In a shocking turn of events, writing is very hard and it is a lot easier to take a nap.
And look, I’m admitting this when I’ve written 30-full-length novel drafts, had 2 books published by Hachette, and am neck-deep in currently editing a draft that is 100,000-words long. I write a lot and it is, still, very hard.
“c.g., listen,” you say seriously between bites of toast because I always mention food on this blog so you’re getting a headstart, “you are doing a very terrible job at talking about motivation.”
I am terrible. 😌 But I have only just begun, so sit tight.
I get asked a lot “how do you stay motivated to write?” and it is a valuable question that I think about a lot, but usually answer very badly.
“Uhh, I just do?”
Not particularly helpful.
The truth is: I want to be an author, and that want usually outweighs my need to merge languidly with the carpet. But there are still a lot of smaller things that all tie into my need (and want) to keep myself motivated to write. Because a lot of the time my #1 thought is: “I DON’T WANNA.”
So I thought it would be most helpful to list them for you and maybe you’ll find a trick or two that will give you that extra motivating shove.
And if it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll give you a shove 🤗 off a small cliff hehe
➢ treat writing like a job
I do have the absolute privilege (backed with an intense 10 years of unpaid hard work) of being a published author. I can walk into a bookstore and pick A Thousand Perfect Notes and The Boy Who Steals Houses off the shelf because I finished them. THAT is motivating.
But ok ok, say you haven’t gotten there yet. You’re a green author and don’t know what you’re doing. Or maybe you’re an old-hand author, been writing for years but you never seem to get where you want to go. Maybe you’re in the middle. Either way, you can still consciously choose to treat writing like something to prioritise.
I haven’t been prioritising my blog recently (SORRYYYY) and you can tell. Sporadic posting. More reviews. I keep using emojis because writing is hard. (Spoiler: you can’t???? use emojis??? In your novel??? Shocked and dismayed.) I used to treat blogging like a job and I murderously protected my time that I needed to put into it. I’ve swapped and am channelling that to writing (more important for me right now; but I’m not quitting blogging!). Sometimes you have to make the conscious effort to do this: prioritise writing, make it non-negotiable that you have to work on it.
And stop calling yourself ASPIRING. You are an author. If you want to be published, you need to treat yourself like a professional, not a potato.
➢ Make yourself
You can’t just NOT show up to work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Look sometimes I don’t want to write. I hardcore procrastinate. Instagram is currently teasing me for #ProcrastiBAKING, and tbh I am well fed but there are no chapters written.
But I just make myself. I write a chapter even when I don’t feel like it.
“But won’t it be bad quality???” you say.
Maybe? Maybe not? If you only wait until you’re maddeningly inspired in a hot rush, you won’t get much writing done. Some of my best chapters have come in the midst of a writing session where I told myself to work.
➢ Actually figure out why you don’t wanna
If I whine “I don’t wanna” there’s usually a reason tucked behind it. And not just that I am a lazy bucket. Because I’m not?? I’m a hardcore SlytherPuff overachiever and I want to work HARD and also achieve EVERYTHING. 🙌🏻Except….for when I don’t. My top reasons for not wanting to write are usually:
- I’m scared I’m writing it wrong and it’s not good enough. (Translation: self doubt and anxiety. Usually the fix is to tell myself to shut up and finish the draft anyway. You get better by writing more.)
- I don’t know how to do this scene. (Ok fair, don’t write yet. Purposefully brainstorm. I go for walks. Unless I can visualise the scene beforehand, I usually get really stuck on it.)
- It’s gonna be haaaaard work. (Translation: yer a lazy, Potter. The cure is to just go do it)
- I’m no longer invested in what I’m doing. (This rarely happens to me…because I don’t start a project unless I’m obsessed with it and have been for a looooong time. But if it does happen, I figure I need to backtrack or reboot this draft.)
- I’m tired. (Translation: burn out is here, can you take a day off? refill your creative well? Make a new playlist, read some books.)
- It takes me so long to get into the zone that when I finally get there, writing time runs out and I have to stop. (Big mood. I am still waiting for a fix for this. But sometimes it genuinely comes down to just accepting your process and STOP comparing yourself to how other writers do things.)
➢ Bribes 🎶 bribes 🎶 bribes
Hey no shame if you need treats to get through. I legit bribed myself with chocolate last night to edit 3K. I even edited it down to 2.5K to get to the chocolate faster. (Which is actually a good thing because this current WIP is far too long.) But do not underestimate the power of the treat. Do you deserve cake? YOU DO.
Obviously food rewards aren’t always helpful (for like, lol, your waistline) so bargain with yourself to buy a new book when you finish a draft, or watch a specific TV show, etc. (I get to watch Stranger Things 3 when I finish this draft.) If you finish this chapter, you get to scroll Twitter for 10mins. Or go hardcore and tough like: yOU GET LET OUT OF YOUR CHAINS IN THE BASEMENT IF YOU WRITE, DAMMIT, GIZELLDA.
➢ Make sure you’re writing what YOU want
I find it very motivating when I actually am proud of my work. When I want to write because I can’t wait for that next delicious scene. It might seem obvious, but sometimes we need to stop, breath, and consider if we’re writing what excites us. Are you facing putting your characters on a long desert roadtrip and you’re like “bleh don’t wanna write today”?? Consider it’s the SCENE you don’t want. If it bores you, it will bore the reader.
I once heard an author say leave yourself tasty cookie crumbs through your plot. (I feel like it was Susan Dennard but I’m not sure?? Correct me if you know!) Make sure there’s always a scene coming up that you’re 😍dying😍 to write. For me it’s usually a bantery scene.
➢ get a writing buddy
Writing can feel so lonely…but it honestly doesn’t have to be! I have incredible writing friends and we talk craft and swap chapters and yell encouragement at each other. We hype each other up as well as listen to the low times. We get competitive and keep up our daily word counts. This year has been so rough and low for me…I pretty much wouldn’t be working on my current draft without @cosyreads encouragement.😭💛
Now, yes, it can be hard to find someone to be a really close writing friend with you. But if you do = invaluable. I think this is why things like NaNoWriMo work so well! It feels like one big writing club.
➢ sticker charts
This is also a direct result of @cosyreads 😌she uses sticker charts which inspired me to use a calendar (I think Schwab also does this too). Right now I’m ticking off working days on a calendar in my notebook (it is a pretty calendar which is important) and you’d be amazed at how inspiring it is to not want to break a streak.
➢ focus on your ultimate goals
Write them down if you have to. But what do you want? Do you want to be a published author? Then 🗣 write 🗣 the 🗣book. Motivation for me boils down to: it’s really rather addictive to see my books on the shelf. I want that again and again. So I need to write. Even when writing sucks for no good reason. (And sometimes that happens too!) But I most desperately want finished books and to have success.
Finishing a book can be the hugest motivation. Keep your focus on that.
| what do you think? |
tell me your tips and tricks to keep motivated? do we have any of the same methods? have you ever realised you’re not writing the book that excites you?
Oh yes amen! This post is just what I needed today, thank you!
I’m so glad you liked it!! 💛💛
You have such a good way of putting things! Professional, not potato. I think I’m going to write that out huge and stick it on my office wall where I can see it every time I’m tempted to flick over to something else when I’m supposed to be drafting. Sort of… like… I’m… doing now. Damn.
But seriously, thanks for the suggestions, they all make a lot of sense!
I’m super glad you enjoyed it 🤗
I needed this. I really want to start working on a new project that’s been brewing for a couple of months but … research. I hate it so much. Slowly getting through it and getting the stuff I need but it is also very tiring. I LOVE going for walks and imagining scenes with music! But its summer here and very humid so its really difficult to get in that mood, I feel like I’m not at the top of my creativity unless its cold, dark and thundering outside 😂 but I am making (kind of slow) progress, this post will definitely help me get on top of everything again haha, thank you for this!
Oh I totally relate about the research haha. It can be such a pain, and also it never ends!? So good luck! And I hope you do get some words in despite the heat!
Hello !
I swear your blog posts are on of the best things ever !
When I am not motivated I think about a scene of the book I am writing, usually a funny one, or one that is just So Emotional that I *cannot* not write it x)
The most difficult is self-doubt… like, is the story I’m writing even interesting? does it make sense? Can I really say that it’s a retelling and will people see it like a fairy tale retelling?
Yeah… But, as you said, sometimes, you must ignore the mean voice in your head and go for it!
(Also! I ordered A Thousand Perfect Notes and The Boy Who Steals Houses! They’ll arrive in a few days and I can’t wait to read them!!)
Thank you again for this post ! and good luck with your Wip !
Ahh I’m so glad you enjoyed this then! And I am WITH YOU for the self doubt. It’s always a killer for me too 😭 the trick is to make ourselves hush while we finish the draft…there is always hope for edits. (And omg thank you for getting my books!!)
Aaah edits x)
I was wondering! I know that you outline pretty much when writing, and, do you have any advice for when they are too many possibilities?
Like, I don’t know if I’m clear… um, in the novel I’m writing I’m still trying to figure out the History (Ancient Times, Gods and Godesses, etc.) that lead to the current time in which my characters live. But they are so many possibilities of plot! And so, how do I know which plot is best to pick? Sometimes only a few details shift, and I can’t bring myself to write all of them ^^’
I don’t know if it makes sense x) and no problem if you can’t answer ^^
(Pleasure is mine!!^^)
Oh no I totally get that! I don’t have any real advice for it though because I still struggle with it a lot. 😭 Sometimes I just have to DECIDE and then pursue that thread and if it is crumpling, then I consider trying a different track? I’m so awful with advice, but honestly I’m all “does this FEEL right”….and I go with that. 😂
I just started a new job and writing became so much easier because I am so nervy about EVERYTHING at work ALWAYS that I no longer have any nerviness left for my writing.
…Is it bad that it’s the scenes where I really REALLY hurt the characters that motivate me to write?
omg 😂💛I mean I feel bad that your job is making you anxious, but I guess that’s a positive way to look at it?! (And shh, but I’m the same. I love the emotional trauma scenes the most.)
I love all this advice so much, Cait! I think one of the primary reasons I failed NaNoWriMo like a champ, was because a) I didn’t prioritize my writing schedule at all (ha! Discipline? I don’t know her), and b) self doubt and anxiety about my writing. I’m a perfectionist, and if a particular scene in my writing isn’t *perfect*, I will scrap it and re-write it … a billion times over. Lol! I really will go back to this post in the future when I need some more motivation for getting off my butt and making some progress towards a WIP! Thanks for sharing, love! <3
Aw I totally get the perfectionist thing! I actually took years to train myself out of that and write just those messy scrappy drafts. Like we DO get better by writing more and learning as we go. Plus first drafts are more for discovering the shape of your story; the later drafts are for filling in the outline.
Agh this is so relatable. I think my biggest problem is that I have so many other things to do. Even if I block off each day for a certain task, there’s still a pressing email I need to respond to, or a blog post that needs outlined, and my book gets put on the backburner.
Ohh I get that too. I mean I think that’s why blogging keeps being pushed back for me, because I can’t seem to balance prioritising it all. I think maybe (if we can) it’s helpful to set aside different days for doing different things? Like one day you’re handling emails or social media, the next is for putting in the writing hours, etc.
I’m working on making different days for different things, which is great! I definitely need to work on discipline, though. XD
Love this list! Your advice can easily be applied to other activities like reading when I’m in a reading slump or working out (which is so so hard to motivate myself to do!). 🙂
Oh yes totally works for a ton of activities!! I’m glad you enjoyed it 💛
Wow wow wow thank you so much for sharing this! I’m in the slog of editing right now, and this was super helpful to read. I always appreciate published authors being honest about the hard parts!
*hi fives for the editing slog* it’s tough going here. I always find a million problems I left for “future me” to fix and I’m just 💀 editing is hard. We shall conquer this though 🙌🏻
This post is exactly what I needed right now! I want to write so much but just can’t. I think part of it is I have a draft I need to edit and I’m a little burned out on that world and I also am just bored so I should make my scenes more exciting.
I feel this too 🙌🏻 and it’s always hard to know if the scene IS boring or if we’ve just read it/thought about it so much that we’re over it. 😭😂
This post is actually really good! Best quote: “And stop calling yourself ASPIRING. You are an author. If you want to be published, you need to treat yourself like a professional, not a potato.”
I’m so glad you liked that line 😌 no more potatoes here, only writers.
Thank you I needed this sooo much
My problem is that I write when I’m uninspired, I try to make a habit of writing every day (except for the days when I am TIRED and my poor self just needs sleep)…But when I’m uninspired, I just…don’t get a lot of words down. I’ll write for a long time, but I’ll maybe get 400 words if I’m lucky. And I just don’t know what to do? Ugh @ the days when I could write ten pages in a single day.
I think it’s also fair to realise we can’t be MEGA productive all the time…like we’d just burn out. So if you have bleh days, I think it also can be okay to step back and refill the creative well (like read, watch a movie, listen to inspiring music etc.) Just we have to not let it turn into procrastination.😂 That’s my problem haha.
“If you want to be published, you need to treat yourself like a professional, not a potato.”
I actually just copied this into my inspirational quotes document. Thanks, Cait!
Ahhhh! 😂I’m so glad you enjoyed that line haha
Everytime I start something I get stuck on Chapter 14.
I’m writing a Peter Pan inspired.. Thing and there’s a morally grey demon and her sister who’s trying to help but in all the wrong ways. It’s all really confusing and I was having trouble wanting to finish it
Cause it seems like a stupid idea?? Idk
Anyway I’ve been having trouble so THANK YOU!
*virtual chocolate caramel pie*
I am SO glad it came at a good time for you then!! 🤗 And omg Peter Pan retellings are fab, you go. Also demons and sister stories are bessst. I hope you’re having fun with it too!
Thank you so much for such an amazing and useful blog post! I’m trying to write a book right now and instead find myself staring at a screen a lot instead!
That is totally relatable still ahhh. (I am answering comments instead of tackling a chapter I’m stuck on oops.) But you’ve got this! I believe in you 🤗
I *so* want a writing buddy T.T My problem is that I write a lot when I’m at it (like I can do 1,000 words in 20 minutes for writing sprints) and no want in my circles seems able to keep up or even wanting to try the writing buddy system because of that. Writing is, for me, incredibly lonely.
Thanks for your advice! I’m already applying some of them. My advice for motivation is to use writing sprints. It works like that: you set yourself up to write as much as you can for a preset amount of time (mine is 20 minutes), then you do a pause between 5 and 10 minutes, and you’re up for the next. Don’t forget to go to pee, drink and even a little walk to prevent back pain between sprints.
I get that! Honestly I didn’t have a writing buddy until this year and I’ve been writing for 10 years…so don’t give up! You have tons of time to find someone to click with. And also a buddy doesn’t have to match you in speed too. I used to write about 3 novels a year while my CP write 1 haha. So you just have to find someone you click with and is on the same wave-length as you tbh.
Sprints are good!
I totally agree with you, but the writers I tested a buddy system with all ended comparing themselves to me, then pretending I was cheating and boosting my word count because for them it was the only explanation :/
Ugh that’s horrible?!😳 If they acted like that to you, then they clearly are not buddies worth keeping. A writing buddy should honestly be there to support you no matter what. (And as someone who has written 60K in 3 days…I do get that people can be rude about fast writers.) 🙈
This post is exactly what I needed today and I’ll read it again and again whenever I’m in need of motivation! Thank you for sharing this!
I’m super glad it came at a good time then! 🤗
It WAS Susan – she calls it “magic cookies” and talks about it here:
AHHH THANK YOU!! I’m so glad to find this out!! Susan is the best.😭💛
I think writing should be treated like a job. agreed. what harms us the most as writers is that we forget we can’t only write when we want to and when we have ‘ideas’. those are just excuses to not write. Also, just out of curiosity. what is your method for planning your blogging and writing projects? I am honestly facing a burnout atm and really need some inspiration to get back on track.
There’s definitely balance to be had! Like if I pressure myself too much, writing becomes something I dread. So I want to keep myself prioritising it and not waiting around for inspiration (definitely a good way to NEVEr write eek) but also make sure I’m not hating what I do. 😂
And ok, truth is I don’t have a method for blogging/writing right now.😂Hence the inconsistent posting. I am a bit ashamed. I need to figure it out! So far I’m aiming for a review and an article per week + writing a chapter every day.
THIS POST IS ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING CAIT AH. Thank you for writing this, bookmarking it, plastering it on my forehead so I never forget about it ahhhhh.
I’m struggling when it comes to motivation and especially when it comes to prioritizing my writing. I tend to treat many things like a job, like, well, my job because I have no choice (: but also book blogging and somehow, I treat writing a little less like a job when I should be. I know I’m extra motivated when I feel like I have to write every single day, because then it becomes a habit and then somehow I get really into it and actually want to show up to that writing job every day. Sometimes it’s hard to maintain that rhythm because, well, life, but when I manage to, it feels so, so very motivating?!
Anyway I’m rambling, but I love this post and your advice SO MUCH. Thank you for sharing!! <3 And your rewards idea is yes yes yes, I'm going to reward my words tonight with chocolate. Always chocolate hahaha. 🙂
Ahh I’m so glad you liked the post 🤗😍 And I also relate to the rest of what you’ve said too ahhh. Like when I’m in a groove and making progress and writing consistently then I am GOOD to go. But then I take a break and things start to unravel oops. I’m having trouble getting stuck into writing today after taking the weekend off. 😂
I’m now saving this blog post as a bookmark in my browser. Never know when you might need a little push 🙌
Ahhh that’s really encouraging to hear you’re saving it! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Really good advice. My novel is a struggle, I took a break to get house stuff done and I lost momentum and now work keeps getting in the way. I’ve been working on some short stories and hoping to get back into it properly soon. I’m determined to finish it as I’ve never finished anything before. The motivation is simply the need to get it done and then I can move on until I decide to edit. I’m determined to have something to submit one day. Short stories will probably be first
Oh I totally get that about the breaks too. If I take a weekend off, I really struggle on Mondays. But life happens so. Must roll with it. 🤗
Writing novels is one of the hardes things I’ve ever done. And like you, I like to see my books on Amazon or in the library. I hated my current book last week until I realized I am closer to being done than I thought. I thought I needed some more plot points, but I don’t. So now, I am editing and loving it again. And it is motivating to have another title in my list. Plus, I have readers asking me when my next book is coming out. I can’t make them wait forever, can I? But if they made me cake, maybe I would write faster 🙂
Aww YES, it’s such an honour to have someone ask “when do you have another book comimg” omg am not over that 😍
“Yer a lazy, Potter,” and “you need to treat yourself like a professional, not a potato,” had me chuckling :’) I used to really want to be a writer; I was an English major, and my goal was to work in publishing & be a published authour one day. Since then, I’ve shifted just a little over to History, but I would like to go back to English by double-majoring because I do miss it so much! I never decided if I wanted to go the writing or literature route, but why not just go for both?? I also don’t know if I ever will feel that I want to write a book again, but I definitely want to be a writer/columnist/something-to-that-degree one day, after or as I’m a teacher. I do have little writing projects that I need to just get going on, so these are the tips I need for that and for motivation to blog, so thank you for that! I’m a new reader of your blog (please excuse the mini-essay I just wrote), and I love love love it 🙂 xxx
oh I love this comment!! Thank you so much for following my blog 💛😍and I’m glad it made you laugh! There’s definitely no right/wrong time to decide to try writing a book, so I’m sure you’ll get to it someday. Plus doing History would probably give you tons of inspiration for stories there too.
What has been working for during Camp NaNo (my first nano ever! I’m loving it sooooo much) is telling myself “you only have to write a little art of a scene.” then “only like one or two more paragraphs.” until I reach my goal. Which is a minimum of 100 words, small, I know. But I’m only going for 7,500, and I’m NOT a fast writer, I’ve discovered. Or an outliner. I can generally manage around 200 words, and even more if I write a 100 or so words in several different WIPs
That’s awesome that you’ve found a way to keep yourself going 🤗And progress is more important than speed, so you’re doing great there!
I really love this post, because it works for so much more than just writing a book. I don’t have any intention of ever writing a book, nor have I ever really tried, and yet this post was super relatable! Some of the things were relatable because I write blog posts and other times the things that came to mind were completely unrelated to blogging or books in general! For me the trickiest thing is when I don’t have the motivation but need to do something anyways by a certain set time. For those tasks not even bribery can help me!
I’m so glad you feel this way!! 😍 And yes definitely could work for a TON of things. Basically just ways to help us BE motivated eep.
I love this post so much, Cait! It’s definitely one I’m bookmarking to read later, because your advice really resonated with me. I recently just finished writing a few chapters to enter in a contest (becoming a published author is certainly a dream of mine, but not yet, at my age 😅), and even just that small amount of words was hard to force myself to write. But you’re right — just *making* myself do it ended up in me actually enjoying it later on, and I wrote some of my favorite parts from forcing myself. I also loved your point about writing buddies; I think getting feedback from them both helps improve your writing and gets you excited about what you’re doing, and it’s so nice!!
I’m so glad you liked it!! 😍 it’s definitely a tough one for we writers, especially if the book is taking ages to be finished *glares at my own current WIP right now*
What?!?! You can stay motivated when writing a book!! I need to do this because I have stopped in the middle of too many projects!!
I definitely don’t prioritise writing as much as I should– it is so easy not too especially when I have others like to do like blogging (I’m always shocked at how much times this takes and I’ve been doing it for over a year– when will I learn?!?!), eating, other general life things so writing takes a back seat but I really need to be like WRITE!!
I always do this thing where I think I shouldn’t write so then I never make any time for it and it is frustrating!!
I used to use bribes all the time– like if you finish this poster on some science thing (hi-tech term) you can have a chocolate but now I just eat the chocolate. You have just reminded me the power of bribes– I will start doing that ASAP!!
I think I might need to invest in a sticker chart as well (or some sort of calendar) because they does sound motivating and pretty!!
I loved this post and it has definitely made me motivated to write– so my tip to staying motivating is to read this post!!! 😂
I’m glad the post was helpful for you 🤗
If you want to be published, you need to treat yourself like a professional, not a potato. <<< THIS.
I love this post SO MUCH! It's so helpful, especially with Camp NaNo and first-drafting a sequel and all that good stuff. Summer (when you're a high school student) is THE time to stay motivated, and I want to make sure I do. 😀
ahhhh good luck with writing and Camp!! And YES, must utilise these times when you can put in the extra hours🤗
This is good advice for EVERYTHING. If you actually want to do something, you will make sure you do it. I think people forget that self-motivation is the most important part of anything. No one has to do anything but if you actually want to do something, you will. Thanks for always being so open and honest about these things, Cait!
Absolutely 🙌🏻 I get asked how do I keep motivated a LOT and it always surprises me…because the bottom-line answer is just…I tell myself to work. 😂 If you want it; you have to work for it. Things don’t come to those who just wish.
Cait!! I really needed this today! 😊 Lately I’ve been in a serious “I don’t wanna” phase of writing my draft, because I just added several MCs and it’s really confusing me! Like, my brain hurts. This whole book is a Mess and a half.
But I understand that my book cannot write itself (much to my dismay 😌) and nothing will happen if I don’t just do it! So thanks for he encouragement!
Aww I am so glad this came at a good time for you then!! And keeping on is always hard but we can do this!
Sticker charts sound awesome 🙂 that’s the thing with paid jobs – sometimes you hate it but you don’t always have to be motivated. You can just keep working. Not so with writing! Or anything other that’s creative rather than mechanical or mental. That’s why I never chose any of my hobbies as a career. I was afraid of the rut xD but I’m glad you’ve found ways to motivate yourself despite the obstacles. It’s also really good to have writing buddies I think – and I mean, any sort of companions that do the same thing you’re doing, and not only when it comes to writing. It’s a great way to motivate yourself whatever you’re doing.
Oh yes I have heard people say “don’t turn your favourite activities into jobs” and lol I get it now. 😂 And I definitely don’t think we should force ourselves to write and HATE it. But there comes a point where we just have to DO it, because usually the blocks are self made oops.
Thank you so much for sharing this Cait 😍😍😍
Thank you for reading!! 🤗
This is so amazing and inspiring article for beginners! Please, keep doing this type of content!
Oh I’m so glad you liked it!! If you have any specific requests for writer-posts, let me know 🤗
“And stop calling yourself ASPIRING. You are an author. If you want to be published, you need to treat yourself like a professional, not a potato.” This is actually very inspiring. Thank you 😊
A sticker calendar sounds pretty awesome, actually. I have this pretty little planner; maybe I can just get some sort of stickers and put them down on the days I do writing?! (I actually like stickers, but I never really have a good reason to use them 😂 PERFECT EXCUSE)
I am resonating with people here, shouting about potatoes 🙌🏻this is so on brand for me 😂 And oh yes totally do stickers on your planner!! I hope to do that at some point…I just need stickers haha.
Bribes. Totally works. Speaking of which, I should focus on that caramel chocolate after I finish this outline!
And yes, I totally find I don’t enjoy my story, and it’s usually somewhere during or after the first draft. Then I set the story aside forever. Happened with my last couple of drafts.
I actually do need to treat writing more like a job and focus less on my blog. Like, blogging is fun, but it’s frustrating when it’s my default go-to in writing, and I just want to work on another story and not another post about somebody else’s stories. Thanks for the post!
Yeah I struggle more with blogging these days because, I LIKE IT, but I feel stuck on ideas because my brain is in “novel ideas” mode now *facepalm* I need to balance both better though.
Ah, such great advice! Thank you for sharing! And thank you for continuing to write, because your books give me life. <3
I know this is an older post, but I’m going to comment anyway. I love what you have to say! (and can I also add that I really love your sense of humor)
Treating writing like a job is a huge part of it for me. Being an author is a career, yeah I can do it in my pajamas some days, but that doesn’t mean I get to goof off and watch youtube all day. Remembering that if I want being an author to be a reality, then I need to own that in my actions and do the writing. Bribes help too. They’re usually simple. If a cup of coffee makes me sit down and start writing. Then I’ll make that cup of coffee (even if I get so into writing, I forget it and it goes cold. win on the writing, loss on the coffee, I’ll take it). I love the idea of rewarding yourself with shows or movies after finishing a draft! That’s a great idea! Also, I agree that it helps to have certain scenes sprinkled throughout that you’re dying to write. They’re like the spring breaks in the school year. On a recent draft that I finished, I ended up procrastinating writing the ending scenes for almost a month. Part of it was that I didn’t know how to end it, but also I had run out of scenes that I was looking forward to writing. So I had to start looking forward to being finished to continue (which was meh and frustrating, but hey it’s finished).
Once again, love this!
This s an awesome post, Cait!! Thanks for sharing!
This post made my day. I think you kinda slapped me while patting my back with a “there, there. It will be okay. Now get back to work!”
Thanks for your motivational piece, I am 51 thousand words onto my second attempt at a novel 😬 really needed a swift kick up the jacksy!!