goodbyeeeee July, you industrious month of quality procrastination and writing.
I accidentally instigated a #ProcrastiBAKING cult on instagram and, no, I am not sorry. It has amused me very much. Yes ProcrastiBAKING was already a thing; but I keep posting about it and now my instagram friends are baking instead of writing and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ look. I’m so proud of the quality chaos I spread.
I mean, I laugh about the procrastinating levels I go to; but it’s a sobbing laugh because I’m stressed 🎉 depressed 🎉 and at least well dressed. Hence the procrastination. But I consider it a successful July. 😌
- For like exactly half a minute, I caught up on my Goodreads challenge. (Lol I’m behind again now.)
- I wrote an immense amount on a secret WIP. It was supposed to be an “edit” but I ended up rewriting every second sentence because apparently I hate myself.
- I’ve been working super hard with Melissa from @thereaderandthechef helping host @mtmctours! This is a tour company where we promote books (indie + traditional authors welcome!) and we make a sensational team if I do say so myself. #Humble.
- Instagram royally spat in my face by taking away likes as a “test” for select countries. Sometimes I hate instagram. 🙃I posted my reasons here in a tidy little rant.
- I’ve been freelance blogging with Hooked To Books which is fabulous. And you can see my latest posts about How To Read More Books and 50 LGBT YA Book Recs.
- I have recently made a lemon meringue pie and also chocolate ice cream and these are reasons to live I swear. 🙌🏻
exciting news!! The Boy Who Steals Houses is now available on Kindle and Nook in the USA!
I’m CHEERING. I was so disappointed when this didn’t happen for so long (no don’t ask me why it took 3 months 😒 overlooked small author life apparently) and I’m always terrified people will just go pirate it. Aka leave me with less chance of more book deals. So this is a relief, sweet sweet relief.
You can find TBWSH on Amazon USA here!
My first book, A Thousand Perfect Notes, should also be available on kindle. And oh wow if you want to leave reviews? I would be so so so so so grateful. Every review and photo and tweet helps an extraordinary amount.
And A Thousand Perfect Notes has has been shortlisted for an Inky Award!
Which is pretty surreal 😍This is an Aussie award and the judges are all teens — I love this because this is exactly the audience who my books are for and knowing they’re reading and loving it is intensely special. If you’re between 13-19 you can vote for me here. I’m up against BIG NAME AUTHORS so kind of freaking out!
I’m super lucky to have had some incredible moments this month. THIS in particular has been so encouraging.
And then I get constant messages from incredible people on instagram, reading and supporting and cheering for my books. 😭💛 It means the WORLD to me. My mental health is really rough, my next two books have been rejected and I’m honestly very low and blocked. But I’m just happy/sobbing that I’ve been writing again. It’s giving me hope when I’ve been so stalled. 💛 I’ve only been an author for one year (ONE YEAR!!) and these author boots are overwhelming to wear; but I’m still so grateful for the chance.
So someone gave me library access again and I am UNSTOPPABLE 🙌🏻 Also…I have borrowed too much and my ARC tbr is yelling at me. But then when is it not.
Still behind but catching up. Fear me.
And I also am floundering trying to remember when/where/WHY I have received books so…um, bear with me.
(all covers link to goodreads)
From library
Vote and help meeeee!

here is a round up of my reads and thoughts!
JADE CITY | Absolutely the BEST of the month and I’m totally obsessed and freaking out over the Kauls. This is adult fantasy and it’s clever, political, family-centric, and punched me in the mouth. Several times. Hilo is my favourite, I won’t deny; he would fite, will fite, and is waiting to fite.
SPIN THE DAWN | This solidly takes second place for favourite of July! It was so so good. Whimsical and also full of the most perfectly hysterical banter. Edan x Maia are one of my fave ships of 2019. Also the ending??? So rude??? I just got hit yET AGAIN and I am bruised and need the sequel.
CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT | Another Kemmerer favourite to leave me sobbing with emotions. It was soft and powerful, and also the friendships in this one. 😍I am forever in love.
ALL OF US WITH WINGS | A controversial one in the community and I had a lot of detailed thoughts about what was being called problematic. 👀It’s a story about grief and healing; but also contains a lot of adult things and a creepy romance. I DON’T think it was YA but I think it’s an important very #ownvoices story from a POC author that shouldn’t be dismissed because it’s dark.
HEARTSTREAM | a super twisty and messed up thriller about the terrifying obsessive levels people go to with boybands/social media. It was pretty clever, but also…not my fave content? So I recommend still.
MOONCAKES | the actual cuuuutest graphic novel!! It was so SOFT and the art is beautiful, whimsical, and just homey. It’s not out till October, but it was Read Now on Netgalley if you want to try it! It’s queer, nonbinary love interest, both main characters are POC, there are werewolves and witches and 🤗It’s good.
HUNGRY HEARTS | The anthology of my DREAMS. 😌13 stories, ALL food based (although tbh it needed more desserts but ok) and they all interconnected so cleverly I’m in awe of the authors. Anna-Marie McLemore’s story was my favourite; but there is so much diversity, love, and heart in them all. Some are also super dark lol. I loved it.
SORCERY OF THORNS | I expected to love this but 😔It felt like a rehash of The Infernal Devices, and I just had no connection or interest in Elisabeth. Meanwhile Silas/Nathaniel had the most intriguing demon/sorcery backstory, connection, and dynamics but they always took a backseat. I wanted the whole book to be about them, oops.
YOU ASKED FOR PERFECT | ok this was CUTE. It’s a soft contemporary about this over-achieving, super stressed straight-A and violinist student who is just…cracking under the stressed. I was so so stressed reading it ok. Softly queer with #ownvoices Jewish rep too. It was just lovely…when Ariel and I weren’t panicking about a test.
So I have this deep adoring love of fanart…
And I decided to splurge and get a few pieces of Redbubble!! Which is really affordable if you buy postcards. I do wish I could support artists more because they deserve it. omg the talent. Anyway I have to show you because I’m so excited. 😂I’ll link all the photos to the artists’ accounts!
Am I a little obsessed with The Raven Cycle? WHO CAN SAY. But these are just freaking everything. 😍😍
how was your July? tell me your BEST read? and did anyone do camp NaNo and how did you go???
Hi Cait.
I follow ‘Secret Library Blog where Nicki has a feature listing her favorite links of the week. She listed Savanna Roberts blog and her interview with you. I keep bumping into you all over the web. congratulations on being a big time world shaker!
Oh, yeah, I meant to mention reading Agatha Christie. I like her writing, and her mysteries are really clever, but the casual race and class comments are off-putting. It is sometimes difficult to tell if Miss Christie actually has those views, or, is she deliberately pointing out the general nature of her fellow countrymen. I think people put a lot more merit in a persons ethnicity and background back then than nowadays and it is sometimes jarring to read. I love it that her books and so many of that period are now slowly slipping into the public domain and the prices are dropping for these old classics.
Aw thanks for letting me know! That’s super kind of her!
Congrats on being shortlisted for the award! Also, I fully support procrastibaking. That sounds delicious. I hope you’re having a good August!
right?! procrastibaking is DEFINITELY helpful and good for us 😌
I won Camp NaNo for the first time in… let’s not go there. Haven’t written since though (I blame work) so I’ve blocked out this afternoon for that. This month, I turned 22 and started a new job that I had to move a long, long way for. It’s been… well. I’ll link you to my wrap-up: Fair warning – it’s not my most light-hearted wrap-up.
Frozen Charlotte’s a good one! I read it a couple of years back and really enjoyed it.
Aww happy birthday!! And eep congrats on winning Camp too!! I shall come read your wrap up!
July was a good month for me! Apart from anything I finished writing/editing my own damn book YAY! That’s only taken seven years, lol (send help). But I’ve also been reading out of my comfort zone which has been fun. I’ve been doing a book swap with my boyfriend and he reads lots of traditional scifi, so I’ve tested the waters with things like Childhood’s End and The Forever War and I’m so surprised by how much I liked them!
I’m so excited for you about ATPN, you so deserve it! And I’m always so jealous of how many amazing books you manage to read each month. I really want to read The Beholder, too!
AHHHH KRISTIE!!! CONGRATS ON FINISHING EDITS TOOOOOO!! *sends you cake* 7 years is fine, that’s like a lucky number too 😌 And oh it is interesting reading outside our comfort zones. I’ve been trying to do more of that lately.
And thank you about AtPN 😍
I did camp nano, and it went pretty well! I scrapped up a win and I’m trying to continue so I don’t lose my streak and abandon it for months. I also spent all morning making memes about my characters because what else are they for XD
Most crazily, ~Olive
Yay congrats on doing NaNo!!! And also making memes is a very important part of the author life 😌
Can I please just say how upsetting it is to know that the entire writing community bakes so well when everything I bake gives me food poisoning😂🙈
omg nooooo that’s not fair luck for you 😭😂
I’ve shared the Kindle story 🙂 I’m so glad to hear it. I hope it nudges a wave of purchases from those who have been waiting, cause it’s now so much more accessible.
It’s really awesome how you started the hashtag btw!! I love it, although I always feel bad that I can’t bake for shit xD
By the way. I have already read 102 books and WHATTTTT I read 107 in the entire past year! Okay so I read some graphic novels too, but wow, I have literally never ever read this many in 8 months. I just can’t believe it! My goal was 52 xD
Thanks for sharing ahhh! You are so kind to me 😭💛 and I didn’t start the hashtag I don’t *think* but I just kinda instigated its overuse these last few weeks ahhaha I’m so proud.
and omg look at you go with all the reading!!! (Graphic Novels still are books!)
My July was mostly work, my summer job is pretty long hours, so I haven’t really had much time for anything else! I was at YALC at the end of July and that was great, it’s a big UK book con, and I go with my friend every year, it’s so much fun, you get to meet loads of authors and buy a lot books and book merch and it’s basically my favourite weekend of the year. In terms of reading, July wasn’t the greatest for me? The only book I really enjoyed was Priory of The Orange Tree, so that was definitely my best read, but even that wasn’t a five star. I did not Camp NaNo this year, I just haven’t had the time, I don’t think I’ve actually written anything since June….whoops.
I saw lots of photos of YALC ahhhh and was keeping an eye out for sightings of my books haha. 💛 I’m glad you enjoyed Priory! I want to read that sometime.
Hilo is THE BEST!! He was by far my favorite in Jade City!! He was just such a little spit fire and was like I’m gonna do my own thing even if it bites me in the butt later ( I’m always drawn to the most stubborn characters for some reason🤔🤔) Also sorry to hear Socrecy of Thorns wasn’t a fav. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it but have yet to pick it up 🙃 I’m currently reading The Rose and The Dagger and getting my enemies to lover fix haha! Awesome wrap up! (And side note how is it August already?!? Like waaat!!)
Isn’t it amazing!? I’m half mad at myself for not having read it sooner BUT also glad I waited because I didn’t have to wait so long for Jade War haha.
I also really need to read The Rose and the Dagger oops. 😂 I probably will need to reread book 1!
I finished my first draft of a book in April and I keep saying I’ll edit…and I just haven’t. Where do I even begin?! AH. That’s amazing that you’ve been writing again though! Good luck with it all! <3
The best book I read in July was When Dimple Met Rishi – it's SO GOOD.
Editing IS hard. And I find starting is the hardest part, but once you get into the groove it’s a bit easier!! Also Dimple and Rishi IS super adorable!!
Congratulations on getting shortlisted for the award and writing so much!! That’s awesome! And I hope you can get another book published soon, fingers crossed for you!
Aw thank you, Becky!!! This is really encouraging 💛
Congratulations on the Inky nomination!!! That’s incredible 🤩 (I would vote for you, but I’m too old 😭)
I have put With Fire on High on hold at the library and it just came in, so that’ll be what I’ll be reading next! Also Hungry Hearts, except it hasn’t come in yet 🙁
Also like. I’ve read 77 books this year which is more than I’ve ever read at this point in the year and here you are, screaming about being behind with 30 more books than me. 😂 I’ll never up to your legacy, it’s fine I’m fine. Maybe someday.
AH! But you have such good books coming up then, because both of those are epic! Well, ok I haven’t read Fire On High yet but I will soon and I know it’s going to be super good 😍
Aww yes, it’s all about personal expectations I guess 😂🙈
Sounds like July has been a crazy month with a lot of fun happenings outside of Instagram weirdness (taking away likes???). It’s great that your books are available on Kindle for the U.S 🙂 JADE CITY is on my TBR. I keep hearing such great things about it, and you just reminded me I need to get myself a copy. I need to read MOONCAKES; it sounds so cute. I hope you have a wonderful August!!
And I just downloaded MOONCAKES off Netgalley. I’m off to read it ❤️
Eeep thank you!! I’m super glad it’s on ebook now and YES, everyone must read Jade City it is just the besssst. Also Mooncakes is a gift to this world. 😍
July was literally two days for me. Where did the month go??? Suddenly my summer break is over, and I have to go back. *sulks*
I have to say, I am super proud of you my friend. Seeing you achieve all these awesome things make me so happy, and you deserve all the great things. <33
Isn't the romance in You Asked for Perfect the cutest? Ariel had so much going on, so it was nice to see a rather cute romance in a book like that. And Hungry Hearts had my heart! (no pun intended)
Agh for breaks ending 😫 I hope settling back into school/routine is okay for you!! And aww Mish, thank you. You are the best and I’m so grateful to be friends with you 💛💛 And YES!! You Asked For Perfect was fully perfect and adorable in every way!
I am proud of you for being so close to your reading challenge! You do so much so you shouldn’t worry too much about being behind. I had a fairly good July. Reading via audio has been the best way for me to get some books done and off my shelf – especially ones that have been there for a longggggg time. I am participating in ARC August this month, so hopefully I can get some more off of it too! Have a good August and I can’t wait to see what is in store next for you!
I should definitely NOT worry but do? Yes. 😂😂 And oh yes I need to get back into audiobooks, that will help ahh.
CONGRATS on being nominated for the award, that’s amazing! I’m sorry you’re having a rough time, but I hope the baking and writing and nomination helped. Your baked goodies look seriously delicious and may I just say that that flower-cake art to the right at the start of the post is beautiful?? Thanks also for the mini reviews, I have a whole new set of tabs open to take a look now!
Thank you, Vlora!! ALSO HI!!! I feel like it’s been ages since I said hi!? 😘 I hope you’re doing well!!
also procrastibaking is productive and good and then you get to eat it. win-win.
also sweet fanart & thanks for the artist links!
oh oh thank you for getting TBWSH 😍😍 you are the bessssst
Okay, when I saw that Instagram took away the like option I was just like WHY. On my list of worst enemies, Instagram and the algorithm are in the top 10. It’s still available in the good ol’ US of A so if you ever want screenshots of how your posts are doing I’ve got you…for now.
Omggg, congrats on being shortlisted for the awards!! You deserve it a million times over, I am not exaggerating when I say that your books are *art*. I’ve been hearing so much about Jade City and I have it on hold at my library and at this point, I am vibrating in anticipation because of all the great reviews out there.
Right?! Instagram is insane and I hate them so much bleh. But yeah I can see my likes myself I couldn’t see anyone else’s though…and like I get why they wanted to do that, BUT. The fact is it’s helpful to have gauges about how things are doing?!
but thank you about the awards!! 😘 I’m really honoured to be amongst such big name authors there!
Congratulations on the award nomination! Though you wholly deserve it, so I am not surprised. Also, I am really not sure who would NOT want to read your books, like it must be a legit business-only thing because Cait, honestly you just have that “special something” and you work so hard to perfect your books and if I were a publisher, I’d scoop up ALL of them in an exclusive contract with ALL the promo, including you in a very fancy Mardi Gras style masquerade mask as the author photo because how fun would that be but also you could still retain your anonymity. And look, I am NOT just saying this cause we’re buds and I adore you, it’s because it’s just TRUE and you 100% need to know that.
Okay also pie, lemon meringue is one of my faves (probably my second fave, actually) and I wish I knew how to make things because it looks DELICIOUS. I had trouble voting on your poll because American Royals and The Beholder were both awesome but I am also afraid you won’t agree 😂 American Royals is just so FUN and compulsively readable but also high key drama and I loved it hahah. The Beholder is tropey as all get out, but I could not help but fall in love with it. I voted for The Beholder because it came out first bwhaha.
My best July book… okay this is HARD because there were some really, really good ones. Lady Rogue, Do You Dream of Terra Two?, The Passengers… but the winner has to be How We Became Wicked. Tough call though, ’twas a good month for reading!
AHHH SHANNON ILYSM 😍😘you’re always so encouraging and lovely!!! I am just a writing authorly mess atm, but knowing I have so many friends rooting for me is intensely encouraging still. Thank you!!! And tbh I’m not sure why I haven’t had like floor-to-ceiling signs for my books yet 🤔 where are my movie deals hmm hmm.
pie is GOOD and I am here for it in all circumstances.
I’m kind of ready for American Royals and just some good ol’ drama 😂 I’ve been reading a ton of darker books lately so I need some fluff.
I just reread A Thousand Perfect Notes last week and ASDJFH. You can be sure I heartily voted for you 🙂 Congrats on being shortlisted! You totally deserve it. All your books are amazing and I just need All of Them last week, please. Thank you. (but also you can be sure we are all rooting for you and I AM FURY that your last two books got rejected. I would start a publishing business just so I could spread your stories to the ends of the earth)
oh my goodness 😭💛 HANNAH. You are lovely and incredible and I’m so grateful!!! (And yes pls become an editor and rescue me from the rejection trenches 😂😘)
I was so torn between voting for you to read Crooked Place or Ink and Pen! Eventually went for Crooked Place as I am reading that now and want to know your thoughts. But I also just got Ink and Pen and squealed when I saw it! Can’t wait to read what happens next.
I will definitely read it soon. I’m SO ready. TKAK was amazing last year 😍
Wonderful wrap up, love! CONGRATS ON THE INKY SHORTLIST! That is incredible! A Thousand Perfect Notes is such a phenomenal book, so it absolutely deserves to be there alongside those other amazing reads! And I am OVER THE MOON excited that the Boy Who Steals Houses is available as an ebook on Amazon now! I’m breaking my book buying ban to purchase it right now. <3
Aww!! 😍😍 Thank you so so much!!! this just has made my whole day 😍
Hmmm, procrastibaking sounds like an excellent plan. Not that I have anything to procrastinate because I’m too tired to do anything ha ha ha but baking sounds nice. Congratulations on being nominated for an award, that’s huge!! Very much looking forward to this new sekrit project of yours. ♥
It is an excellent plan 😌I mean why be focused when you can BAKE. I’m doing a good thing here. Ahem. (Also thank you!!!)
YAY for TBWSH getting a kindle and Nook release! I am so happy 😀 And also super happy for your Inky Awards nomination! That is amazing news. So proud of you, Cait <3
I am so behind on my GR challenge and GR just keeps taunting me. "Chiara, read 2 books a week for the rest of the year to beat your challenge". O-K-A-Y, GR. I am goddamn trying my best here *sobbing*
I wish I could be bothered to learn how to properly bake vegan things but I am lazy, oops. Otherwise I'd probably be procrastibaking as well, lbr.
I’m SO relieved it’s on there now lolol…I know it’s been pirated 😫 So eeep, this is really a relief for me haha. And aw thanks about the Awards! It’s a total honour 😭💛and the judges were so kind.
Also can our GR challenges stop coming after us like this. It’s very rude. I’m still 2 books behind BUT I’m finished editing my latest WIP so I’m solidly going to read and catch up this month!
Redbuble is becoming a terrible addiction. I’d say send help but…I’m having fun. :’)
I’m so glad you liked Jade City! It’s one of my favorites too! I can’t wait to listen to Jade War on audiobook. 🙂
I just ADORED it so much omg. I can’t wait to dive into Jade War!!
YOU NEED to pick up Jade War Cait. There is no other book that can come first haha.
Congrats on being shortlisted for the Inky Awards. Well deserved.
I WILL!!! I WILL!! I’m so excited but also super nervous for it?! 😭😂It’s gonna wreck me.
And eep, thank you!
Soooo I voted for you to read American Royals because I’m obsessed with this book and can’t wait to read the sequel and I hope we can chat about ALL THE DRAMA because I NEED TO TALK. haha.
CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING SHORTLISTED FOR THE AWARD AHH this is so very exciting and I’m so proud and happy for you. You are an incredible author and I’ll always be supporting you and looking forward to your works. You’re doing amazing <3
I'm so glad you liked You Asked For Perfect, such a sweet read, a little stressful too, haha.
I hope you're having an amazing August!! <3