth all the love! I feel like it’s just wonderful and all and in a weird way although I am a pretty new follower on the Cait cult / love I felt so proud of you and for you because like you did it! It’s like my friend did a thing read it! Even though we aren’t close at all and not gonna lie I get giddy as hell everytime you respond to me because you’re like my #1 bookish nerd person because I trust what you say about things because of many reasons…WOW I KNOW NO PUNCTUATIONS TODAY. sorry.
Anyways, you SHOULD be happy, and I am BEYOND excited for you. And I got ATPN on Amazon from some other party seller and it was worth everything because wow. You pumped me up for reading and I actually read a book in less than my recent a book a month or every two weeks rut. So like… THANK YOU. Also trying to get my friends to read, because your characters are pure freaking gold.
Aww, just so you know, this means THE WORLD TO ME.💛💛💛 And omg I feel so so honoured right now, you are the best!! (And I totally consider everyone who I blog with to be a friend, so *sends you cake* KEEP BEING AMAZING, OK?!)
yay! omg cake. I need it, been craving it and to be honest I blame you because that sounded fabulous! I hope life is still amazing 😀
I’m FINALLY ordering your book today! I’m so excited for it! What a crazy month for you, but crazy in a fantastic way. I’m so jealous of all the books you have read lately. I’ve been teaching acting at a theatre camp lately so I’ve had basically no time to read. June has been a sad reading (or lack of) month for me.
Clearly you are making the BEST life decisions here. 😍😍 And eeep SUCH A crazy month but obviously super worth it haha. I can definitely understand the pain of having not much time to read though! I hope you get some more done in July!
you can… handmake ice cream sandwiches?? WHAT. I used have ice cream sandwiches where you just put ice cream on bread and call that… ice cream sandwiches. also B99 I APPROVE OF YOUR CHOICES. Also answering dm’s and making ice cream sandwiches is actually 10/10 accomplishments for your month!!!
I’M JUST THAT TALENTED.😂Ok…not really. But they TASTE good and that’s all I care about ah ahah. Ahem. But it’s kind of like a cake base (sort of thing…maybe slice is a better word?) and then ice cream in the middle and I freeze it. I want to figure out how to put like melty chocolate between the biscuit/cake slices though. 😍Am I obsessed with ice cream? Um, yes. No regrets either.
What book am I most excited to read next? Um, YOURS DUH! XD Also my friend and I are planning to read Six of Crows for the first time next month so I’m excited for that too. 🙂
June was pretty great cuz I got to enjoy summer and go camping, but I kinda forgot that I had books to read so I only finished one of them that I was planning to read this month. Haha oops. XD The book I finished though was To Kill A Kingdom and I loved it! I hated Lira in the beginning but I was totally rooting for her and Elian by the end, which almost never happens for me. XD
And I’m really trying to get ready for July. I hope I’m going to be a lot more productive than I was in June. There are so many things I want to do! Read, outline one of my WIPs for Camp Nano, work on art projects, blog, enjoy summer more, and get ready to take college classes again in August. 😛
And I LOVE ice cream!!!!!!! Chocolate fudge is the best! But I also love cookie dough, chocolate chip, peanut butter cup, sweet cream with brownies, Ben and Jerry’s On the Tonight Dough, and like a TON of other flavors! 😛 I can’t choose just one! XD XD XD
EXCELLENT ANSWER, HEATHER.💛💛YOU ARE THE BEST. 😂 And also SoC is amazing so I hope you love that too ahhh! And Lira in TKAK was actually my favourite from the start.😂I’m terrible. But she was so stabby and epic?! Go Lira. :’)
Oh good luck with Camp NaNo! I’m hoping to start drafting something in July buuuut…it’s like midway through and I’ve done NOTHING so far, so we’ll see.😂
I’ve done nothing so far with nano either 😂 I’ve been too busy with everything else, but at least I was planning to do an outline and not and actual novel so I’m not freaking out too much. (K that might be a lie 😂)
I’m still just so excited about your book! It was so good and heartbreaking (You made me cry. And just hurt me. A lot. Your book was really, REALLY PAINFUL! (In the very best way of course)), and I am already SO impatient for The Boy Who Steals House. (I made the mistake of reading the sneak peak… Which I never do, but I was wrecked from that ending, and apparently wasn’t thinking straight.)
But seriously, it was amazing.
Also I’ve screamed at all my friends to read it, and now I have a dilemma, because one of them wants to read it, and I *think* she wants to borrow my copy. And like NO please. But also I’m determined that everyone I know is going to read it (slight exaggeration only), sooo… I’ll just make her buy her own copy! 😀
Okay, I just spent this whole comment fangirling about your book to you… (which I swear I didn’t mean to do… I just got carried away) I can’t decide whether that is a nice comment to get, or just plain weird, and NOT something I should be doing… Soooo… If it’s just weird let me know. 😆
Also your dog is adorable. Just saying.
*sends you cake to make up for the tears* I’M SORRY (but am I tho) BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING IT!! And honestly I am 100% a person who doesn’t go with sneak peeks because of the torture but here I am…torturing everyone with The Boy Who Steals Houses. 😂😂I’m so so excited for everyone to meet it though ahhh!! AHHHH!!! Ahem.
Pfft, this is like the actual best comment of LIFE. 😂💛💛💛
These are actually some of my favourite posts of yours to read, actually! They pack so much in and are so interesting to read. Congratulations on the release of ATPN – I’ve had my eye on it and they’ve caught my eye in bookstores in Malaysia and Singapore, yay!! Have an amazing rest of 2018!
Aww, really!? DAY IS INSTANTLY BETTER.😍Thank you! I really enjoy writing them! And eeep, I’m so glad you’ve seen ATPN in bookstores. *flails and sends you cake*
ATPN is everywhere
CAIT HI OMG I JUST CAME BACK FROM A YEAR HIATUS AND YOU ALREADY PUBLISHED A BOOK!!! <3<3 well I guess congratulations are in order so, CONGRATULATION!! Hahaha I'm sooo happy for you I can't wait to read your book. I hope A Thousand PerfectNotes will hit our bookstores soon because I'm currently not in the mood to order online 😂😂 aaaanyway it looks like you had a busy and wonderful first half of the year. My June was rather special because I FINALLY GOT BACK INTO BLOGGING!! After a year being a way from it I missed it soooo much and it's so good to be back here <3 some of my best read this month was Strange the Dreamer and Obsidio, both books successfully exceeded my expectation and I can't wait to read Muse of Nightmares. ALSO YES TO BROOKLYN NINE NINE!! I was so behind but am currently catching up on it now and it was funny hahaha also, also, I really want to read Legendary but I still haven't got my hands around it. Anyway, have a wonderful July! 😀
OOHHH HI PUPUT!! IT’S BEEN SO LONG, HOW ARE YOU?! 💕💕 And aww thank you so much about my book eeep! It’s been so surreal and I’m still pinching myself that it’s all happening.😍 (Depending on where you live, it might not be in bookstores though! It’s only out in Europe/AUS, so most other countries will have to order online, sorry!)
Ahhh Strange the Dreamer is AMAZING and I’m reading Obsidio right now. Obsessed eeep.
Don’t mind me over here flailing about all of this because AHHHHH. I don’t know why. It’s not like I wrote the book. But, ya know, don’t mind me vicariously living through you.
Can’t preorder The Boy Who Steals Houses yet because I forgot my credit card number…again…. I had the same card for five years then some idiot scammer person in like Michigan had to try to use it to buy airplane tickets. So that card’s gone and I’m sad. Anyway….
So, uhm, random, but I didn’t think I read that much this month, and then I read three whole freaking books yesterday. This hasn’t happened in years and I almost cried because it brought back memories of the Before being Married and Working Full Time when I could read like 8 books a day, plus have time to draw, plus have time for school and video games. Ye olden days.
Aww thank you!! I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR FLAILS. COME FLAIL WITH ME AND WE’LL BE DORKS TOGETHER. 😂 But omg that sucks about your card getting scammed?! Yikes. Talk about scary! I hope you didn’t lose any money from it?
THREE BOOKS. You are queen. That’s amazing!! (And omg I remember the days when I read a ton of books per day.😂I laugh. And then cry. How even did I do that.)
The minute the transaction happened, the company froze my card because it was suspicious, so I appreciate that.
Same… I don’t understand how I had that much time. I’ve been reading books under 300 pages lately and I’m finishing one a day. It’s making me feel so special. XD
Omg I totally go for small books too to make me feel productive.😂Although my sister is visiting so that’s kind of distracting haha and then I just finished Bright We Burn which was SO GOOD and therefore I didn’t want to read anything after it.😂 Why are good books also terrible for us?!
I don’t know! It’s like some weird poison written into the book by the author so that we are compelled to simply reread their books/series 17 times before we can finally move on (or a friend pries the book out of our corpse’s hands).
Coffee ice cream is my fave!!!!! With honey and nuts and heath bar mixed in if I’m getting fancy.
Congratulations again on publishing!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m reading ATPN this week. June escaped me… I work two jobs so IDK!! What is time.
And I love your blurb/cover flip review thingies!!!
Hope you have a fab July <3
Oooh coffee flavoured anything is DIVINE. I am with you here! I should actually figure out how to make coffee ice cream because that would be totally tasty?!
Aww thank you so so much for reading!! MEANS THE WORLD TO MEEEEE AHHHHH. (Also good luck with your jobs! That sounds exhausting eep.)
I READ YOUR BOOK CAIT AND I LOVED IT. Made me cry four times!! 10/10 excited for NEXT YEAR because NEXT BOOK FOR ME TO DEVOUR. Also, that title. The Boy Who Steals Houses. LOVING IT. And I know, I know, I know that I said this before but: I adore your pinterest board aesthetic for TBWSH. ADORE IT SO MUCH. (You can be so so proud of yourself!!)
Also, I’m definitely jealous that you get to read SADIE and really sad that RUNNING WITH LIONS is sexist because I was kinda excited for it?? Last thoughts: have fun with B99 and how???do??you outline so many books?? I’m still stuck with writing my first book, sigh. Wish me luck! I hope you have a really good month!! And again: cONGRATS ON THE PUBLISHED BOOK!!!!! <3
❤️❤️I’M SO FREAKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW, THANK YOU THANK YOU!! It just means the world to me that people like my book!!! AHHHHH. I often was scared I’d never even get published and yet here is everyone so so kind ajfdkalsd. I’m so lucky! (And SO glad you ilke the TBWSH aesthetic board! It is my baby and I can’t wait to share it with everyone next year.❤️)
Also Sadie was “Read now” on netgalley! I don’t know if you’re signed up, but you can just download it straight away without approval!! AHH!! (Also definitely still read Running With Lions though, because I know a lot of other people still like it!)
Haha, I haven’t outlined much this year actually though. I’m in a bit of a slump. 😭😂This was a sequel for a secret project though, so I didn’t have to develop characters at least.😂
Yeay, go you Cait. For how busy you are I think you read an amazing amount still. <3
I love that you got a special edition with red sprayed edges. How cool is that!?
Eeeep thank you! I know I have zero to worry/complain about, but I’m still a tragic overachiever.😂 (And SO FREAKING EXCITED that I have sprayed edges for ATPN!!! How lucky am I !!!)
Reading Goals
Haha thank you!
AHH CAIT, I’m so happy for you being a published author and everything, that’s a major achievement, so it’s understandable you haven’t had as much time to read as you would have liked! I’m usually in a perpetual state of not being able to read all the things, but since it’s summer and I’m home from Uni, I have been devouring EVERYTHING, since finishing in May, I’ve read 10 books, so that’s like half my entire year total in the span of two months! I’ve also been doing all the writing, with blog posts, and articles for the student website I write for and my own WIPs, with revisions for This Is Not A Love Story and just starting the sequel’s first draft in the last week, so honestly I’m kind of surprised I’m not dead from doing all the things! I start my summer job next week though, so my reading is soon going to take a nosedive (well probably, I’m going to try and squeeze as much in as I can). Nearly every book I read in June had some form of LGBTQ+ representation in it, the only one that didn’t is Legendary, which wasn’t something that I specifically set out to do in June, but the timing of when I wanted to read those books just happened to work out really well. I’m super excited to read Children of Blood and Bone this month because I’ve been hearing so much about it and I think it’s going to be really great. After Legendary, which I absolutely loved and was so close to being a five star read but just didn’t quite get there, I’m hoping COBAB might be my elusive first five star read of 2018 (of course now I say this I’ve probably jinxed it!). As for my plans for July, I basically have work, but I’m going to a book con with my friend at the end of July, which I’m super excited for and I still want to do a lot of reading and some writing! My favourite kind of ice cream is of course chocolate.
Aww thank you, Jo!! And that sounds like you’ve been SO busy, which is super exciting!! This is what holidays are for, right?! Doing twice as much as usual.😂Total holiday haha.
Ahhhh yay for revision time! I hope it goes well. Sometimes I love revisions and other times they bend my brain so bad haha.
I honestly wish I’d focused more on doing more lgbtqia reads, and I MEANT to, I just was really caught up with doing some edits so that sort of derailed my reading and then I had to read specific ARCs so. *throws hands in the air* I’m unorganised. I own it.😂 (I looooved Legendary SO much!)
I finally started working with my editor on my 2019 YA debut…. which is so very exciting! I have never worked with an editor before but I am finding the process really great so far! 🙂 It’s exciting having someone else care about my novel and work with me to make it even better! So I feel pretty good about that! 🙂
Did you find being edited easy or was it a difficult process? It’s been pretty good so far for me, but I have talked with other writers who don’t enjoy the process at all! I am quite curious! 🙂
Congrats again on your release! 🙂 I enjoyed your novel so much! 🙂
Isn’t it amazing?! Honestly I LOVED that moment of having absolute professionals loving your work. 😍😍It’s surreal and so amazing and just ahhh!! I know how emotional and exciting it is!! I’m glad you’re having a good time.
It definitely depends for me with the editing. Like ATPN didn’t have a lot of rewrites? But my second book, The Boy Who Steals Houses, had like a HUGE revamp so that was stressful. 😂😂
Cait, I kind of teared up reading this post. I’m so, so incredibly proud of you! Your book ideas always sound incredible when you talk about them and I’m so, so happy you’re officially a published author!! <333 Wow, it must be so surreal and exciting. It's really motivated me to stop procrastinating and WRITE SOMETHING. XD
Wowww you got so many books! *_* I NEED to read I was Born for This, Smoke and Iron and Bright we Burn! I absolutely love the cover for Bright We Burn – IT'S SO PRETTY.
Omggg KYRA. ❤️❤️ Thank you!! This makes me so happy (and emotional…there goes my Vulcan status 😂😂) I’m just so freaking happy that I can flail over m y book being a REAL BOOK ON A REAL SHELF. afjdkslad SO SURREAL. And I will be cheering you on and your books too!!!
I just read I was Born For This a few weeks back and I really hope you like it<3 Such a lovely read and Alice Oseman really knows how to capture her Characters brilliantly.
Unfortunately, I don't have any good bookstores near me so I wouldn't be able to take a picture of your Book sitting so pretty amongst other books. The Cover Designer really is brilliant because your book cover stands out immediately.
I'm getting your book in a couple of days and I'm so excited to read it 🙂
Omg I love Alice Oseman SO much. Radio Silence is one of my all time favourites ahhhh.
And depending on what country you’re in, it might actually not get stocked! It’s mostly on shelves in Europe/Australia. But ajfdklsad I’m so glad you like the cover! And I’m SO lucky!!❤️❤️
What book are you MOST excited to read soon?!?
– Red Sister by Mark Lawrence. I’ve tried listening to the audiobook but sometimes I need to see the words to truly appreciate it. My copy should arrive later this month – sooo excited
– The Stone Sky by N. K. Jemesin. I’ve had it for about a year but I got caught up in audiobooks, Panam, and Westeros so I left the Stillness for a while. Excited to finally finish the Broken Earth Trilogy.
I would recommend The Broken Earth Trilogy. It’s Adult Fantasy and not quite YA but it has some prominent YA characters that are just as awesome as the grown up characters. I love it.
What’s your favourite kind of ice cream?
Half and half: Sea Salt and Caramel + Coffee/Espresso
Ahhh Red Sister is SO GOOD!! I need to read the sequel though, oops I’ve totally forgotten to keep up with that one. Haha. There are so many fantasy series that are so awesome right?! I shall check out The Broken Earth trilogy then!!
CARAMEL ICE CREAM YESSSS. I want to figure out how to make that!
Congratulations on the release!! We’re all so proud of you. 😊
Aww thank you so so much, Emily!! ✨😘
Somehow I missed your review for The Unpredictability Of Being Human on GoodReads (I don’t check it everyday). I shall add it to my ‘to-buy-soon’ list!! I’m also adding ‘Autism in Heels’ (currently unavailable though at the Dutch website) to my wishlist, as well as ‘Carry the Ocean’ (I actually added that one after I read your GoodReads review when you posted it!). I’m always looking for books with good autism rep, and for good autism memoirs.
Yay for new shelves :D!
I can hardly believe it’s July already! I hope you can do a lot of great reading in July :). My favourite June reads were A Thousand Perfect Notes, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, and Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult (if I had to pick just 3!). I’m excited for The Boy Who Steals Houses.
I’m also a bit sad it’s July because it means it’s time for a dentist appointment again (I go every 6 months) and I’m always really anxious about that. I have to go in a couple of days and it’s always very difficult for me. So I’m stressing out about that.
I would love to try one of your ice-cream sandwiches! I’ve never had one.
Ahh I’m so glad you liked my recs here! I just realised how many Autism books I read this month, which is kind of cool!? 😍 And it’s a relief to finally be reading some GOOD ASD books because usually I find all the awful ones. 😂 And I am filling up these shelves rather fast ah ahah.
And I know right?! How is it JULY. Awwwww…*happy cries on you* I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED ATPN. I really just !!! I flail!!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛
I feel for you with the dentist. I hope you don’t have to get much work done. 😭I avoid the dentist like nothing else.
Oh my god, just seeing how many countries where A Thousand Perfect Notes are on the shelves must be absolutely surreal. I’m sitting here teary because holy shit, you’ve actually achieved world domination. I can’t tell you how proud I am to have watched and cheered from the sidelines, bask in your achievements smushy, what you’ve done is extraordinary and we’re all so honoured to be able to share it with you.
BRIGHT WE BURN GET OUT! I’ve missed the stabbiness of YA and our shared love for Lada. I kind of know how it’ll end, if it’s following the historical line but hoping she changes it up a little. More stabbiness! Have a brilliant week of reading my darling and will be keeping an eye out for A Thousand Perfect Notes in the wild to add to your world map ♥♥♥
PS. Nice work on the shelves dad!
SO WILDLY SURREAL I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELFFFFF *flails and falls over* I’m getting all teary-eyed. I don’t even do emotions??? So what is this???? Someone send help. THANK YOU, MY PROUD KELLY YOU ARE THE BEST. 💕💕💕
Oh I’m convinced EVERYONE WILL DIE for the ending of Bright We Burn but I hold out a little bit of hope. 😭😭 I just want Radu to get to run away with Cyprian and be happy is that SO MUCH TO ASK???? (Um, yeah, but ok fine. I can dream.)
And I’m still alive!! So my dad can make shelves well! This is a relief!
Hi Cait!
Soooo proud of you!!! I’m ordering your book as we (I) speak! I have several things to talk to you about:
1. Read Dubliners by James Joyce-
It’s fabulous!! I’m most excited to read Patricia Highsmith’s The Blunderer-if you haven’t read her, you HAVE to check her out!!! She’s so dark and funny!
2. My favorite ice cream is New York Superfudge Chunk by Ben and Jerry- could there be MORE chocolate???
3. On a more personal note:
I have anxiety too. It used to be devastating-i couldn’t leave my house for three years. I’m on Buspar now (have you tried it?) and am proud to say that I am now going back to school, writing a novel, and even presenting at conferences!! I’d really love to get my copy of A Thousand Perfect Notes signed at a bookstore (hint hint)!
Take care of yourself and enjoy your success- you have earned it!
Eeeep, thank you!! YOU ARE SO KIND, IT MEANS A LOT TO ME AHH!!! And I shall look up Dubliners! Is it adult? I typically read YA haha, but I do like dark and funny! And omg I want ice cream like that…ice cream life goals ajfdksald.
(And no I haven’t heard of Buspar before! I’m glad that it works for you and your life is going really well!! That’s AMAZING.)
How did I miss your Twitter chat?!
I wish I could see ATPN in bookstores!
We have shelves above our bed, too. I try not to think about it, haha.
Ohhhh no maybe I didn’t even mention it to you!? I was so overwhelmed that week ah haha I don’t even know what I was doing. (I just wish it might one day get translated to German haha…unless I have offended all the Germans.😂😂)
OH yes you do! If we all die by books, I guess it’s a very fitting way to go?😂
Ahhh Cait it makes me SO freaking happy to see you sprinting off into the big old authour world with success and happiness and everything you’ve worked so hard for coming true *waves handkerchief at departing authour with single proud tear in eye* HECK YES that Amazon ranking is a big deal! And how powerful that school kids are reading and loving it!!!!
I love these wrap up posts because your authour updates are super duper interesting. I haven’t spotted your book in shops yet but I’m sure I will soon so it can go on the TBR Tower (which I’ve had to break into multiple piles so it doesn’t come alive and crush me to death at night). Can’t wait to learn what you’re going to crush our souls with in book 3, I’m crossing all my digits that it’s fantasy because that’s my go to genre all though, I will make an exception and read YA contemporary if it’s by you 😉
SO MUCH TO FLAIL ABOUT, I SHALL PROBABLY FLAIL FOREVERRRR. But also not run too far because of my smol legs and sprinting is hard work. *sits down for a moment*
Aww, I’m so glad you like the wrap-ups! I’m honestly a bit nervous I’m going on too much about ATPN and everyone else will eventually be the ones sprinting off to catch a break.😂 I also am so very honoured that you will make an exception and read my contemporaries. 😍CAKE FOR YOU.
So I haven’t had a chance to say CONGRATULATIONS on your book release!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see it in my local bookstore!
Aww thank you!! 😍 Depending on what country you’re in though, you might have to ask the bookstore to get it in? It’s not being printed in the US!
Mmmm yeah. I’m in Canada. Any chance for it coming up here?
Ooh probably not in bookstores. 😭😭But bookdepository.com would be a good bet! And possibly you could ask a local bookstore to order it in? But it might be faster doing it yourself. 💛💛
Congrats on being published! I cannot wait to read your book and I am so excited that it is finally out! Now just for the rest of them… hahahhah
Aww THANK YOU!! This is so nice of you!!
I’ve been saying this FOREVER but I am really excited to get to Legendary which I should’ve finished by now but a friend bought me The Handmaid’s Tale which I spontaneously picked up, read, and LOVED, but now my tbr is also thrown off completely and I’m so behind on all the new releases. Also I started driver’s ed and I’m driving and it’s SCARY but also kind of cool. Also still so very happy for you and your book being out in the world!! It’s on my list of books to buy and on my Amazon wishlist, lol. As soon as I get it and read it I’ll leave a review 😉
Ahhh good luck with the drivers’ ed!! I honestly hated learning to drive haha, but afterwards, it’s kind of fun?! Can even be relaxing? (I KNOW. SOUNDS INSANE.😂) And aww thank you so much for wanting to read my book too! Means a LOT!
I’m so happy about your book and I want to get it into my hands soon!! I just want to hold it in my hands! Congrats!! Also I absolutely love your blog and your reviews! I hope you can read more soon!
Aww thank you!! That means a lot to me!
That’s exactly why I don’t wear white. hahaha..
I HAVE GOT TO catch up with your blog. About that message of yours I think I haven’t answered? I am blatantly ignoring everyone cause life has been a roller coaster xD hope you don’t think I’d terribly rude (which I kind of am!) 😀 sorry!
Anyway. Catch up time! I love your #amcurrently posts. Despite doing a Sunday post every week, I sometimes feel like maybe I should do one of those too. Except I’m so uncomfortable about talking about most real life stuff that happens in my life xD I don’t even know why?
Also. Remember that Hachette spelling thing we talked about. I ran into an old book (1893) in my grandpa’s house (there was loads of crazed screaming. It had gilded pages.) and it was from Paris and that either got me googling or made me realize where Hachette was originally from so I think I now figure the pronunciation? xD (I still find the story hilarious.)
And you actually have 23 Amazon reviews right now! I should ask in my discord group… People are always raving about your book, but a lot of people forget to post Amazon reviews in general, I think.
That sounds amazing about the Book Depository ranks thing. I didn’t even know ranks existed though xD
Oh, also, unrelated to your post – I READ SIX OF CROWS. Proceed with comment. That is already enough info. xD
OMG your Twitter chat trended! That’s so cool 🙂
I have this cool app for OVERACHIEVERS. It’s called “Life RPG”. I will add that as a mission for London. With lots of XP.
I hope I find it.
And OMG I can’t believe I’m actually not that far off from you in Goodreads challenge books 😀 that makes me feel unbelievably good, actually xD (I’ve read 71, so at least you’re not 100 away from me xD)
Oh wow, you’re making ice cream sandwiches. I am so jealous xD are here pics? Please, pics, pleaaaase *mouthwaters*
And maybe it’s alright about your Etsy store. Being published is cooler anyway 😀 (and hopefully more lucrative?)
I also need to watch all of the B99.
Okay, off to see other posts 😀
I mean…i’m here answering comments like WEEKS LATE. I AM SO ASHAMED. 😭😭 But I have been writing and I sort of get really into it when I’m going and the blog just grows brambles without me.😂 Anyway…*pretends to be a better blogger*
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR KIND WORDS HERE!! I appreciate them eep. And hey not everyone needs to talk about actual lifey things! I get asked a lot of personal questions now that I’m an author and honestly? I hate it? lmao. I don’t want to have to tell everyone things about my life but I am still struggling how to say “no” without being rude. (Because unfortunately people get really stroppy very fast online. Sigh.) Anyway. Randomness.😂 I really hope I can crack the 50 Amazon reviews! It’s still pretty much hovering there. 😭
I’m not reading as much this year at all!
And I should’ve done more pics of the ice cream sandwiches! Some went up on my IG at least.
(I do wish my etsy store did better though, because then I can justify spending more on books ah hahah…)
Tell me about it, I have not logged into my blog for like a week. I am on vacation and just… just can’t. I’m in total vacation mode. I have 300 unreplied comments xD whoopsies…
Oh, I’ll have to track down those ice cream sandwiches on your IG 🙂
BTW, I think it’s off season for Etsy right now. July-August are truly the months when nobody cares to buy literally anything xD I am in advertising and I see online sales from my clients… Most industries are suffering, especially during heatwaves. (There is one heating products client. You don’t want to know xDDD)
300??? OMGGGG. I bet you’re feeling like never logging back in…😂
AGh figures about Etsy. But also I haven’t had success on there for, um, 2 years now.😂So.
It’s now constantly hovering at 200-300. I answer 100 in a day and somehow the next time I can tune in two days later? 300 again xD
Omg isn’t that the way?!😂😂But I’m still kinda flailing for you being so popular there. 😉
It’s less that I’m popular and more that I log in once every week to answer 10 comments and then leave again xD LOL
Book I’m most excited to read???? TPN of course?????????? Congrats again, and I’m looking so forward to reading it!! (also obviously requested it at my library too because why wouldn’t I, but also they have not bought a single book I recommended to them, to date, which is offENSIVE because I have the BEST taste of course)