I realise the title of my recap posts is “what happened in March”…but I am still not quite sure.
Like, a lot happened. But also it freaking d r a g g e d out 50 x longer than a normal month. Because sOMEONE’S BOOK COMES OUT ON THE 4TH OF APRIL WHICH IS OFFICIALLY…
Only…only 5 days until The Boy Who Steals Houses is hereeeeeee.
(Except it’s actually out in Australia on the 9th so you all need to just suffer quietly in the background there ok. Sorry about that. At some point I will ask why books don’t release on the same dates, but publishing is a mysterious beast.)
So if you can help me celebrate release day on the 4th of April by posting about The Boy Who Steals Houses…I will love yoooooou forever.😍
Like, just a tweet or an instagram post or a mention in your instagram Stories or…anything!!! I can’t even say how much I’d appreciate it. Basically I’m a small author with a small release so ALL the help is appreciated. 🎉
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➸ So obviously I’m freaking out with Author !!! nerves !!! here.
Everything about The Boy Who Steals Houses has been really really different to the lead up from my debut last year (A Thousand Perfect Notes). ARCs went out later, there are less reviews up, it’s not featured in any book boxes so I don’t have that to promote…etc. etc. I’m so nervous about it doing well?! I need it to. I desperately want to be able to write and sell more books — so it’s like all this ajfdskladj < error > ajfdksladjkl pressure in my head.
BUT. I’m also enjoying the anticipation. The messages from people! The excitement! I’ve read some such meaningful and lovely reviews my soul cried happy tears.
I’ve got one author-copy but I’ll get a box eventually and I can’t waaaaait for that either. (I’ve cleared out a place in my shelf haha.)
And I’m just freaking proud of this book, ok? I am. It has my heart and I’m still not fully over being immersed in it.
I’m just so so happy it gets to exist in this world.
➸ There’s going to be a UK blog tour!
My publishers organised this and I’m so excited for the content that’s going up!
I wrote a personal piece on Autism Representation in YA + another piece on all the inspiration behind the book. And remember how I was whining about cutting a cute fluffy scene about potatoes??
It’s going to be up! Extra content!! So make sure you keep your eyeballs on this tour, ok, and I’ll be shouting out links here + on my social medias. (Even my publicist said it’s super cute ok 😍)
➸ And reviews? Reviews are so helpful.
So if you’ve read it or are going to read it = I’d loooove if you reviewed it! Goodreads, Amazon, retailers, your blog, etc. etc. Of course there’s no pressure. But it’s so so helpful and I would give you, like, half the kingdom if I could.
➸ I also splurged and commissioned fanart.
I’M SO EXCITED. I’ve got prints coming, so I’ll reveal it when they arrive but ajfdkslad it is the actual most best thing.
➸ I also blogged about my publishing journey for The Boy Who Steals Houses!
So don’t forget to catch that here if you want to read it! Plus here are some books to read while you’re waiting for release date. (PS. I recommend these wholly!)
➸ Speaking of blog posts…I’ve done some interviews with amazing bloggers, so please do check them out!
- Over on my publishers blog → I list 10 things you need to know about TBWSH before reading!
- Reading Anyone → I talk about motivation to keep writing and the pressure of blogging vs writing.
- Everlasting Library → I talk about the importance of writing books about mental illness and disabilities + my favourite book worlds!
- Chasm of Books → I give querying tips and talk about my author inspirations!
- Keturah’s Korner → I talk about how I found an agent and landed my book deal + talk about how many buried book drafts I’ve written.
- Imi Reviews Books → we do an epic back-and-forth discussion style and both chat about writing styles and writing ownvoices autism rep!
- Uwadis → super excited about this behind-the-scenes interview wtih Thy Bui, my cover designer! There are some early drafts of the cover here too. Thanks to Etinosa for organising this!!
- Book Dragonism → am chatting to Rain about why I wrote a genderbent Goldilocks retelling + how I handle the ups and downs of publishing.
(Also PS. if you want me on your blog for an interview?! I WOULD LOVE TO. Just email me cait@paperfury.com and we’ll get it set up!)
➸ And lastly…Laini Taylor said THIS:
So basically I can retire now omgggggg.
➸ My goals is 18 books per month…but I’m struggling.
yes yes I might also be a bit distracted with book releases etc. But I’m constantly behind on ARCs and I feel bad. Also I used to always read 200 books a year with zero problems?! Now I barely know when to possibly fit in writing time, gah. So I’m probably going to cut back. Even by just a book or two. But #DoNotLike this reality check that I’m not superhuman.
((all covers link to goodreads))
From library
excuse me while I be ridiculously proud that I actually read a ton of these the MONTH I GOT THEM. 😂 The bar for being proud of me is on the ground.

(hover over covers to flip them for a mini review !! and click to see full-length review!)
I really enjoyed doing a full Grishaverse reread before tackling King of Scars too!
I’m still listening to the audio of Crooked Kingdom but hopefully I’ll finish it today or tomorrow. So just imagine it’s here haha. I definitely think Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom are her masterpieces, but I just looove the world. AND NIKOLAI.
Overall it was a good reading month but mostly rereads? And the really only new one I feel completely in love with was Red, White & Royal Blue.
➸ And YAY for April because it’s #AutismAcceptance Month! Yeah we’re skipping the “autism awareness” slogan because (a) that’s from Autism Speaks who are confirmed garbage, and (b) people know about autism, they just don’t accept it. I also saw someone call it Autism Pride month and I’m like 💖✨💕😍🎉 to this title too.
Anyway I hope to do some autism posts! I have a collab idea in mind and am gathering some autistic friends to contribute. And I’m gonna give you some book recs too! Also this is like the PERFECT month to read The Boy Who Steals Houses because the main character’s brother is autistic and I love him so.
➸ Also…I’m moving house again. Look someone call me out about writing a book where a character craves a steady home while I move around all the time looool (CUE SOBBING IN THE BACKGROUND). No, but I’m keen for this move, I just hate the actual process. I will, however, have a good local library again. That is worth everything. I’m not sure the exact date we’ll go? But probably in a month or so. Watch me spiral into stress. Because you know who handles change well? Not me.😌(And yes, I do still live with my parents for health reasons.)
➸ And because of moving house…I had to rearrange my shelves. Ok here’s the story: I had my main bookshelf in the centre of my floor so I could use both sides. I have a lot of books ok. Now apparently this isn’t conducive to selling a house if you try to walk into my bedroom and you have to squeeze through this narrow gap between shelves. (WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM.) Cue entire room rearrange. But it looks good so I’m happy!
And, omg, I had a massive book clean out. We’re talking culling like 140+ books. I donated to the library and the local secondhand stores. It hurt to see them go. But I also didn’t…even…like…those books? Where is the sense, son, where is it.
Anyway I like to contemplate my MORTALITY AND SURE DEATH while sleeping below this. I don’t have a bed, ok, I have bookshelves. (Also you can see my A Thousand Perfect Notes Beck/August fanart! And those are edit notes on my wall…for mysterious things.) And yes there’s a shrine for ATPN. As there should be.
The rainbow shelf is still here of course!
So basically I rearranged everything for photos + selling the house. And in a month I’ll have to pack it all up to do the actual moving-house. So 😂 who’s exhausted already? Meeeee.
I left space for my author copies of The Boy Who Steals Houses!
And you know the real problem here? I did all this and NO ONE brought me cheesecake as a reward. I live in a fallen world.
Now when you think to yourself, “Wow I bet Cait is busy prepping for her book’s release,” you can know I do indeed have 100 things I need to do. I am procrastinating 99 of them by reorganising my shelves.
➸ Most of my news goes up on Instagram and Twitter! So do follow me there if you want to know what’s going on. I mean not that *I* know what’s going on. But between the three of us (you + me + the ghosts in the walls) we should figure this out. 🙌🏻
right, so what have you been up to in March? what was your best vs worst read? do you often rearrange your shelves? and are you ready for my book to steal your house!!!! 🤗
I’ve mostly spent March finishing off my final project for Uni, my deadline is next Friday but I’m done now, so I just have to put it all together and format it and then it’s ready for submission and I’ll have officially completed all parts of my degree (AGHHHH I CAN’T THIS IS TOO STRESSFUL, I DON’T WANT TO FUTURE). I also got to meet VE Schwab again on her UK tour so that was awesome-I have a fandom necklace that I wore to the event and she complimented me on it, which basically made my life. I also went home last weekend to spend some time with my parents and dog, and to see a gymnastics exhibition at the O2 in London which was awesome. As for reading, I actually had a really great month! 3 five star reads, To Kill A Kingdom, Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming and another non-fic book called Modern Women:52 Pioneers which is basically a collection of mini bios of a lot of awesome women from History-apparently March was the month of non-fiction for me, not that I’m complaining, I am actively trying to read more of that this year. Worst read? i’m not sure if I really had one, I guess I’d probably say Descendant of The Crane which I’m still reading, not that it was bad, just that I haven’t really enjoyed it as much as I hoped to. I don’t rearrange my shelves all that often, though I did have to do a massive reshuffle last summer, because we moved house and I’d told my mum to just leave the books and I’d sort them out when I got back from Uni . But she didn’t listen to me and arranged my books all wrong, so I had to spend an entire afternoon getting them back to the way I like them. I’ll probably have to do a big reshuffle when I go home this year as well, since I’m graduating so I’m going to be bringing a lot more books back with me.
Ahh good luck with the formatting and submission! And that is so. cool. that you got to meet Schwab. She is so legendary haha. Apparently she’s coming to Australia! (Also I relate to the needing books in a specific way and not liking other people to arrange them.)
Your shelves are actual goals! I’d love to have some as awesome as that. As for my update this month, I actually wrote a blog post for my blog! (I’ve posted sporadically for a few years, so hopefully this will give me the push to get back into it). And you’re right, this month has definitely dragged. So excited to read your book when it comes out! Loved the last one and can’t wait to read more.
Aw congrats for writing a blog post too! 😍I’ll come over and read yours! But I’m kind of glad I’m not alone in glaring at the slowness of March. Like what on earth is it doing smh. It needs to hurry it up a long. (And thank you about my book!!)
Look forward to the book!
Lotte | http://www.lottelauv.blogspot.co.uk
Aw thank you!!😍
Hi Cait!!
I’m super excited for The Boy Who Steals Houses!! I loved reading the blog posts you linked in which you were interviewed etc. I think my copy of the book might arrive a few days after the 4th, because they have to ship it from the UK to here which will add a few days.. but I hope to be reading it in April :D. I have a BookTube channel since end of July 2018 and I talked about ATPN in my favourite books of 2018 video (as well as in a few other videos). Anyway, I know you don’t watch BookTube, but I just wanted to say that I’ll be filming a review of TBWSH when I’ve read it, as I do reviews of all books I read. If I like the book (and I think I will!) I’ll be sure to sing its praises in my video book review 🙂 (not literally.. as I can’t sing in any nice way at all.. but I hope you get what I mean).
Top 3 favourite books I read in March were:
Bloom by Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau, this is a graphic novel about 2 cute queer boys and baking and I loved it.
Book Love by Debbie Tung, this is a collection of comics all to do with books and loving books and reading, based on the author’s love for books.
The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum, I really liked this book! A friend of mine recommended it and I thought it was really good. I have ordered the Wicker King, by the same author, which I believe you read a while ago and really liked. If you think you can put up with the science-fiction elements of The Weight of the Stars, I think you’d like it :).
Good luck with moving house! I find that really stressful.
I love re-organising my bookshelves!! I saw some of your pictures on Instagram, it looks really good! I love how you’re saving space for TBWSH author copies.
I wish you the best of luck going up to release date, I hope the anxiety won’t be too bad (I’m looking forward to the anxiety and autism rep in TBWSH) *hug*.
omg GAIA!! THIS IS AMAZING. I will definitely watch your videos of it. 😂 If that’s ok and not weird or anything. 💛💛
Also I really want to read Bloom omg, I’m glad you loved it! That makes me definitely want to boost it on my to-buy list. And I’m waiting desperately for my copy of The Weight of Stars to arrive because I LOVED The Wicker King. All-time favourite ajfkdlasd. But post is slow, right? A thing we bookworms all know. 😂
I shall shout it from the rooftops even though we have to wait a little longer. I can’t tell you how excited I am! You’re moving again? Gosh, I don’t envy you smushy, I absolutely hate moving and hope that I won’t be doing it again until I’m old and we’re retired. Have you worked out the new layout for your room, where all those glorious shelves will go? I’m in the process of cleaning my shelves too. Usually I donate mine to the local youth group but I’ve decided that I’m going to sell off around 70 – 80% of my books. Pupper isn’t well (he has a sick heart) and needs procedures that aren’t covered by his insurance.I’m happy to let them go though and every little bit helps. On the plus side, I’ll have more room for books later when I can afford them again. It’s win win.
THANK YOU, KELLY!! 😍 and yes pls can someone else come and move all the books for me lmao. I’m tired at even the thought of it. The worst part is, I have to leave the shelves on the wall behind. where the heck am I going to put all these books. 😫
Aww no I’m sorry about your dog. That’s really sad. (I tried to sell some too, but didn’t move very many.)
Wow, you’ve been busy. I hope the move goes well! Moving is the most annoying thing ever, especially if you own a lot of books. I think the rearranged bookshelves look great! Most of my books are in drawers. (Good thing I barely own any clothes.) Have a great April!
CAIT. I’m sooo excited for your new book ahhh! It reminds me of Dear Evan Hansen so much which makes me sooo happy. I’m so happy for and proud of you!!
This March was pretty busy for me, and I didn’t get a ton done. I’m trying to cut back on certain things so I don’t stretch myself too thin. *nervous laughter*
I will not admit that March is over until I’ve finished a novella I’m reading!!! I can do it!!! March has actually been a pretty good reading month, I read a lot and they’ve all been four and three star reads and I might even up some ratings to five. I haven’t thought much on what was my worst read but I do know my best was Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and I finished The Raven King which has utterly BROKE me! I will never get over that twist! NEVER!
Also I like your new shelves, I dig the chaotic yet somehow neat aesthetic. Also I cannot wait for TBWSH!! It’s one of my most anticipated release!
I pre-ordered The Boy Who Steals Houses and can’t wait to read it! 😀
So cool that Laini Taylor is also going to read your book!
Those pastelly photos of your bookshelf are SO nice and basically what I’m saying is you rock at every single bookstagram theme.
Alsooo I saw your review for Laura Pohl’s book, The Last 8, and did anyone attack you for your review?? (I don’t want to assume skdjdks) I’m asking because I saw that the author recently tweeted some Very Questionable things so I’m super hesitant about her books and probably will never read them. (YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE ATTACKED AT ALL OFC) <3 <3 (and if you don't want to share that's completely ok!!)
By the way, I FREAKING love your new book even though I haven't read it yet, and so much good luck for you, YOU AMAZING BOOK WRITER. we don't scream over your snippets for nothing <3
THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING MY POST! How in the world did you have so much time to read this last month? I’m seriously envious of how you do it … but yeah. LOVE YOUR BOOK PICS! I don’t have a bed either …. I got rid of it, deciding the floor was more comfortable and my bed took up too much space in my small room. I don’t have shelves, either, just dozens of boxes of books. I dream of owning shelves ;D Fave read? I only finished five books last month, and four of them were audio (I’m reading more, though). My “best” read was Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, and my “worst” was Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee.
ooh Death Prefers Blondes looks very spicy… also I NEED IT NOW!! I am also looking forward to the release of Romanov sooo very badly!! Sorry to hear you didn’t like Say You’ll Remember me :(( I read it this year and found it enjoyable (have u read her other book One Breath Apart??) ALSO CONGRATS ON YOUR BOOK I CANNOT WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT AHHH!! Great wrap up post cait 🙂
Holy cow, Fait, your month has been HECTIC! But ASDFGHJKL!!!!! TBWSH IS COMING OUT IN FIVE DAYS?!?!?!?!?! I am not prepared for this… I’m not sure I can wait for my birthday to get it, which is a PROBLEM. 😂 I am so ready for your book to steal my house, though. 100% yes. 😂
Okay, wow. Those bookshelves are simply STUNNING, and I am in awe. As for my own shelves, I don’t really rearrange them that often, but just recently I decided to rearrange it in a (sort of???) rainbow color-coordination, and I AM OBSESSED. I kind of got swayed by all the bookstagram photos of rainbow shelves, so. . . Yeah. Clearly I need to spend less time on Instagram. 😂 Literally nothing can ever compare to that GORGEOUS RAINBOW SHELF OF YOURS, THOUGH, HOLY GUACAMOLE. I am in LOVE.
Also I’m pretty sure my tab bar is now stuffed to the gills with all those blog posts you linked. I just kind of read through them, opening link after link because each and every one looked utterly amazing. 😂😂
CAIT*. UGH. My Kindle just LOVES to auto correct me. Though what Fait is, I honestly have no idea.
Thanks so much for including my post. Your book comes out on the 4th and it’s so exciting and I’m looking to reading it and also your first book. In March, I read just two books. One of them was really cool but then it had a love rectangle and I just 😐😐
Have a nice day Cait
I’m glad you will be able to be near a library again but moving sounds so stressful. I hope the whole process will go well. <3
And yeay for only a few days now. So excited for you!
1)Okay I saw the Laini Taylor thing on Twitter and i just screamed!!!
2) your bookshelves look AMAZING. and ack you’re moving again? that must be so stressful. but hey! at least u have a local library again soon??
3) DUDE YOUR BOOK IS COMING OUT and i’m so excited for everyone to meet the DeLaineys they’re not even ready for like,,, the amount of FEELS ajhagagshgdjhsdb. i want to re read it right now. help.
I am so, so, SO excited for your book to be released so soon YAY! I really can’t wait to read it and to see it on people’s shelves, blogs and to read all the reviews for it, too. CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN 😀
I see you bought The Fever King, I hope you’ll love it, I really, really enjoyed this book a whole lot. And YAY for reading Red, White and Royal Blue, it is one of my most anticipated reads and I’m SO happy you enjoyed it so much!
Best of luck with the move! <3 I'm sending you tons of love for next month <3 <3
March hasn’t been fabulous, but I did read some more Ms Marvel (which is always fabulous) and I finally got round to A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (look! I’m late to the party again!).
I never rearrange my shelves. I just stack my piles higher.
I CAN’T BELIEVE WE’RE SO CLOSE TO THE 4TH. How?! I’m making grabby hands at The Boy Who Steals Houses. Like, DO YOU SENSE THAT???? I sound cuckoo bananas. ANYWAYS, I’m stoked. It’s like, one of the only bright spots for me this year so far. PLUS, you and Cassandra Clare are set to TOTALLY DESTROY ME in a fun and quirky way by having books coming out so near each other. We stan two legends ONLY. Anyways, dang, I bought King of Scars and I’ve been so excited to read it but haven’t gotten around to it yet because (1) lazy and (2) I WANNA DO A COMPLETE GRISHA REREAD AS WELL BUT REFER TO 1.
Also, I had the same issues with Four Dead Queens and I’ve been afraid of posting it because a lot of people are praising it and like I can feel them squaring up to drag me oops. BUT, FOR REAL, I’m sorry you got jumped at on Goodreads for pointing out its issues. So frustrating 🙁
Cait, you have SOOO many books!! I knew this already, of course, but it’s just made more abundantly clear every time I see pictures of your gorgeous bookshelves. And yes, I would be slightly intimidated if I had to sleep under that. xD
I feel kind of bad because The Boy Who Steals Houses is coming out and I haven’t even read A Thousand Perfect Notes yet?? But SOON! It’s so high on my list! As soon as I have money (oh, life) I am so excited to buy it!
Your shelves look amazing, Cait! I’d lowkey be scared to sleep under all those books though, because if one of those shelves breaks you’ll be crushed by books, which may actually be an appealing way to go? Hahah.
I actually didn’t know April was Autism Acceptance month! That’s so nice! I’ll make sure to add at least one book about autism on my TBR. Hopefully, The Boy Who Steals Houses, that’s for sure, but as I’ve been craving some romance, I’ll also think about giving The Kiss Quotient, by Helen Hoang a try! I’ll be looking forward to reading your posts about autism, because I find that it is an important topic that I still need to learn more about. I’m interested in working in the educational field towards inclusion and, especially in my country, there’s a ton of misinformation about autism, so it’s something I want to be more educated on.
I finished reading Crooked Kingdom recently and even though I’ve never read the Grisha trilogy, I was excited and surprised to actually recognize some names, like Nikolai and Alina! I assume that for you who has re-read the entire series in order, it’s even more fun to find all these references!
Wishing you an amazing April and a fantastic book release! 🌟
Your shelves. They are so pretty. Good luck with the move though! And yay for a good local library again. #importantthings And I like Autism Acceptance Month, or Autism Pride Month. Both are very positive and lovely. And I’m so excited for your book to come out; it sounds amazing!!!!!
I love your new bookshelf arrangement, it’s SO CUTE!!!! Also, yes, for reminding us all of our mortality. I can’t wait for The Boy Who Steals Houses, pre-ordered and very ready, so hurry UK shipping to America!!!!!!!
Also, sad Four Dead Queens isn’t that good since it’s been so hyped??? And I can’t wait to read Red White and Royal Blue, because it has Texas stuff in it, and royalty, and romance, so it’s basically my exact jam, haha.
Pssst, you forgot about my interview! But I’ll forgive you since you’ve got a lot going on 😘 So excited for TBWSH!
I feel so bad behind when I’m behind on ARCs! Which is a perpetual thing for me! Congrats on the sophomore novel! I’m so happy for you and it’s so stunning! I need still need to read Six of Crows before I get to my precious Nikolai, but I will get on that eventually! LOL
18 books a month is… a lot, especially when you’ve got SO MUCH GOING ON. You’ve got a whole entire book to worry/ be excited about, and all that attendant chaos. It’s probably not surprising that it’s harder to get through all that reading with everything else on your plate. (Even aside from the actual tasks, I imagine that takes a lot of mental space too…)
I cannot wait to provide hype on release day! I’M SO EXCITED!
Also, your new shelf setup look amazing! And I can’t even fathom the amount of books you got rid of 😮 SO MANY BOOKS!
And I’m so glad you enjoyed Red, White, and Royal Blue! Between you and Chana loving it, my excitement has reached dangerous levels!!
Ugh I moved around a lot too – it’s not a fun process! BUT YAY A LIBRARY!! THAT’S WORTH IT.
That’s so exciting that you’re going to have another book out – so proud of you!!
ok so i came across Red, White and Royal Blue on your blog a few months ago and I added it to my TBR and i’m literally SO glad i did that bc it’s literally my favorite book of the year so far and i love it so so so much, you NEED to read it <3
also, can't wait for Aurora Rising review, i'm going to start reading it tonight!