As you may have heard (since I’ve mentioned it once or twice) my debut novel, A Thousand Perfect Notes, is nearly here!
Somehow it’s only 26 days to go?!?? WhEn dID thaT happEN. I swear this has taken forever and absolutely no time at all, which just proves I’m probably a magical writer wizard creature who manipulates time and you should all read my book.
“But, Cait,” you say patiently while building a house out of cake because reading my blog usually gives you that kinda feel, “it’s not here yet so we can’t read it.”
Which is a good point, I’ll give you that. So I’ve very cleverly decided to put together a list of books you can read while you wait! These are a bit like comparative titles too! And they were actually really hard to find because music-themed-books ARE RARE UNICORNS. Clearly I am filling a void here with my book. Someone award me.
Although obvious reminder…my book is still pretty different to these in style/presentation of topics. lol lol. Have you met me. I am always different.
Beck lives for one thing: music. But it’s not his choice. His mother, a once famous pianist, is determined to live out her shattered dreams through her son. The tyranny of her passion rains down on Beck in a torrent of violent words and blows. Isolated from the world, he is the ghost of a boy – until August comes along.
August, with her bare feet and her blue-doodled hands, her eyes as complicated as the ocean. August, fiercely protective of those in need.
As Beck’s own music swells inside him, can August help him unlock it and say all the things he’s never said?
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A List of Cages is one of my favourite books of last year! It totally smacked me in the feels which is, obviously, just what all good books are supposed to do. I mean, who is here for happiness?! HA. ADORABLE. Anyway, this one is about Adam (who has ADHD) and Julian (who has dyslexia) and their unlikely friendship coupled with Julian’s very dark secrets of the abuse he suffers at home.
My heart turned into an emotionally damp piece of bread reading this because my book was under contract in early 2017 but still a secret (!!) so it was hard to explain why this book meant a lot to me!! But I definitely think ATPN would get on well with this book.
Starfish is such an incredible book! I don’t even know if I’ve yelled about this one on the blog yet?! Which is a true dire shame, but it is heartwrenching. It’s got such a good representation of social anxiety too (although my book doesn’t, just to clarify!) and it’s also an #ownvoices story about being biracial! Also Kiko is an ARTIST! And my protagonist, Beck, is a PIANIST. So ya know. It works.
This one features a poisonous mother/daughter relationship, while ATPN features a mother/son relationship…both are BAD NEWS. So like read this if you just want to bawl and plot to kidnap characters from their mean authors. *
* um wait…that’s me…
Tell Me Something Real is probably one of the only (!??!) pianist books I’ve read!?? What is this world. I mean apart from Jace from Shadowhunters but I don’t think I could get away with comparing that ahhhh ahha. Ahem. Now this one is actually about a girl who wants to go to the Conservatorium for classical piano, buuut her mum has leukaemia so her attentions are elsewhere. It’s also lots of sibling/sister rep in it! And the romance is so soft™.
ATPN stars two siblings, Beck and his 5yo firecracker of a sister Joey who would probably eat you. So that’s lovely. *
* Also fun fact, I have FIVE siblings and exactly ZERO of them have read my book lol lol sob. They are all for sale.
Someday Somewhere is a newbie debut I just read this year and FUN FACT: this author and I have the same literary agency. Like, isn’t that just super cool!? I didn’t know until I was reading the acknowledgements, and then I geeked out. Like the professional I am. I swear nobody gave me a How To Be An Author handbook so I’m going to continue functioning * as a blogging fangirl. tRY AND STOP ME.
Anyway!! Like my book, this is about that line between being passionate vs obsessed with music. This one deals really heavily (and I thought really well!) with mental illness too. It also has a girl who loves to dance! I do not have that! But I have a girl who loves dogs, so that’s like very very important.
* Looooool. Dubious use of that word
The Dangerous Art of Blending In was soooo good and soooo heartbreaking ASDKFLADSJ I DIDN’T ASK FOR EMOTIONS. Ahem. I only read it earlier this year and was immediately like: “This book should be friends with my book.” Which is weird. But hello. I am a writer.
Anyway, the boy in this book has a most horrible mother + he uses art to escape! In my book, Beck also has a horrible mother, but uses composing music to escape. Although this one also has #ownvoices Greek and queer rep and it’s just so so gooddddd. The cover is covered in sprinkles too, so basically it is a cake! I’m such a fan!
The Raven Cycle is my #1 favourite series of ever AND YOU KNEW I’D SQUEEZE IT ON THIS POST. YOU KNEW IT. Any excuse to remind you to read it, OK?!?! Now my book does not have dead Welsh Kings, magic, cars, friendship squad goals, or even obsessive amounts of yogurt. I know. My book is a complete failure. However Adam Parrish, who has a crappy home life with an awful father and PTSD, is definitely the kind of person my protagonist Beck could relate to.
Minus the magic. I’m sORRY, Beck, I could’ve given you magic and I messed up.
Anyway this is like 78% wishful thinking but I’m putting it on here because no one can STOP ME.
This is the kind of retelling that you might not be able to pick! But my very very first smidges of inspiration did come from making A Thousand Perfect Notes —> a genderbent Cinderella retelling. It did change in rewrites of course, and mutate like the X-Man it should’ve been but wasn’t because no one’s let me write a Wolverine retelling yet (SOMEDAY???) but the thought is there!!
It’s also a little smudge of a retelling of a famous classical composer BUT I SAY NO MORE BECAUSE OF POTENTIAL SPOILERS.
I must confess that the only book on this list that I have read is Cinderella. But there are some interesting-sounding books on this list that I would totally jump at if I hadn’t already hit my limit on Social-Issue-Contemporaries-That-Tear-Out-Your-Heart. Or I would be at my limit if I weren’t saving enough room for your book. Anywho, I’m going back to high-concept epic fantasy for a while.
Hum, comparative titles for the Worth of a King, which is my next release … Well, let’s start with Snow White, because while I totally did NOT set out to rewrite that fairy tale … I think I kinda did. Just substitute a father-in-law for the stepmother, a dragon scale for the mirror, masked former assassins for the dwarves, and toss in a twin brother just to make things interesting. And … I’m drawing a blank for a second story. Check back later. (Maybe I should do a post of this sort of my own later…)
And I must admit that I’m not remembering any pianist books that I’ve read. But my favorite TV series has a hero who plays piano and whose father is strict and unusual, so… (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.)
Aww I’m really glad you’ll still try mine even if it’s not fantasy!!
And I also love that you do a ton of retellings too. *hi fives* It’s so much fun, right?! So many things to twist and make your own!
OK but definitely must look up this pianist movie…
I loved this, and I’m so excited for ATPN! I have to say that ATPN isn’t my usualy kind of book but because of you I”msure it’ll be great. I’ve read Starfish and I didn’t actually like it all that much, and I find The Raven Boys less compelling than I used to… Oh No what if I don’t like your book *small crisis*. I think that my current (by current, I mean the project I would like to be working on, but I’m not actually working on because I just seem to be busy and it sucks) project, which is LIghter Places, could be ocmpared to Dramatically Ever After, but with less romance (none at all really) and maybe the silliness/intensity/sense of inheritance of Suite Scarlett? and my protagonist has four sibilings so she’s from a really big family.
N’aww, I’m really honoured you’ll give it a chance then haha. And I’m not peeking over anyone’s shoulders while they read it lol lol so don’t worry about feeling pressured to like it or anything.
(Also I love that you’re writing a sibling/family story too!!)
Wait. You’ve written a novel, Cait?
But, seriously, I hope my bookshop gets it in.
I have read none of these except for The Raven Cycle, which is, of course, glorious. Although I do know the story of Cinderella. Obviously. :’)
I never never NEVER talk about it so it’s a bit of a surprise. 

OMG YES WE DEFINITELY NEED MORE BOOKS ABOUT MUSIC!! Everybody paints and writes but musicians are left in a lil corner to like cry. They are creative souls too people WE NEED MORE OF EVERYTHING!!
(Also smol other reason why I’m 245% excited for your book: I have a friend who’s whole family is music-y and exceptional because her dad is a pianist her cousin is a accordionist, basically EVERYBODY is in love with an instrument or 2 and some of others are in bands and they have concerts!! I told her it sounds like she’s a YA protagonist. She wants to become a doctor because #vivalarevolution so she wasn’t impressed. And I want to read more about musicians because she tells me lots of stories and like I have the feeling that musical people might be superheroes?)
And yesss girls in love with dogs and tragic protagonists (sorry Beck I haven’t met you yet but I’m already plotting how to steal you from Cait!! No hard feeling yes I just…I need to get him somewhere safe where he can be happy and YOU’RE NOTORIOUS FOR THE SUFFERING OF INNOCENT CHARACTERS!!).
And I have 90% of these on my TBR but hahahaHA. Hm. I need to get to them ASAP.
Omg I’m glad it’s not just me who can’t find many then!! It’s a huge failing in life, c’mon people!! We deserve musical books!! And I totally think a ton of musicians are superheroes, although I’m definitely not one.
I look like a spider when I play the piano because my fingers are so doublejointed ah haha. Ahem.
Yes, Beck needs rescuing from me. He deserves better.

AJJSJJA I’m too excited for ATPN eeeek!! Starfish, A List Of Cages and The Dangerous Art Of Blending all sound very much like my kind of book so i’m literally going to go and buy them RIGHT NOW!!
Lexie x
*ps just thought I’d let you know as soon as I saw you posted I craved some cake, YOU HAVE PUT THAT ASSOCIATION IN MY BRAIN CAIT #brainwashed (the good news is it was my bro’s bday on Thursday so there is plenty of cake in the house)
THIS MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY THOUGH, THANK YOU, LEXIE. Also I’m 100% pleased that my brainwashing tactics have worked. This is honestly all I blog for –> so everyone will associate me with cake. :’)
I haven’t read ANY of these! Bad me! But OMG Cait, the wait is almost over!!
*Figuratively building a house of cake because Cait was right and reading her blog gives me that kinda feel*
ATPN looks amazing and may tear out my heart while I sleep, along with TDAOBI. Why are you introducing me so many books that will kill me?
I have no idea what to compare to my current project because it is very weird (incapable Chosen One, side-character-that’s-only-here-because-the-chosen-one-isn’t-doing-a-good-job, oh, and shadows will kill you.)
26 days until I can get my heart broken.
I’m really glad I’m spot on with my cake-house-assumption though. I do bring out the best in people. :’)
Oh jeez the excitement is K I L L I N G me…so I really don’t know how you’re still alive!! I’ve read The Dangerous Art of Blending In and, of course, The Raven Cycle (loved them both btw), and A List of Cages is on my TBR list. I have not read many (any?) books prominently featuring pianists so now I am SUPER keen.
In terms of my own WIP, I’d say The Dangerous Art of Blending In is a reasonably comparative title…and it sounds like ATPN has some overlapping themes too! My MC has a (very) unhealthy relationship with his mother, plays the violin (music is more of a minor theme in the story though), and is struggling to come to terms with who he is…and who he’s attracted to.
Bring on June 7th!!
IT’S KILLING ME TOO. I AM BUT A GHOST NOW. A TRUE GHOST WRITER. EVERYTHING IS FINE. *screeches and falls over* And we totally deserve more pianist books in this world, right?! I’m so confused as to why it’s not a big thing, since a tooon of people learn at some point.
YAY you’re doing a violinist book! (I used to play violin too.
It’s so weird, right? I know for my own WIP I needed to choose a “portable” instrument that wasn’t a guitar, so I’m wondering whether that type of flexibility is why people write about instruments other than piano? I dunno.
It IS hard, I agree, to tote around a piano.
Kind of doesn’t fit in one’s luggage as well.
Wowww your book is so soon!!! That’s awesome! And I love this list!!!! So many great books on it – I definitely want to read Tell Me Something Real and Someday, Somewhere. Actually I want to read all of them
but those especially.
One pianist book that I read a couple of years ago was really good – Interrupted, by Rachael Coker. The girl always played really well for her mom, who had a mental problem and died from it. And after her mother’s death she couldn’t play again for years and years, and it was really sweet and sad. Other than that, I don’t have a whole lot of experience in piano books.
P.S. That strawberry chocolate cake looks delicious

Ahh I’m glad you like these books too! I mean they all come highly recommended as well.
I’m just going to sneakily force everyone to read my favourites. *self five*
Oh I have read Interrupted but sooo long ago haha, I totally forgot there was even a piano mentioned.
26 days to go!! So exciting to know the world will be reading your book soon. Is it going to be on Audible?
I LOVED starfish and Raven Boys, but haven’t read the others – yet.
Have a happy cake filled weekend.
Eeep it’s EXTREMELY amazing ahhh! And not on audible as far as I know.
But Starfish was so so good right?! Totally feels mashing.
I’ve only read The Raven Boys of these, but I loved that series, Blue and the gang are definitely friendship goals! As for books I’d compare to my current projects? I mean for This Is Not A Love Story, I guess it has hints of Throne of Glass because I was reading Empire of Storms at the time I was writing it, I was a little worried that Tiffany was too much like Celaena, but I think she has diverged from there and my project is nowhere near as romance heavy as ToG-obviously, that’s the whole point! The structure of the world is quite similar to Snow Like Ashes, but that was honestly a complete accident, I hadn’t even read it when I was writing the first draft! I have a lot of Rick Riordan and Derek Landy-esque snark and banter, but a lot of that is also just my personality worming it’s way into Tiffany! I’m not sure if those are direct comparisons to my novel, but there are definitely similarities there. When I told a friend of mine about Underground Magicians, and then later was talking about ADSOM, she said they sounded kind of similar-I’m not actually sure I see it, but I’m taking it since I would love it if my work could be anywhere near as good as Victoria Schwab’s! I didn’t realise until later than Underground Magicians has a lot of Sophie McKenzie’s The Medusa Project in it, as all of my main characters have very different powers and it’s not based on one specific system. I was also partially inspired by Samantha Shannon’s The Bone Season, the story is in no way similar, but the setting of underground tunnels beneath Paris was inspired by her post about the Paris Catacombs on Instagram. I really need to get better at doing direct comparisons, all I can think of is things that have inspired my stories!
Let’s be real: the Raven Cycle is only the best thing in the world and 1000% approve that you’ve read it so YOU’RE WINNING HERE.
Also I’m SO intrigued about your fantasy series, that’s really awesome! I love the world of Snow Like Ashes so !!! and that must be a lot of fun with the Riordan/Landy banter. Seriously they have the BEST humour.
I crack up all the time with their books. I also like how you have such a variety of inspiration here. That’s really awesome and your book sounds so detailed. 
I haven’t read any of these. I feel like a bad bookworm because some of them are very popular. If it helps, A List of Cages and The Raven Boys are on my TBR list. That means I’ll maybe possibly read them a thousand years from now.
Ajjjjj I only mention The Raven Cycle aaaaaall the time come on now.
(I’m jUST KIDDING no pressure haha.)
Your book is one of the top books I’m most excited for this year, and I actually did a Goodreads poll on upcoming summer releases about which you’re most excited about and you’re book won third place out of like 15 other books and was only beaten by Lifel1k3 and the next Red Queen book.
I’d say some comparative titles for my book (that I actually just started writing last night! Yay!) Are Legend by Marie Oh because war+dual narrated+action, The Epic Crush of Genie Lo because humor+magic+salt, and Six of Crows because somewhat modern medieval world+dual narrated with a few other narrators when the story needs it+magical people.I
Also you’re favorite books say something about you and you’re favorite series is The Raven Cycle so a part of you is in it and you’re book is a part of you so it’s ok to compare your favorite series with your book because they are both Horcruxes with pieces of your soul.
Omggggg are you serious?! I’m like flailing so much right now. That is the BIGGEST HONOUR. *screams softly*
*sends you 9 cakes*
Also that combo of comparitive titles for your book has me super super intrigued! That is like an awesome mashup!? I hope you have a ton of fun writing it!!
(I also approve of Horcrux point you made there for sure.)
BECAUSE I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF ATPN, I think I’ll have to read some of these! Someday, Somewhere looks AMAZING ahhh I’ve heard great things and I just really want to read it!! I hope to read A list of Cages soon too! And a book?? I didn’t know you had written of those, I’ll have to buy it, sounds cool, i don’t think you’ve mentioned it enough XD (okay but for real 26 days!! SCREAMING AHHHHH)

But omg you are so lovely.
A List of Cages is AMAZING and almost made my stone cold Vulcan heart tear up so wooooow.
Not many music books, this is true. ALso even less mixed with fantasy which means I rarely read about music. So bring it on.
(Mostly unrelated note: I totally gave up on the keyboard after high school haha)
Fantasy with music is really good though right?! I just remembered about Seraphina and This Savage Song at least!
(PS. I kind of haven’t been playing piano since highschool either whooops.)
GOOD JOB SQUEEZING THE RAVEN CYCLE IN THERE. 10/10 approve. And I’m just so excited for ATPN I can’t even (I kind of saw a spoiler but I think it was mild. I hope. I’m so sorry though I swear I didn’t mean to, don’t eat me). BUT IT’S COMING OUT SO SOON AND I’M IN THE U.S. SO NOT TOO SOON FOR ME BUT STILL. I’M VERY EXCITED.
I’m going to end up one day writing the most un-like-the-raven-cycle-book ever and then still comparing them because I can’t not.
I wouldn’t eat you for seeing spoilers haha!
I actually read someone’s review that spoiled the whole thing lol lol. But oh well.
Eeeeeek! It’s less than a month away!!!! That’s so exciting! It’s just so cool seeing you go from a book blogger to author and living both worlds of Chaos and Cake.
Hmm…clearly I am reading your blog wrong if I’m not building cake houses at the same time…
My current project is feeling dead, So I’m writing poetry instead.
Aww thank you!! And Chaos and Cake?! I LOVE THAT. TITLE OF MY MEMOIR COMING RIGHT UP.
And honestly what else would we be doing with our time if not building houses of cake, hmm?
(Hey poetry is really cool! I admire that! I can’t write poetry to save my life.
Yes! That’d be a fun memoir! xD
Writing about characters building cake houses?
(Thanks! I am slowly getting better at it, so that’s exciting.)
I honestly don’t know if this will make you happy or sad or maybe a mix of both, but I liked your book more than Raven Boys? Also Starfish is a really good comp! And a good book, so it is allowed in the company of your book
26 days, wowwww. I have to get my thoughts together, it’s really coming up soon! I never talk about books before I review them cause I am a weirdo but it seems rude to leave you in suspense, so, I freaking LOVED IT and okay I actually lost track of time while reading it, AND I cried and a book hasn’t made me cry since like January. So yeah. (And making me cry is a good thing, just so you know hah!) ALSO Cinderella, that makes sense!!
Also, now I want to read all these other books, and I have most of them so maybe I shall! And actually, I don’t think I have read any pianist books before, but my mom plays the piano. She started when she was like almost 60 though, and her mom doesn’t really care one way or the other and also her mom isn’t German OR a former pianist. Or an awful human, so that’s a plus. (And none of that little story had anything to do with anything, but there it is.)
OMG SHANNON. I’M SCREEEEAMING. *tackle hugs you forever* I might just cry on you also, so probably get an umbrella. I’m like so freaking relieved that you liked it?!
I can’t even with how anxious I am about this book afafhsdih but this just makes my dAY and omg it made you cry. 

I’m too happy about this someone needs to sit on me ajfdkslafd.
I’m REALLY glad there’s no terrifying pianist stories in your family though.
I’ve had a few horrible teachers in my time but lol lol nothing compared to the Maestro. I have so many apologies to give to Beck. So so many. :’)
CAIT these books you’re comparing your book too, AH I AM SCREAMING OVER HERE. I loved A List of Cages, it just kind of like took my heart out of my chest, it gave me ALL THE EMOTIONS and I loved it, I’m so glad you’re quoting that title here, makes me even more impatient to read your book someday soon!! <3 AND YES ADAM PARRISH. <3
I really have to and want to read Starfish, no idea if I'll manage to get it before I get to your book, buuuuuuuut I can't wait to read that one either. These comparisons just make me even more eager to read your book, SO LITTLE TO WAIT NOW I AM IMPATIENT AND SO HAPPY FOR YOU <3
Ahhhhh that makes me happy!! (I mean I should probably feel bad that all my comparisons are like heartbreaking ones but OH WELL.)
Also Adam is perfect and precious and makes me CRY.
Starfish is just really really good omg. I need to get myself a physical copy at some point because it’s also gorgeous. #ShallowBookwormAndNotAshamed
I haven’t read most of these but having read your spectacular book I 100% agree with A List Of Cages. Also would throw in my current WIP but since it’s not even finished yet…
Though Beck would totally be friends with Ben. Ben is also a pianist after all and they can bond over that and having adorable siblings as well as terrible parents.
How did I not know Ben was also a pianist?! Eeeep. I hope he has a nice teacher lol lol.
He does, haha. XD And yeah he’s a pianist and also plays the guitar. He’s such a talented musician. When he plays piano, it’s like magic. Which makes me sad because he barely plays anymore since his dad sold the piano and doesn’t pay for his lessons anymore. *cries*
I am embarrassed to say I haven’t read any of that list! I am quite interested in the Raven Cycle though, after seeing you talk about it so often
I’d like to give it a go!
Your book has been added to my list of books to read, which I might add, has recently gotten out of control…. I used to not get a new book until I’d finished reading whatever I already had but that ship has long sailed. I now have a pile of ten books at home to read, plus another 8 being shipped to me as we speak!!
The novel of mine which will be published next year is kind of like a shoujo anime. Or in feel it definitely is. Light, cute and romantic, but some emotional depth too (hopefully anyway!)
A high school love story set in Australia.

Pfft don’t be embarrassed.
There are a lot of books out there to read ha ha. Although The Raven Cycle is LIFE. I NEED EVERYONE OF EVER TO READ IT. *flails* And aww I’m very honoured that I am on your TBR pile! I hope your book will be on mine someday soon
eeeep. I haven’t read any anime but HURRAH for more Aussie-setting books!
I’ve read exactly none of these so clearly I have some reading to do! I don’t know how I haven’t picked up The Dangerous Art of Blending In yet, especially since every time I see the cover I’m struck by just how gorgeous it is (!!!).
You should totally try The Dangerous Art of Blending In!! It’s SO good but so heartbreaking.

Ooooh your book sounds awesome! Congrats
I am sure 26 days feels like an eternity but you are SO CLOSE!!!!!!
Aww thank you!! That means a lot to me! And omg so close AND YET SO FAR. *flaps about nervously*
Wait, wait…did you say your book doesn’t include cars? Like…at ALL? or did you mean Magic Cars? or maybe you really did mean cars. For some reason that sort of exploded my brain a little and I’m having a hard time coming to terms with that haha.
Also, I’ve mentioned it before, but your book is being released on my birthday, so all of this counting down is such a trip. STOP REMINDING ME HOW OLD I AM. Also the fact that your book won’t even release in the US on that day, so it’s not much of a birthday gift
Hmph. I’m offended.
Actually believe it or not, there are NO CARS in my book.
There’s one taxi ride haha. But yeah otherwise no cars, wow. I have failed Maggie Stiefvater completely here.
I’m just kidding omg I’m so mean.)
I totally just finished “The Art of Blending In”, thanks to you, and HOLY OUCH, that abusive mother situation was SO painful to read. X((( And I mean, brava for that, I guess, but OW.
My novel “Inspired” has a pianist character — (mostly because co-protagonist Annabelle is based entirely on me, and I studied classical piano for 12 years, so she had to suffer the same; fair is fair) — and like 95% of the reason my mom and I watched “The Man Who Invented Christmas”, last year, was because Charles Dickens’ relationships with his characters was a dead ringer for Annabelle with hers … and, thus, me with mine. X)
Only 20-some days to go ’til your novel releases??? Excited for yooou!!!
It is a brutal one omg. I’m still reeling from how sad it was. Sad but GOOD?!? I like books that have a small sliver of hope at the end ahhh.
Ahhh that’s awesome you’ve played piano too!! It’s been a while since I was playing, but I remember my seriously hate of scales.
Love how I’m scrolling down the list of books, reading, and then BAM, Raven Boys. How did I not see that coming?
ALSO STARFISH YES I LOVE THAT BOOK. So my husband has autism and we’re like 50% sure he’s autistic, but since he’s an adult and has gone through an insane amount in life, it wouldn’t be really possible to get him diagnosed, but I read Starfish and just wow. I think it really helped me to see through his eyes with what it’s like when he’s trying to make a decision and just can’t because there are 42,798 possibilities and his brain fries, or he’s so busy trying to make sure he makes everyone happy that he doesn’t look out for himself and I just wanna punch him when he does that.
I’ve read books with anxiety rep and they’ve all been meh? I don’t know. The characters didn’t click a lot with me and I just didn’t get why it was a big deal because they didn’t seem anxious at all, but Starfish was so spot on to what I watch happen every day that I want everyone to read it. xD
I mean, Anne…how did you NOT see that coming?!
I am the most predictable person ever. Someday I’ll write like a sci-fi thing and still find a way to compare it to the Raven Cycle. 

Ahh I’m so glad you liked Starfish too!! (Do you think Kiko was autistic btw?) I’m also on the spectrum and the anxiety rep was so so spot on.

I kinda wondered because of some of the things she did, but I wonder if her actions might be more dictated by what happened and the stuff with her mom on top of having really severe anxiety.
Yeah I agree! I felt she was very severely anxious plus had severe PTSD from her mum and being assaulted.
The only comparative title of these I’ve read is Cinderella, but trust me that most of them are on my TBR now!
My books have several comparative titles that I use for research and reference purposes, but here’s the basics:
Stars (Science-fiction trilogy-in-progress): Legends trilogy by Marie Lu (it actually inspired the full idea, and when I was telling my sister about both series, she kept getting confused about which was the published book XD)
Duct-Tape Heroes (Superhero/Slice-of-life series): Renegades by Marissa Meyer (sort of not exactly. Mostly the superheroes and that’s about it), Kind of Confidential webcomic by Vivian Darlin (Also mostly for the superheroes), Harry Potter (for the school-year based storytelling), The Young Elites series by Marie Lu (for POV formatting).
Okay so that ended up being more than the basics for Duct-Tape Heroes, but then again, Stars really only has Legend as a comparative lol
And no, I’ve never read any pianist books! Can’t wait to read yours though!
Yayyy! I’m glad you’ll try some of the others haha.
And oh that’s a lot of awesome comparative titles there! Lots of Marie Lu influence, I see.
Possible favourite author there? 
Somehow it just clicked in my mind that TPN is a music book???? (not for lack of plugging too, or anything: I’m just really dense apparently). But that makes me THAT much more excited for it: I think I’ve only read two music books so far, both about violinists, so it’ll be amazing to read about a pianist (because #relatable). EHA:KLSDFJL CAN’T WAIT
I just got The Dangerous Art of Blending from the library the other day, and so will read it soon. Speaking of which, the branch I go to never has Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and has like four copies of The Raven King, which is ruDE because how am I supposed to finish the series like that???
Ah hahha YES! It is a music book, Hanne!
And I feel like pianists don’t come up in YA very much?! Possibly because it’s hard to lug around the piano.
Duuuude how dare the library mistreat you like that. Someone is clearly hoarding Blue Lily there.
I…have read literally 0 of these books. I am a failure. BUT HUZZAH BECAUSE NOW I HAVE SEVEN NEW TITLES TO ADD TO MY TBR!!! *cheers happily through my frightened tears whilst I gaze upon my mutant TBR*
And UGH I AM SO EXCITED FOR ATPN!!! I need this book in my hands like three days ago. (Also!!! I absolutely ADORE August!!! She sounds so smol and precious and quirky and I was borN IN AUGUST SO BASICALLY WE ARE LIKE SISTERS, YES?????? XD)
I will come dig you out of your TBR if it falls on you!! I promise!! My blog is the best/worst thing ever for recs.
Also you will laugh but there’s a scene where August invites Beck to her birthday and he is so so confused her birthday ISN’T in August.
They’re adorable and so stupid I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
I read your book, ‘A Thousand Perfect Notes’ and I think it was beautiful. As you said, we find very few books that even show us about a classical musician’s life and the expectations that a child of a prodigy is burdened with. I just wanted to appreciate you for your work and perhaps let you know that I enjoyed it immensely! Not only that, I also loved the way you’ve written it!