If you want to learn how to write a novel outline, then WELL DONE. You’re at the right place.
People constantly ask me how I write so fast and my truest answer is always: DARK MAGIC. Um, sorry…I just…sometimes my fingers slip on the keyboard and it’s a bit awkward? Anyway. My truest answer is: OUTLINES.
As soon as I say that, the human (or robot, like I don’t judge) asking me immediately follows up with, “Oh so how do you write an outline?”
And I just…
I mean…
I have no idea.
So in honour of having no idea, I thought I’d write a post on my outlining process. This seems reasonable. Unfortunately for me, about 99% of my “writing process” is just doing. I have a very hard time explaining what I’m doing. But here I am. Sacrificing my weak braincells for you.
Now obviously there are many ways to go about writing a novel.
No you do not have to outline to be a successful writer. I’ll quickly list a few of the other writer’s life options:
- PLOTTER: You write outlines and plan very meticulously. Usually a method used by control freaks and those pretentious people who like to use words like “meticulously”. (AKA IT’S ME.)
- PLANSTER: You write bare-bones outlines. Which is maybe a few paragraphs or a page with a vague direction. Like go forward three paces and turn left at the blue tree and don’t die if you please.
- PANSTER: You write what comes to you as it comes. Just wing it, mate. Something will fly out (tears?) and this process is guaranteed to be full of creative freedom. People who pick this one usually hate rules and never wear matching socks.
- WEIRD COUSIN: You do all three of these methods at once. Usually done by people who have no idea what they’re doing and eat quite a lot of chocolate brownies in the name of “writing”. Ha. I see you. I understand you. Can I have some too.
Now let me explain my outlining process to you with a lot of tears and existential crises.
(In time for NaNo too! Look at me being punctual!)
Because see I do not go with the Snowflake Method or Skeleton Outlines or Mind Maps or Index Cards or 3-Act Structures. I’m influenced, but I legit have no method except what I like to call:
It doesn’t make any sense, just how it should be.
Please only try this at home with adult supervision when you need to use the oven or stove. Be safe, kids.
It can be anything from something small…like I want to write about, say, witches. Or something with a little more direction, like I want to write a Van Gogh retelling. But my #1 thing is to PICK something. I don’t generally wait for inspiration to club me in the back of the head in a dark alley. I know people are all for freedom of creativity and letting their characters take over the story. But I’m not like that! And that’s OK! Being different is OK! *
I prefer to use 32% inspiration and 68% decision.
I also will note that I want to make a career out of writing, so I do view things through a business brain. NOT to say I follow trends and such (bad idea!!! do not do this!!), but I do analyse if an idea has potential to be sold.
* Look I know this is true. My mum told me so when I was little and reenacted the fall of the Roman empire with my dolls.
I sum up my book easily and quickly and interestingly. Mostly so I can tweet about it but ALSO so I get a solid direction of what the point and climax of my story is. <— Important.
I figure out:
- what my characters want to achieve
- what’s going to stop them achieving it
- how their personalities will react to the situations I’m about to throw at their cute heads
- where the story starts and ends
Like currently for my upcoming NaNo story, I knew right up front I wanted a stabby girl and a bubbly boy and they’ll be stuck in a dance contest and hate each other.
Knowing that, next I ask:
- how can I raise the stakes?
- whatever I think of: DOUBLE THAT PAIN, SON.
- so they’ll be on live TV…what if that was super dangerous for them?
- why is it dangerous?
- who are they running from?
- we have a Big Badie opposing them, but what little oppositions can they meet?
- how do the characters sabotage themselves on accident?
- what are their vulnerabilities and tipping points and triggers?
I unwind the story like that. But the biggest and most crucial tings I think of are: (a) what does my character WANT, and (b) how can I stop them from GETTING IT?
Authors are so freaking nice.
Also if you don’t have that figured out, there is a 99% chance your story will read like a directionless soup.
I’m so all for character-driven books, but I think up my premises first. Then I fit in characters. BECAUSE CHARACTERS ARE HARD. And once you’ve been an idiot like me and written 25+ novels *…your eye twitches and you then cry when you have to think up new people.
- I like making my two narrators personality-opposites so they’ll argue and sass each other to death
- I think up their backstory
- #Make #It #Tragic
- I weave in diversity because that’s important to me (at this point, I mostly pick things I have experience with)
- I develop how that diversity affects their lives
- I figure out how they’ll change by the end of the novel.
Currently? I have 78% of my outline worked out but no character names. This is the kind of organised structure I have.
Why are you reading this post.
Run while you can.
* So I literally just wrote “25+” because I have no freaking clue how many books I’ve written?????
Here is where the “movie transcript” part of my plotting method comes in.
I do not write anything down yet. I do not break out the index cards or systematic rulers or use the oven for singeing my hair. (ALTHOUGH THAT SOUNDS FUN.)
I proceed to write a “movie” in my head. Epic soundtrack playlist. Cinematography angles. Director commentary. Scene cuts. Blooper reel. The works. I build things as a TV series would, because novel chapters = TV episodes = surprisingly similar.
TV series = you need to have interesting arcs in every episode.
Book = every chapter needs to matter and 500% bonus points if you end each with a mini “cliffhanger” to keep you reading.
I also usually am moving while I do this. Because I think better when I’m in motion, so running, walking, etc. But remember: make !! time !! to !! think !!! Books don’t happen if you don’t MAKE them happen.
“OK, Cait,” you say while firing up the oven because I brought it up so why not, “but how do I come up with the ideas???”
I find that if you cry enough, your tears will form patterns which might look like words and you can use them.
But yet failing that….
I generally work like this:
- Start with imaging action scenes that go with the far-too-upbeat music I’m listening to at the time.
- Ask: “can a contemporary have explosions?”
- Rework contemporary so the answer is: yes.
- I play out a scene and see where my imagination takes the characters.
- If the characters are dUMB GOATS and the scene gets stuck, I rewind and go in a different direction.
- I think of things that amuse me, excite me, or interest me and work them into the story.
- This changes ALL THE TIME, so my books are always full of interesting things. Like right now I’m think of masks, abandoned dance studios, an old pizza place with blood stains on the floor, a dumbly adorable golden retriever, a rich kid who hates being rich, coffee addictions, Instagram, knee injuries and boys doing ballet.
- You can TOTALLY go on pinterest and get inspired by an aesthetic photo and work that in.
You can be inspired from what you read and watch too. But bE cAREFUL. Don’t steal. If you find your idea looking suspiciously like something in another book you’ve read…rework it.
Or a leviathan might eat you.
I mean, I don’t know mate, but do you want to take the risk.
But don’t freak out. I read a book about dancing = I want to write a book dancing. They will be NOTHING ALIKE but obviously I was inspired. See?
Because haha haha HAHAHAHHA.
Your brain loves you and wants to see you suffer. Um, excuse me while I get an umbrella for when you cry all over me.
And if you get stuck? Read more books. Watch more movies. Actively DON’T think for a day and then tomorrow actively DO think until you smash that block.
But the delicious thing is: you might get writers block now, but when you’re actually drafting? BOOM. You won’t.
That’s how I write so fast. Because I do the bulk of my “writing” without ever touching my laptop.
[crowd gasps and whispers paperfury is a genius]
By this point I’ve imagined up a lot of scenes. And I haven’t a heckin’ clue where they go.
I do plot out of order. But I never write out of order. I’m about as logically consistent as what happens when you throw a box of marbles in the air.
I feebly glue all my scenes together and filling in the gaps. Usually if you have a gap TOO big, you can fix it by putting all your characters in a kitchen and making them argue their life plans out over lasagna. 10/10 recommend because this is delicious.
Because, you know…you’re a writer! Maybe! We hope!
So the first thing I do is open up Scrivener and cry over it because it’s beautiful.
Yes I have a whole file just for outlines and story ideas. I’ll start a new Scrivener file for the actual project when I start to write it.
Now obviously YOU DO NOT NEED SCRIVENER TO WRITE A NOVEL. And obviously if you talk to me I’m just going to rant about how much I freaking love it. So do whatever, mate. I’m only here to tell you how far gone my brain is I’m doing things
I also have a lot of files for names which helps me 0% when picking one out. I usually just wait for a lightning strike. Which will give me character names or death. Either is OK.
Firstly I write:
- Out that horrid pitch we talked about. So just like 2 sentences or so. DOESN’T HAVE TO BE GOOD. Just functional.
- Then I write a “blurb” or “query”. I write blurbs because I already have an agent hallllllelujah no querying for me.
- But, dude, if you write the blurb BEFORE THE BOOK, you automatically can identify your climax + the thing that makes your story cool. If you DON’T know what makes your story cool or stand out —> your story needs more work.
- Then I might write out a teeny tiny character profile. Mostly stuff like “HE HAS RED HAIR AND BLUE EYES” because I will no doubt change his eye-colour 84 times because I have no memory.
- Obviously I sort my characters into Hogwarts Houses. #Crucial
- I do any specks of teeny tiny research I might need and make notes.
I don’t research a lot before first drafts. This is because (a) I don’t know if this draft is going to be any good???! Why waste time on research?!? and (b) I don’t want to bog myself down in details and then NEVER WRITE.
Obviously I’m sensible about this. If I’m going to put someone in hospital, I research their wound a bit. But otherwise I skim where I know I’ll put details later.
BOOOOYAH. I write out my outline in bullet point lists.
Because I love lists. Are you reading this post.
Also good time to mention: my outlines are extremely detailed. Not all outlines are! But since this whole blog is about me, here we go.
My outlines look like this:
- Detailed explanation of what goes on in a scene.
- Yes, I’ll even note people’s emotions and maybe a line of dialogue.
- I use bullet point lists because you can’t use knife-point-lists which I think is discriminatory to knives.
- I include the most SALTY AND SASSY COMMENTARY on my own book you can imagine. This is because outlining can be “boring” so I make it more amusing than the actual book.
- I also plan out my first sentence in advance. Because those are hard.
- I usually finish up around 20,000 words which will equal a 100,000 word novel. Which I will then edit the living heck out of because I prefer books to be around 70-80K.
From different novels. Not the current one because I’m writing this post instead of outlining it. #ProcrastinationQueen
You sit back and realise you are PREPARED.
I actually have written 10+ outlines this year and only written 6 books. THIS IS NICE. I outline in such detail that I can come back and write the book later. Like….12 years later. TWELVE YERAS IN AZKABAN LATER.
A lot of writers hate outlines for crushing their creative limbs — which is cool. But I personally NEVER get stuck while writing if I have an outline like this. I can also spit out 30,000 words per day. WIN FOR ME, YES?
Yes, it’s OK if you are shaky and need to take a moment. Me too though. The important thing is to find your OWN process and make everything fit with you. But if something here inspires you or you’re delusional enough to say “Yeah I’ll give this a go”…then well done. I’m glad I helped.
(Are you even OK?)
Go forth and outline! There is at least a 4% chance you will not not bite your head off while doing so.
I randomly decided to do NaNoWriMo after having done Camp NaNo in July (and finishing it! holy moly!) yesterday, so I started working on my new project and it made me so excited! My outlining process is similar to you, I think. I might change the order up a bit or do a billion things at the same time (oops) but it really works! I don’t think I could ever write without an outline because I’ll forget things or it won’t make sense at all and I definitely won’t finish anything because I mean if I don’t know what the end will be like, how can I be excited about writing that end?!?! Right?!?! (I probably make zero sense and I blame it all on my excitement, hehe!)
Cait @ Paper Fury
Ahhh!! Congrats on finishing Camp NaNo!! *cheers for you* And also afjskald I’m glad we have similar processes. Obviously we’re geniuses. (This seems a reasonable assumption??) And omg if I don’t have an outline I forget EVERYTHING about what’s going to happen.😂
Thank you!! I’m still amazed about how I wrote 50K in a month like whaaaatt?!?! I was literally just outlining yesterday and typed something and was like “nope! this doesn’t make sense” so I looked back and I WAS RIGHT. It didn’t. Imagine writing like 25K and realising that something doesn’t make sense because you had no outline!? 😂😱 (And yes. we’re most definitely geniuses, HAHA!)
because nano is coming, everyone and their dogs expect me to write my book, and how do i even do that #toomuchwork #losingmotivation
Honestly I do mostly the same, safe from 2 things : 1) I just can’t write detailed outlines for the life of me, so I’ll try to make them funny like yours. Maybe it’ll save me from mental breakdown and boredom
And 2) While plotting, I use Dramatica (instead of the Hero’s Journey, 3 arc structure or Snowflake method). Once I have my Storyform I’m ready to go /w i l d/ but then I forget how to word and I cry a lot.
I’m so not ready for NaNo2k17 it’s almost funny :’)
Cait @ Paper Fury
YOU’RE WELCOME, I’M GLAD I FINALLY WROTE IT. And honestly the best NaNo motivation is just considering if you write a book = you deserve to spend ALL of December eating cake. I mean. I am just saying.
But hey!! I’m not reading for NaNo either! :’) Join me, let’s cry and panic.
In December ? I’ll count October (birthday + prep) and November (actually writing) as well. GIVE US ALL THE CAKES, ME THINKS WE DESERVE IT.
yes i’ll join you, i love crying in panic
but Cait, why are you panicking. You’re always writing stuff, you’re basically a book now. I’ve never finished a project in my whole life except for that Mario fanfic back when I was 10, HOW THE HELL CAN I NOT PANIC
Cait @ Paper Fury
I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY I PANIC. But like between writing books I always forget how to do it.😂
B. R. Kyle @ Ambiguous Pieces
I’m actually super impressed, I’m not sure if this is my thing, but I may just find a few of these tips helpful. A scene should be functional to the story, but it should also be fun :). It’s a shame you live so far away, but I suppose if you need to rant to someone via the nano forums, let me know. Thank you for writing this post and I hope you 2017 NaNoWriMo project goes well 😀
Cait @ Paper Fury
Aww, thanks so much! I totally don’t feel like this is a very conventional method of plotting.😂 But I keep being asked SO HERE ARE ALL MY SECRETS.😂
Lol, I’m definitely the type of writer who writes “what comes as it comes”. I never plan my stories out before writing them (probably the reason why I rarely finish anything), the few times I’ve tried to outline a novel it basically ended it tears. XD So I just know what the beginning and the end is going to be, and have a vague idea about the middle, and I wing it. XD
Btw I loved the outline examples 😀
Cait @ Paper Fury
That’s totally fair! We need to figure out what works for us right?! I used to just write-what-ever-came but it stressed me out SO much and I ended up really hating writing. So I’m glad I found what works for me. 😂
the most important question is how do you bite your own head off? I don’t see how you humans would manage it but a dragon (like me) might be able to, hmmm…. nope, can’t do it. my scales are too hard.
and uhhhhhhgggggg yes, NAMES. I’ve sorted through 50000000000000 names, and the only person who is actually named right now is the dragon. (who’s obviously the most important charac- WHY IS THE MAIN CHARACTER A HUMAN????
I must have done something wrong. O_O
anyway, i need to go figure out a plot now, and actually decide what characters to keep. (I also probably need to make a few more….yay.) I also need to decide if i can afford killing off this character, and if not, who else to kill because I made up the most splendid funeral.
Most crazily, ~Olive
Cait @ Paper Fury
But omg names are HARD. I’m still kind of floundering on names. I also struggle with last names a lot?! Because baby name sites don’t offer help for that.😂
Ivyclad Ideas
I tend to write my outline once I’m a few chapters in. If I try before then I usually struggle.
Characters should never catch breaks. If I buy a book and it’s not cover to cover pain and suffering, I feel cheated. *Nods*
Cait @ Paper Fury
THIS IS SO TRUE. It’s our #1 job as an author to just make everyone’s life miserable.
I used to consider myself a hardcore pantser. I had this whole movie type thing where I would see scenes in my head and do the voice acting out loud, and then two days later when I finally sat down to write I’d already forgotten half of them. I’ve started plotting bit by bit, writing blurbs beforehand and making chapter outlines as I go, and now I’ve moved on to attempting to write those full outlines of the whole book. (It’s really not working out that well…but if I don’t do it I’ll have no idea what my story is supposed to even do…)
Half of my ideas start out with a song and me thinking “hey this would be pretty cool if I made an animated music video of it with some characters but my 3ds is small and I’m too lazy to animate this so what if I just make it a scene in a book” or just going straight to “I should write something based on this”. And then I try to put a dragon in there somewhere.
Cait @ Paper Fury
That’s awesome that you’re a panster! I TOTALLY get that pain of forgetting the scenes before getting to write them though. GAH. Like I’d “write” amazing chapters in my head when I went for a walk…get home…gone.😂 LIFE IS NOT FAIR.
(And omg mostly I’m like “this would be a much better movie than a book what am I doing”.😂)
ilsa @ a whisper of ink
And here’s me thinking YOU ACTUALLY USED DARK MAGIC. *sigh* just me then. I am the weird cousin. OMG IF I WAS YOUR COUSIN. Wow I would be honoured.
THIS WAS JUST SO HELPFUL! I am definitely definitely going to refer to this when I start my prep for Nano! WHICH I NEED TO BE DOING RIGHT NOW! This is my first year doing NaNoWriMo and I am excited but nervous. #sendhelp THIS WAS BASICALLY SO HELPFUL AND LONG AND THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS POST
Cait @ Paper Fury
And I do use a bit of dark magic. I mean.
(Also so glad you enjoyed the post!😂I also…need to…actually prep for NaNo.😂)
What is SCRIVENER?? I just googled it but I can’t really figure out what makes it diffrent from other programs like Microsoft Word?? 😀
Also thanks for the lovely advice! I’ll definitely use some of it!
It’s an app from Apple for writers. I hear that it’s super hard to figure out, but if you do, it’s awesome. (I also think it’s like $63)
Damn that’s a lot! Thank you for your answer! 😀
Scrivener owner/user here!
Scrivener is vastly different from MS Word. It’s basically an outlining/writing program with templates for a bunch of stuff, including scripts and manuscripts and recipe books and your college dissertation. A lot of writers use it because you can have EVERYTHING in one place. All your lore and worldbuilding? You can sort those into folders. All your characters? You can have those in another folder. Your chapters? Yeah, you can have another folder for that, too. (By default you’re expected to put chapters as subfolders in the manuscript folder and separate them by scenes, which you can then easily drag and rearrange inside and between chapters, but you can just as well make all your chapters singular files.)
There are a HECK of a lot of features in Scrivener (it can even compile your chapters into manuscript format when you’re done!) but 80% of what you do will be with 20% of the features. There’s a bit of a learning curve but there is a tutorial file and a series of video tutorials (and I only got through 1/3 of the file tutorial before I quit and just kept doing what I was doing). It’s for both PC and Apple devices, though I believe the Mac OS version came first and thus is more updated. It costs 40 USD, but don’t fear, NaNo is here! All participants of NaNo can get a 20% off code for Scrivener, and all winners get a 50% off code! (I already have it so I like to give my new codes away to people who need them, and I’m pretty sure there are more people like me out there. So you could get half off even if you don’t win!)
There’s a 30-day trial for Scrivener if you want to try it out. It’s 30 days of use, so it’ll only count down every day that you actually open the program. The Scrivener data for each project is just a bunch of neatly organized .rtf files, so when your trial runs out, you don’t lose anything! (except the super neat way it all looked in the program) 🙂
Cait @ Paper Fury
@Silje: Well I guess that you already got answered.😂 Sorry for taking so long to reply. I did a post on Scrivener here too if you’re interested.
Thank you for all the replies 😂😝 I’m definitely gonna give Scrivener a go!
I don’t plot….like at all? I always find I get stuck if I start thinking too much about my story, so I just start with an idea and write as things come. Planning honestly makes my head hurt, I have to do it for essays for Uni, but when it comes to my own writing, I prefer to just go where things take me. My first novel literally came from a one line prompt that I was given in the creative writing club I’m a part of at Uni, all I knew at the start was that my MC was going to die at the end and that there would be no romance, I didn’t even have a magic system planned out when I started! My current novel came from a discussion with my friends, we were talking about a documentary she’d seen about underground tunnels through Europe and I thought that would be a really cool fantasy story, a bunch of magicians who were forced into these underground tunnels. My ideas are mostly inspiration I guess, I just write things as they come to me and figure out if they actually work later! I wish I could write detailed outlines, but it’s just never how I’ve done it, personally.
Cait @ Paper Fury
You have such an awesome and interesting process, Jo! I think it’s amazing that we writers can all come up with finished and awesome books but come about getting them at SUCH different ways. IT’S KIND OF AMAZING.
Ahh! I love it when you write about writing, especially your process. Personally, I love outlining, its probably my favorite part. My outlines are 1/3 the jist of what’ll happen and 2/3 dialogue, giving me 100% wiggle room to play around and still make discoveries about my characters. 😊
Cait @ Paper Fury
Aww, thanks so much, Kat! I’m SO pleased to hear that honestly. <3 I should write more writing posts.😂 And I think your outlines sound great!
I’M A PLOTTER!! (but, I still wear mismatched socks cause that’s my fashion statement ever since middle school)
I’m trying to outline everything right now and let’s just say I’m hyped on donuts and sugary sweets and might be losing my mind.
I have tried writing without outlining, let’s just say it was a catastrophe. But, over this summer, I began using Pinterest storyboards (WHICH I LOVE )and my genre went from dystopian to fantasy (this should be something interesting), i kinda have my characters figured out(……or not) and I AM SO EXCITED TO WRITE A BOOK WITH A MUSLIM MAIN CHARACTER WHO IS ALSO FEMALE AND ALSO KICKS BUTT AND SASSES EVERYTHING TO DEATH
I love your outlining examples, lol, I literally get so excited when you post those because they’re inspirational and I also want to start doing the self sass to make outlining my NaNo book entertaining (and, no, i don’t need therpahy if I’m cackling to myself because my characters are so much more interesting and hilarious then, say, my algebra teacher’s lecture)(YET…..)
Cait @ Paper Fury
FAIR ENOUGH FOR THE MISMATCHED SOCKS. I actually always wear matching socks (WEIRD) but my dog chews holes in them…like even when they’re on my feet. What even did I do to deserve this.
(Also I’m really glad you enjoyed the post.😂)
haha, i do the same thing with bullet pointing my scenes. i usually follow a Act I, II and III system to outline my plans, although i’m usually a weird cousin when i finally do it. like, i watch movies to “take inspiration” 😉 lol
Cait @ Paper Fury
This is so helpful!!! This is the post I wish I’d had my whole life. (until a few months ago, I was a pantser writer, That’s because I did outlining super wrong whenever I tried.)
And your story sounds interesting. 😃
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m glad you liked it! It’s really important to go with what YOUR writing processes is though, so if you’re a panster, then that’s awesome! But if something isn’t working with our writing process, I always reckon we should change things up. 😀
Ooh, now I can actually outline for once. I love your advice (I am most likely delusional and have already set my hair on fire, so I have nothing to lose…..except my head, but WHATEVER..). I mean I’m not a writer, but, I want to write (even though I have no time)? Like not as a career, but just for fun because my head cranks out ideas and I want to put them into words. And now I know how to, so thank you.
Also, I hope you get published soon because all your ideas sound really cool and I want to read them, like, now.
And I mean if you take over the world then you would have no trouble getting published. Just saying.
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m so glad you enjoyed the post! And WHO NEEDS A HEAD ANYWAY. I occasionally let mine have a rest so I don’t just set the whole thing on fire. #nice
And aww! THANK YOU. I hope I get published someday too.😂
Evangeline Yackel
I’m writing a book for the first time in two years (and I have been whining about it to everyone), so this outline post is MAGNANIMOUSLY HELPFUL. Perfect timing. Huh, it’s almost like you’re…psychic or something…
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m so glad it’s helpful!! I mean…obviously I read minds and am the all-seeing eye. I’m a bit surprised you haven’t noticed that yet.
This is actually super helpful, because I’m at that point of NaNo prep where it’s mostly just high pitched screaming and buying notebooks I don’t need.. I’m actually going to outline this year, because I can pull off pantser very well when I have a lot of free time, but if I’m combining school + work + NaNo + no outline I’m going to crash and fail a week in, like I did last year.
And a Van Gogh retelling??? You’re just going to try and rip out our hearts and stomp on them, right? It’s like that Doctor Who episode, where we all fall in love with Van Gogh even though we know how this ends and spent the entire time crying but love every second of it.
(Also! French setting! Which means French food! I’m doing a France-inspired fantasy world and this is my chance to write about all the amazing pastries that you need to speak fluent French in order to pronounce.)
Cait @ Paper Fury
I mean….I am actually at the high pitched screaming stage too and yet I outline like this, so?? I think we’re on the right track. *hi fives and screams* 😂 But doing school/work PLUS NaNo just blows my mind. Best of luck!! I mean I do a lot of stuff intensely, but it’s generally the only thing I’m focusing on, if for just a few days.
DUDE, YES I KNOW, RIGHT? I did write the Van Gogh retelling and I LOVED IT but it needs so much work.😂
Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books
This is such a great post, Cait, thank you for taking us into this tour of your twisted writer’s mind. Seriously, you have to be made of magic or something, to write so many books and so many outlines and just SO MUCH in so little time. Also, how do you always have these fabulous ideas, I am amazed. I can’t wait to read one of your books someday for sure. <3
ON the outline now: I am sort of a plotter when it comes to writing, I like to know where things are going, but I'm not being too strict on myself….sometimes I even outline as I'm writing the actual novel?! I think I'm a bit of a mix between plotter and panster here, haha, but that being said, I don't have that much experience with it all to really say what kind of writer I am. I do want to plan things, though, because I like thinking about a story beforehand and being prepared and everything else.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Eeep, I’m so glad, THANK YOU MARIE. And it just shows how randomly strange my writer’s brain is, right?😂😂 I hopefully will have a book out someday *SCREAMS WITH WANTING*
But that’s an AWESOME process! I love how we can all come up with excellent novels, but like the way we get to them is so different. It’s really quite amazing to think about!
J. P. Ergott
Outlining? OUTLINING?
I don’t know the meaning of the word. (Jk, I do, I’d be a horrible author if I didn’t. PLs don’t kill me)
This is my writing process:
-Motivated to write (by me, family, friends, teachers, etc.)
-Develops idea OUT OF NOTHING (and by nothing I mean books, movies, TV shows, etc.)
-Writes random blurb from the 100th book in the series (or, y’know, actual first scene. Depends on the day.)
-Actually writes for a time-directed plot.
-Eventually figures out where this story is going and y’know, antagonists and stuff. (Legit, my antagonist was originally a joke from an in-verse RP with a friend who turned out to be amazingly evil.)
-Haha, not really, I’ve been working on this for eight months and I’ve been so distracted by other ideas that WHERE HAS PRODUCTIVITY GONE?
Cait @ Paper Fury
Hey everyone’s processes are different and that’s AWESOME. Nothing wrong with it at all!! 😂 And honestly even with ALL this outlining, I generally don’t have a proper villain in draft #1. That usually comes in draft #2.😂
J. P. Ergott
My first villain was SOCIETY!
Then I said “Screw it, society’s too hard to rebel against, HERE HAVE A PSYCHOPATH!”
I was thinking. (Unrelatedly, to be fair.)
I love your Society6 store, but there is something missing.
Cait @ Paper Fury
I know, I’m SORRY.😭 I only make stuff on PicMonkey so I can’t actually make tee shirts because my designs aren’t high enough quality. So unless I learn how to use gimp or photoshop (AHAH @ ME) probably never happening.😭
This was a great post! Now if only I could actually do what it says… I’m sad to admit that I’m actually a complete pantser. But this year I’m trying to change that. *laughs wildly*
Cait @ Paper Fury
Pfft, don’t change it if pansting works for you!!
Louise ✨🦇
THIS IS SO HELPFUL I COULD CRY TEARS OF JOY 😭 I very rarely do outlines because I mainly write short stories, and I also tend to wing it which isn’t always a good idea because I’ll end up writing about 200 words a day. If I do outline I do a handwritten flow-chart kind of thing, or I do a mind map, where I outline my settings, characters, themes I want to slot in, and also put the most basic plot points in for me to expand on. I am planning to write a full-length novel next year, so having a full outline will be so useful because I’ve given up on writing novels because I had no idea of where I was going with it 🙃
Cait @ Paper Fury
*passes you cake to make up for the tears* 😂😂 I am actually SO GLAD it’s helpful because I worry my process is way too random bahha. And hey winging it isn’t bad if it works for you!! But BEST OF LUCK with a full-length novel next year! I actually can’t for the life of me ever write a short story, so I bow to your skills there.😂
How to know your outline worked out well: WHEN YOU START TO WRITE AND YOUR CHARACTERS LITERALLY GIVE YOU THE MIDDLE FINGER WHEN STUFF STARTS TO GO WILD. Like, double middle fingers. Did I write that? No, the characters CAME TO LIFE AND HATE ME AS MUCH AS I LOVE THEM.
Cait @ Paper Fury
AHHHH RELATABLE.😂 I actually generally DO follow my outline. Except for my last book when my characters freaking LEFT ME IN THE DUST and I just was there sobbing at their bad decisions.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Love this advice, Cait! I’m working on editing my current book right now, but I have a good concept for my next book and I will definitely refer back to this post when I’m ready to get serious about outlining!
Cait @ Paper Fury
Ohh that’s so awesome you’re writing, Nicole!!
Kendra E. Ardnek
My plotting process is actually about 90% like yours up until the point where you open up scrivener and start writing things down. Mostly because I don’t have Scrivener – I’ve tried similar programs and they just don’t work for me. I much prefer my Microsoft Word – and because trying to write anything resembling an outline will kill my inspiration because then my brain thinks that it then has to follow said constraints and IT CAN’T HANDLE THAT SORT OF CONSTRAINTS. So I just keep it all in my head which somehow works because my memory is a steel trap and I forget NOTHING. And if I do forget something … it was clearly unimportant.
I do snippet around a lot, though, which is what I call writing scenes in advance so that I can get a better feel for the characters and the story. I do write the book itself in order, though, otherwise, I’ll never get the boring parts written.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Fair enough! It’s so important to follow what works for us and what makes us most creative right?! I seriously write the best this way! Proof that I’ve done it for all of 2017 and written 6 novels already because of it.😂 Also I use Word for 3rd drafts…that’s about when I stop on Scrivener but otherwise ajfdkslad I’m so in love with Scrivener.
Holly J
This was really helpful, Cait! (And funny, as always. :p). I’m going to try using an outline for NaNo this year. I’m starting over with a previous NaNo project since I figured out what I wanted to change with it, but I need more direction with it so I don’t give up when I hit a writer’s block.. But I don’t think I’ll be outlining to your extent. Haha. Though it’s really awesome that it works so well for you! I’ve never tried it before, and since I’m writing this one from the beginning, I might as well give it a shot. Like maybe it’ll actually work for me? WE SHALL SEE.
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m really glad it was amusing.😂😂 I mean, I tried writing a seriously helpful post once BUT OBVIOUSLY THAT DIDN’T WORK OUT. I think outlining (even if just a little bit!) really helps cut the writers block though! Otherwise you tend to get left in the lurch waiting for inspiration to come.😂 But I don’t blame you for not outlining to the detail I do. I seriously ended up with a 40K outline this year. That’s like…basically NaNo done.😂
Your movie scene puzzle box really interests me and sounds like a really interesting way to plot. I find that visualizing scenes really helps me write them, but I need to know what is happening before I can visualize it. I tend to have a handful of super important scenes that I know in massive detail…then basically nothing else. What is a plot???? I have characters with vague goals and a basic premise haha.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Yes exactly! like I can’t write it if I’m not seeing it playing out like a movie in my head. I’m sure most of us are like that.😂
Julianna Aislynn d'Merricksson
Love it!
I’ve moved from being a pantser to a planter. New word for me 😛 I’ve just called myself a hybrid.
Cait @ Paper Fury
It’s cool being a hybrid of the two right?! Best of both worlds!
This was one of of my favourite posts ever. Informative, inspirational and tres tres hilarious. You had me at “… a page with a vague direction. Like go forward three paces and turn left at the blue tree and don’t die if you please.”
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m SO glad you liked it, Ollie!! 😂
AHAHAHAHA I read your “never wears matching socks” and I laughed out loud, because yes, I literally haven’t worn matching socks since my mum stopped sorting them when I was 14 or so. I may be a pantser at heart, but I’ve realised I ALWAYS FREAKING GET STUCK AND DON’T FINISH without an outline, so I have looked inside myself (that sounds wrong) and decided books are born from pain and sacrifices (I’m a positive person), so I will possibly try to plan a little bit this time. This is a very timely post for me, because I’m considering joining NaNo again this year AND I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO ACTUALLY FRICKIN FINISH SOMETHING FOR ONCE (you can tell by the overabundant use of capslock that this is a sore spot for me). Also I like to use pretentious words like meticulous, so maybe I’m a plotter somewhere deep down??? But I also love brownies??? I don’t have time for an identity crisis right now, Cait.
Also, I read the first two of your novel idea titles (I think that’s what they are?) in your Scrivener screenshot and they were “A Garden of Carved Bones” and “A Throne Named Death” and why am I not surprised, Cait? Thank you for this post, there’s some excellent advice in it! Also, your outlines are hilarious.
Cait @ Paper Fury
SEE?! I KNOW EVERYTHING. I AM THE ALL-SEEING EYE. And good luck looking inside yourself, I’m sure that’s a little bloody but seems like a good thing to try. I think if writing isn’t working for us it’s VERY important to try new methods. Like I used to be a huge panster because I heard “outlining kills creativity” and I just??? I hate that people say that to young writers! We have to do what works for US. And be open to changing if something isn’t working.
Aaanyway. Rambling Cait.😂 I hope you do NaNo and finish your book! Brownies are good though. I love brownies and I outline. So maybe you and I can be divergent. (LIKE I’M CONTRIDICTING MY OWN POST HERE WHAT IS THIS.)
omg bahhaa I’m glad you like my titles!!😂 Those are ideas I haven’t written yet but EXCITE.
Three things I love about this post that aren’t about actual outlining:
“a throne named death”
“the skin library”
“you dumb cabbage”
The first two, I am extremely intrigued by already. The last one is just amazing Cait lingo that I think needs more attention.
Anyways, THANK YOU. I suck at outlines and this helps. I’ve tried outlining by very basic bullets and detailed ones when needed because I tend to make a gross soupy mess of “where the hell in the story does this go again???” Then I end up screaming and making notes that I pin to the wall (yes my actual wall because I’m a mess) and just go “ummmm THIS happens first, and then they do xyzabc, and ummm maybe this one goes in Q??” I may try your method though because I always change it because I suck at sticking to one method.
Anyways, thank you for the post Cait! 🙂
Cait @ Paper Fury
Bahaha thank you!😂 I’m glad you like my titles…and my lovely insults to myself.😂
I love that you put stuff on your wall!! I did that in my old house with like mind-maps and sticky-notes and the whole “spiderweb” feel. IT LOOKED SO COOL. And I mean, writers like the aesthetic so that’s fine.😂
Anyway, GOOD LUCK. I hope something here helps! If not, we can just all be cabbages together…
Jem Jones
I don’t know how to name characters either. And I think that since they have the audacity to come to me and demand a story, tHEY SHOULD AT LEAST INTRODUCE THEMSELVES.
Cait @ Paper Fury
THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL TOO OMG. Like how dare you walk into my house with no name and expect me to find it. *scours baby name sites and suddenly google wants me to buy nappies*
Cati I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this post! I’m sure I’ll be able to try to write my story now! Thanks for making your process make sense! I’m excited to try out a few of your suggestions! thanks your the best! 🙂
Cait @ Paper Fury
AWw, no worries, Mellissa! I’m super glad it was helpful.😂
Faith Inez
I love how you said that most of your writing happens when you’re not at a computer, because I always feel like I’m wasting time when I’m not actively typing/writing something down. But then I also end up sitting in front of my computer with no ideas, which leads to inevitable Pinterest/YouTube consumption. I’m definitely gonna try brainstorming on my walks to and from school now. Time to make a writerly playlist on Spotify, I guess…. 🙂
By the way, I’m in Spain right now and I’m suddenly suffering under a terrible blow known as ALL THE BOOKS ARE IN SPANISH AND I SPEAK SPANISH BUT READING CAN BE VERY DIFFICULT ALL OF A SUDDEN AND DIGITAL READING DOESN’T REALLY DO IT FOR ME. Even Netflix is in Spanish a lot because of regional differences! Thoughts on how to help with this problem??
Cait @ Paper Fury
YEs! It’s so important to realise writing isn’t just something that happens when we type! I actually find it scary/uninspiring to TRY and write if I don’t have a clear idea of what happens next. 😂 Hence I say “oh I wrote a book in 3 days” but really I’ve been writing that book in my head for 3 months! So that evens things out.
I’VE MISSED YOUR COLORFUL CREATIVE BEAUTIFUL BLOG SO MUCH!!!! AND THIS POST WAS REALLY SUPER HELPFUL. *round of applause* And I’m also preparing for NaNoWriMo this month and have lots of outlining to do!!! So far I only have 13,000 words of incoherent notes literally DUMPED INTO SCRIVENER WITH NO RHYME OR REASON SO *nervous laughter* wish me luck? xD
I can also totally relate to the movie transcription thing!! I DO THAT ALL THE TIME. Although the initial ideas always hit me like a bolt of lightning…I have no idea where they come from?? But it will just be BOOM– SKLFJSALKJFLKJ PLOT BUNNYYYY!! and then I’ll immediately run over to Pinterest and start making an aesthetic board because #priorities
p.s. your NaNo book sounds 1000% amazing and I want to consume it right now thankyouverymuch
Cait @ Paper Fury
OMG I HAVEN’T BEEN TO YOUR BLOG IN FOREVER EITHER, ABBIE, I’M THE WORST. (I blame it on this year being so suckily busy. 😭😭) But ahhhhh NANO!! I’m so excited and I’ve done like 0% prep so that’s useful of me. Hehe.
And *hi fives* that we both do the movie-transcript thing. Honestly I’m a really visual person and I think this is the best way to visualise our books working, right?! And I get hit with ideas like that too. 😂 Or I’ll be just like playing out a scene in my head and think up something cool and be like “WHO EVEN AM I WITH THESE GOOD IDEAS.”😂
Michelle Connell
I love reading your posts! You have a great sense of humor. I personally am one of those writers with no plot, no problem when it comes to NaNo. Writing an outline kills the creativity for me, but I know it works for some writers. And, sad to say, I’ve only worn mismatched socks once, and couldn’t stand it. 🙂
Cait @ Paper Fury
THANK YOU SO MUCH, MICHELLE. That honestly makes me really happy.😂 And I totally get that outlining isn’t for everyone! Like I’d be lost and anxious without it, but everyone has to do their process THEIR way!!
Melanie Hooyenga
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I’m currently editing book 2 in my series and getting ready to outline book 3, which I’m doing for NaNo, and I’ve never tried working on two books at once so this helps me immensely. I don’t outline as thoroughly as you, but I do make silly comments to myself and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one. I especially love the questions you start off with. I hope you don’t mind if I print this post and tape it to my forehead.
Cait @ Paper Fury
YAS that we both make silly comments!!😂 It makes things so much more fun right?! I feel like ALL parts of the writing process should be as fun as possible!
Any way we can make this more fun is good for me! Besides, no one else is seeing the outlines, right?
Well, unless you go and post them on your blog… 😛
Esther @ Queen of Fantasy
I’m still stuck on outlining my NaNo novel?!?!? It’s been so long since I have emerged from the dark hole that is editing that I don’t even remember how to outline – SO THANK GOD YOU CAME ALONG AND WROTE THIS POST. My savior :,)
HAH My outlines are huge and like 10k. I wish I could count those 10k for NaNo bahahaha OH WELL. Inspiration is 99.374928374928% of my ideas. I am 0% good at decision making.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Haha I’m actually counting my outlines as part of my overall year’s word count because like they totally aRE right?! But I won’t for NaNo though.😂 But I legit wrote a 40K outline earlier this year so…yeah I’m just going to go walk into a wall.
Anne @ Books Baking and Blogging
Ahhhh, this is so helpful! I’ve been struggling with starting my novel for months now (literally), because I’m just too anxious of it going wrong or of it not being a good idea because it’s been AGES since I’ve written a novel. It’s about dreams and nightmares and anxiety and I think it could be really cool but I have to just START. Been thinking about doing NaNo as to get back into the whole writing thing, and this will really help me with making an outline! THANKS CAIT YOU’RE GREAT THIS IS AMAZING.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Duuude, it sounds AMAZING already. (We need more books about anxiety that are done well!!) And I think NaNo is a really good place to get you started. Like even if you don’t finish, just knowing everyone else is writing too is really motivating. :’)
Oh, this is very useful! I’m extremely weird about outlines because whenever I try to do one, I’m always trying to follow this structure and oh my inciting incident shouldn’t be until this far in, and I always end up just Not Having a Good Time. SO I MIGHT ATTEMPT THIS MOVIE THING? I never tried to jut envision w/o writing something down so who knows? This might actually be the breakthrough I desperately need.
ALL OF MY IDEAS COME FROM INSPIRATION. like whenever i need something for an idea, i usually whine to my friends about not having any ideas (and they’re unhelpfully like…what about that book you were going to write like six weeks ago..and i obviously have no idea what they’re talking about) and then i go netflix for a couple of days. i actually got my most recent book idea from a youtube video!? so i think i’m crushin it right now
(ALSO, HI! I’ve been reading your blog for a while and this is my first comment. Really attempting to emerse myself into this book blogging thing.)
Cait @ Paper Fury
Eeep, I’m sO glad it’s helpful! And honestly I think if writing an outline ends up boring/scary it makes the actual writing of the BOOK seem less-than-fun. So I’m absolutely all for making everything an exciting adventure. I get scared when I need to have like all these blanks to fill in, hence I tend to be really “freestyle” about outlining. Like I’m so detailed, but I’m also following the flow.😂
Also omg do you watch movie trailers for ideas?! I GET SO MANY FROM THEM. And it’s great because you’re like watching a 2min trailer and have NO idea where the movie will take the plot so you can’t copy. It’s really good!😂
Ichabod Temperance
Hi Cait.
Thank you for this outline planner. It is very helpful!
I am a pantser, with just a dab of planster.
I am with you on writing chapters. Each chapter should feel like a {nearly} complete story unto itself, A good story has a beginning, middle, and end. Chapters should read the same way, but leave the reader wanting more.
Happy Writing!
~Icky. 🙂
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m so glad you enjoyed the post! And that’s awesome that you’re a planster. 😉 I think that’s probably best of both worlds, right?!
May @ Forever and Everly
OMG I LOVE THIS POST!! I’m currently trying and failing to outline my NaNo novel, so this will definitely help me out! I think my problem is that I have the CONFLICT but not the actual PLOT, aka all the obstacles that my characters have to go through. I’ll definitely try asking all sorts of questions like you do!
Also, your book sounds SO SO cool. Stabby girl and bubbly boy in a dance contest?? I’m in. Also, I’m a dancer and I like to think that I know a lot about dance, so if you ever need any help with terms or anything, feel free to ask me!! I’d be happy to help. 🙂
Cait @ Paper Fury
But conflict IS usually the plot! Like the journey of going from one obstacle to the next is generally what makes the plot.😂
Aww, thanks SO MUCH for the offer May!! I actually am going to need lots of help for getting the dancing accurate as I’m not a dancer. So like when it gets to the editing/rewrite stage, I’ll have to beg for assistance if you’re still up for it?! 😀
A Random Faerie Person
I’m a master with outlines!! I don’t use bullet points, but commas, which is of course way more organized. SO ORGANIZED IN FACT THAT I CAN NEVER FIND ANYTHING PLEASE HELP
“Then random guy shows up, who is this guy, don’t know or care because who needs continuity anyway, so then he pulls dagger, people look because dagger, but what can you do because dagger, and so then everyone backs away because… dagger.”
(I just made that up by the way. If you would like to write a book from my in depth and genius idea, please go ahead, I’m flattered.)
In all seriousness… I AM THE MASTER.
But thanks anyway, Cait.
*makes sure no one is watching before taking notes on post*
Cait @ Paper Fury
😂😂 WHATEVER YOU SAY, MY FRIEND.😂 As long as we’re having fun with our outlines…that is also important…😂
Grace Anne
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! I’ve been wondering how you outline for AGES, and seeing as I really want to reoutline my novel to second draft it, this came at the perfect time.
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I’ve honestly put off this post forever because my process isn’t really…concrete.😂 Like I just think things up and write a messy bullet-point list. BUT HERE WE ARE.😂
This post was so amazing and helpful. I don’t know what to say beyond that you are a beautiful soul. <3
Cait @ Paper Fury
*blushes* AWWWW. Thank you so much for reading!
Grace Osas @ Somewhat Reserved
You have your own agent already! Congrats!
And I think your process is pretty nice though I obviously won’t do it the same way because I’m a slooow writer and obviously different people have different processes.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Aww thanks! And that is TOTALLY fair! We writers all need to find our own processes. *nods*
Katie H.
**applauds** Sassy characters and being sassy in things you’re writing to yourself is wonderful. Also yeah I wrote an entire first draft and still haven’t named the antagonist so there you go yikes
Also how do you remember all your movie scenes? I always feel like I have to write everything down instantly or I’ll forget, but I do like the idea of not writing things down and being more free with it? Idk but thanks for the post!!
Cait @ Paper Fury
I hear ou with the naming problems! WE ARE NOT ALONE. 😂😂 And honestly I DO forget a lot of my scenes, so I go over them continually until I get to writing them down. But if it’s like a really big/long epic fantasy, I’ll outline bits and pieces as I go. (Although I’ll keep having to rewrite it which is annoying.😂)
Zachary Totah
OH MY WORD, this is the most beautiful and hilarious and accurate thing of the month. #dying #alsorelatable
I’m an outliner too. Like legit plan all the things (and then discard an appropriate amount when I’m actually writing). I use a spreadsheet to keep track of all the scenes and all the things that happen in all the scenes, and why I need all the scenes, and how it all ties together. I used to be a plotter and just pound on the keyboard and hope things all worked out okay. Which they didn’t. And I got stuck. So I retired from pantsing and became a full-time plotter. And it’s glorious, because once I have a plan in place, I can write and write and don’t often get stuck and it’s such happiness.
NAMES THO YES SOOOO HARD! Every other book has names that are as radiant as the sun and moon and stars, and I’m over here like, “My names are as inspiring as an old shower curtain.” #meh
Also….30,000 words in a day? 😮 😮 😮 You mentioned something about dark magic…
Cait @ Paper Fury
I’m so glad you liked it!😂 And also REALLY pleased you do things like spreadsheets too! Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who outlines to this much detail.😂And like I’m okay if things change a little while writing, but I actually keep close to what I plan which is a relief.😂 (And I was a panster before too! Stressed me out SO much. I figure if your writing is unpleasant = change something.)
Definitely dark magic. I wish it’d kick in for naming characters though.😂
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that gif is 300% what imagination looks like.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Absolutely, right?!😂😂
Brianna Gunnarson
Hey Cait,
Great post! Super helpful and I can’t wait to try your process out. I do have a question though. Do you ever have trouble with the end of a story? I feel like I have the most issues bringing everything to a close. My. brain rebels against endings so then I end up with drafts that are %90 done.
Cait @ Paper Fury
I actually think up the ending fairly early on. 😂 So like I think up the premise –> then the ending –> then fill in the middle, so I always know what direction I’m headed.
Lisa Canfield
“you dumb cabbage” omo Cait XD
This post is so helpful though! (i’m finally reading it like 14 years after you posted it). I finally have time write again and the last two days I’ve been tackling one of my projects. This is honestly really helpful because outlining is so stupidly hard for me XD
Cait @ Paper Fury
Ahhh I’m so glad you liked it!!😂 14 years later is still fine you kind cabbage. (WHAT IS IT WITH THE CABBAGE. WE CAN NEVER KNOW.)
Lisa Canfield
(WELL A COUPLE MONTHS AGO IT WAS ‘GOATS’ WASN’T IT? there is not explanation)
Hey I’ve been interested in writing a fantasy book for quite some time now and this inspired me so much that I literally just sat down and wrote a 1200 word outline and I haven’t even finished yet! (My record is maybe 300 words??)
But my problem is a don’t have the many to buy the writing program you use but would love something similar. Do you have any suggestions for cheaper alternatives or even free alternatives??
Thankyou so much!!
Cait @ Paper Fury
Aww that makes my DAY! I’m so glad you got things done after this. (Honestly the best I can ever hope for my posts to do.😂) And I totally understand about not being able to afford Scrivener. I do think it’s worth the investment, but still doesn’t help if you don’t have the resources! I have heard there’s similar free ones, but I’m not sure if the names? Perhaps google? I know you can get 50% off scrivner if you finish NaNoWriMo in November though, if that helps.
Usually my story is plot driven and when I get stuck I throw in a new character like whoosh, and bam, scene moves forward. I can name the characters easily its the surnames I get stuck on… and names of pets and new animals cuz I am writing fantasy. Then there is the fact that I have never EVER written an outline, but seeing a few snippets of your outline and I think Imma open an MS Word (Because I don’t have that gorgeous Scrivener which is so beautiful *sobs*) and start writing the outline, also I am a SLOW writer because I keep thinking like, WHEN DO WE REACH THE NEXT INTENSE SCENE, I guess detailed outlines will help me in NOT getting stuck more than 54 times.
I am so glad I read this post if I suddenly have a writing burst all thanks to you Cait!
CG @ Paper Fury
Surnames are super hard!! When the Olympics were on I was like: ooh! Last names, take notes. 😂😂
But hey make sure you do what works best for YOU when writing! Although I recommend trying all the ways. Like I used to do it without an outline and found it so so much more stressful. bUt it was good that I tried both methods?!
Amcii Cullum
Wow! Incredible post! I am going to bookmark this as a favorite and most visited, as I plan to use this as a goto reference. Thank you for sharing such detailed and personal information for the benefit of others.
I love the style you’re writing your posts in and also OMG I RELATE TO SO MUCH OF THIS??
Like, imagining my plots as movie scenes?
Pff, obviously! I get to see my little babies doing cool stuff and make use of all the sountrack music i know AND use as much slow motion as my brain fancies (plus these are only glimpses, so I don’t have to actually think off all the connecting details just yet, yay how genius present me, future me is gonna hate you!)
Also the sassy commentary on outlines. I mean, is it even a shining new idea or a genius solution to the plot without:
° “piece of dialoque” /oh you get the point, just make it sassier/
° “drum drum drum”
° “ok he’s super smart, and now how will you write him!?!”
° “and maybe her bf’s gonna die… okay, c’mon, you know yourself, he won’t”
° “tooo much DRAMAA”
And a whole lot of “etc” “?!?”
” XYZ”
… I’ll leave that without a word, seems like you know the drill xd
And those titles of yours look soo cool!
Okay, I’m gonna go order TBWSH now 😂
Thank you SO much!! I’ve been trying to find something about outlining because I always get stuck while writing my first draft(as in, I quit or it has no important things in it). The hardest part for me is coming up with the whole story and piecing it together. This was really helpful. 🙂