Welcome to the Beautiful People Character Interviews meme, co-hosted by myself and Sky @ Further Up and Further!
What is Beautiful People?
Beautiful People is for writers. Every month, we post a list of 10 questions for you to answer about your characters. It’s designed to help you get to know your characters – their quirks, their personality, their flaws, and who they are.
Can I join Beautiful People anytime?
Absolutely. It’s designed so you can jump in whenever new questions are posted. They’ll be posted at the beginning of the month, but you can join in at aaaany time.
Can I submit questions to Beautiful People?
Yes! In fact, we encourage it. If you’d like to submit questions, email Further Up and Further In HERE, or Paper Fury HERE.
Why is it called Beautiful People?
The general idea is that our characters are beautiful people with their own stories that deserve to be told.
When is it?
The meme is live on the 5th of every month! You can join in at any time during the month, just add your post-url to the linky. And don’t forget we’d love you to share the comment-love and visit some fellow linkers.
1. What’s their favourite book/movie/play/etc.?
2. Is there anything they regret doing?
3. If they were sick or wounded, who would take care of them and how?
4. Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why?
5. What are 5 ways to win their heart (or friendship)?
6. Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom.
7. What’s their favorite type of weather?
8. What’s the worst fight they’ve ever been in?
9. What names or nicknames have they been called throughout their life?
10. What makes their heart feel alive?
How and why did they meet?
What were their first impressions of each other?
How would they prove their love for each other?
What would be an ideal date?
Is there something they emphatically disagree on?
List 5 “food quirks” they know about each other. (Ex: how they take their coffee, if they’re allergic to something, etc….and feel free to mention other non-food quirks!)
What’s one thing they know about each other that no one else does?
What’s one thing that they keep a secret from each other?
1. What were your writing achievements last year?
2. What’s on your writerly “to-do list” for 2017?
3. Tell us about your top-priority writing projects for this year!
4. How do you hope to improve as a writer? Where do you see yourself at the end of 2017?
5. Describe your general editing process.
6. On a scale of 1-10, how do you think this draft turned out?
7. What aspect of your draft needs the most work?
8. What do you like the most about your draft?
9. What are your plans for this novel once you finish editing? More edits? Finding beta readers? Querying? Self-publishing? Hiding it in a dark hole forever?
10. What’s your top piece of advice for those just finished writing a first draft?
1. Overall, how is your mental state, and how is your novel going?
2. What’s your first sentence (or paragraph)?
3. Who’s your current favourite character in your novel?
4. What do you love about your novel so far?
5. Have you made any hilarious typos or other mistakes?
6. What is your favourite to write: beginning, middle, or end — and why?
7. What are your writing habits? Is there a specific snack you eat? Do you listen to music? What time of day do you write best? Feel free to show us a picture of your writing space!
8. How private are you about your novel while you’re writing? Do you need a cheer squad or do you work alone (like, ahem, Batman)?
9. What keeps you writing even when it’s hard?
10. What are your top 3 pieces of writing advice?
1. What inspired the idea for your novel, and how long have you had the idea?
2. Describe what your novel is about!
3. What is your book’s aesthetic? Use words or photos or whatever you like!
4. Introduce us to each of your characters!
5. How do you prepare to write? (Outline, research, stocking up on chocolate, howling, etc.?)
6. What are you most looking forward to about this novel?
7. List 3 things about your novel’s setting.
8. What’s your character’s goal and who (or what) stands in the way?
9. How does your protagonist change by the end of the novel?
10. What are your book’s themes? How do you want readers to feel when the story is over?
1. How did you come up with this character?
2. Have they ever been starving? Why? And what did they eat to break the fast?
3. Do they have a talent or skill that they’re proud of?
4. List 3 things that would make them lose their temper.
5. What is their favorite type of weather? Least favorite?
6. What is their Hogwarts house and/or MBTI personality?
7. Are they more likely to worry about present problems, or freak out about the unknown future?
8. What is their favorite thing to drink?
9. What is their favorite color? Least favorite?
10. What is a book that changed their life?
1. Give a brief overview of their looks. (Include a photo if you want!)
2. Share a snippet that involves description of their appearance.
3. What is the first thing people might notice about them?
4. What are their unique features? (Ex: freckles, big ears, birthmark, scars, etc.)
5. How tall are they? What is their build (Ex: stocky, slender, petite, etc.)
6. What is their posture like? How do they usually carry themselves?
7. Your character has been seen on a “lazy day” (free from usual routine/expectations): what are they wearing and how do they look?
8. Do they wear glasses, accessories, or jewelry on a regular basis? Do they have any article of clothing or accessory that could be considered their trademark?
9. Have they ever been bullied or shamed because of their looks? Explain!
10. Are they happy with how they look? If they could change anything about their appearance, what would it be?
1. Do they want to get married and/or have children? Why or why not?
2. What is their weapon of choice? (It doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical weapon.)
3. What’s the nicest thing they’ve done for someone else, and why did they do it?
4. Have they ever been physically violent with someone, and what instigated it?
5. Are they a rule-follower or a rebel?
6. Are they organized or messy?
7. What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
8. What do they eat for breakfast?
9. Have they ever lost someone close to them? What happened?
10. What’s their treat of choice? (Or, if not food, how else do they reward themselves?)
1. What is their first childhood memory?
2. What were their best and worst childhood experiences?
3. What was their childhood home like?
4. What’s something that scared them as child?
5. Who did they look up to most?
6. Favourite and least favourite childhood foods?
7. If they had their childhood again, would they change anything?
8. What kind of child were they? Curious? Wild? Quiet? Devious?
9. What was their relationship to their parents and siblings like?
10. What did they want to be when they grew up, and what did they actually become?
1. How often do they smile? Would they smile at a stranger?
2. What is the cruelest thing they’ve ever been told? And what was their reaction?
3. What is the kindest thing they’ve ever been told? And what was their reaction?
4. What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
5. What book (a real actual published book!) do you think your character would benefit from reading?
6. Have they ever been seriously injured? How severely? How did they react?
7. Do they like and get along with their neighbours?
8. On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being easy and 10 being difficult) how easy are they to get along with?
9. If they could travel anywhere in the world, where would they go?
10. Who was the last person they held hands with?
1. What first inspired this character? Is there a person/actor you based them off?
2. Describe their daily routine.
3. If they joined your local high school, what clique would they fit into?
4. Write a list of things they merely tolerate. Ex: certain people, foods, circumstances in their lives…
5. How do they react in awkward silences?
6. Can they swim? If so, how did they learn?
7. What is one major event that helped shape who they are?
8. What things do they value most in life?
9. Do they believe in giving other people second chances? Do they have any trust issues?
10. Your character is having a rough day…what things do they do to make them happy again? Is there anyone they talk/interact with to get in a better mood?
1. How did they first meet?
2. What were their first impressions of each other?
3. How long have they been a couple?
4. How committed/loyal are they to each other? Would they break up over a secret or a disagreement? Could stress drive them apart? Would they die for each other?
5. List 5 “food quirks” they know about each other. (Ex: how they take their coffee, if they’re allergic to something, etc….and feel free to mention other non-food quirks!)
6. Does anyone disapprove of their relationship?
7. What would be an ideal date?
8. What are their personality dynamics? Similar? Contrasting? Do they fight a lot or mesh perfectly?
9. What have been their best and worst moments together as a couple?
10. Where do they see themselves and their relationship in the next few years?
1. What were your writing achievements last year?
2. Tell us about your top priority writing project for this year?
3. List 5 areas you’d like to work the hardest to improve this year.
4. Are you participating in any writing challenges?
5. What’s your critique partner/beta reader situation like and do you have plans to expand this year?
6. Do you have plans to read any writer-related books this year? Or are there specific books you want to read for research?
7. Pick one character you want to get to know better, and how are you going to achieve this?
8. Do you plan to edit or query, and what’s your plan of attack?
9. Toni Morrison once said, “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” What are the books that you want to see more of, and what “holes” do you think need filling in the literary world?
10. What do you hope to have achieved by the end of 2016?
1. On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best), how did the book turn out? Did anything defy your expectations?
2. Comparative title time: what published books, movies, or TV shows are like your book? (Ex: Inkheart meets X-Men.)
3. Do you enjoy working with deadlines and pressure (aka NaNoWriMo)? Or do you prefer to write-as-you’re-inspired?
4. How do you go about editing? Give us an insight into your editing process.
5. What aspect of your story needs the most work?
6. What aspect of your story did you love the most?
7. Give us a brief run down on your main characters and how you think they turned out. Do you think they’ll need changes in edits?
8. What are your plans for this novel once you finish editing? More edits? Finding beta readers? Querying? Self-publishing? Hiding it in a dark hole forever?
9. Share a favourite snippet!
10. What are your writing goals and plans for 2016?
1. Is the book turning out how you thought it would be, or is it defying your expectations?
2. What’s your first sentence (or paragraph)?
3. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Have you ever tried both methods and how did it turn out?
4. What do you reward yourself with after meeting a goal?
5. What do you look for in a name? Do you have themes and where do you find your names?
6. What is your favorite to write: beginning, middle, or end — and why?
7. Who’s your current favorite character in your novel?
8. What kind of things have you researched for this project, and how do you go about researching? (What’s the weirdest thing you’ve researched?!)
9. Do you write better alone or with others? Do you share your work or prefer to keep it to yourself?
10. What are your writing habits? Is there a specific snack you eat? Do you listen to music? What time of day do you write best? Feel free to show us a picture of your writing space!
1. How did you come up with the idea for your novel, and how long have you had the idea?
2. Why are you excited to write this novel?
3. What is your novel about, and what is the title?
4. Sum up your characters in one word each. (Feel free to add pictures!)
5. Which character(s) do you think will be your favourite to write? Tell us about them!
6. What is your protagonist’s goal, and what stands in the way?
7. Where is your novel set? (Show us pictures if you have them!)
8. What is the most important relationship your character has?
9. How does your protagonist change by the end of the novel?
10. What themes are in your book? How do you want your readers to feel when the story is over?
NaNoWriMo BONUS: Tell us your 3 best pieces of advice for others trying to write a book in a month.
1. They’re in a crisis: who would they really like to see right now?
2. Are they easy to get along with?
3. Who was the last person they had a deep conversation with?
4. They’re in the middle of a huge crowd of people: how do they feel?
5. Do they believe in luck or miracles?
6. Do they like and get along with their neighbours?
7. If they could travel anywhere in the world, where would they go?
8. How do they feel about their body?
9. What is the cruellest thing someone has ever said to them? How did they react?
10. What’s the kindest thing someone has ever said to them? How did they react?
1. How long have they known each other, and how close are they?
2. What’s their earliest memory of being best friends?
3. Do they fight? How long do they typically fight for?
4. Are their personalities similar or do they compliment each other?
5. Who is the leader of their friendship (if anyone)?
6. Do have any secrets from each other?
7. How well do they know each other’s quirks and habits?
8. What kind of things do they like to do together?
9. Describe each character’s fashion style (use pictures if you’d like!) How are their styles different/similar?
10. How would their lives be different without each other?
1. What’s their favourite ice cream flavour?
2. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What are they wearing? Who will they be with?
3. Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Do they wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Are they in socks that are ratty and full of holes? What do they consider comfortable and what do they consider agony?
4. Do they have any birthmark or scars? Where are they and how did they get them?
5. What kind of music do they listen to? Does it change depending on their mood or is it always consistent? (Feel free to share samples!)
6. Do they have any musical talent? Play an instrument? How’s their singing voice?
7. What kind of book would you catch them reading?
8. How would they spend their summers (or their holidays)?
9. It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. Ex. If they’re eating breakfast, what’s on the menu? Are they hiking, shopping, lazing around?
10. Is there anything your character wants to be free of?
1. Do they know both their biological parents? Why/why not?
2. Have they inherited any physical resemblances from their parents?
3. What’s their parental figure(s) dress style? Add pictures if you like!
4. Do they share any personality traits with their parental figures? And which do they take after most?
5. Do they get on with their parental figure(s) or do they clash?
6. If they had to describe their parental figure(s) in one word, what would it be?
7. How has their parental figure(s) helped them most in their life?
8. What was their biggest fight with their parental figure(s)?
9. Tracing back the family tree, what nationalities are in their ancestry?
10. What’s their favourite memory with their parental figure(s)?
1. Do they get nightmares? If so, why or what of?
2. What is their biggest guilty pleasure/secret shame?
3. Are they easily persuaded or do they need more proof?
4. Do they suffer from any phobias? Does it affect their life in a big way?
5. What do they consider their “Achilles heel”?
6. How do they handle a crisis?
7. Do they have a temper?
8. What are their core values and/or religious beliefs?
9. What things do they value most in life?
10. What is one major event that helped shape who they are?
1. What is the first memory they have of each other?
2. Describe their relationship in 3 words.
3. What kind of things do they like to do together?
4. What was their biggest fight?
5. How far would they go to save each other?
6. What are their pet peeves about each other?
7. What are their favorite things about each other?
8. What traits do they share? Mannerisms, clothing, quirks, looks, etc?
9. Who has the strongest personality?
10. How does their relationship change throughout your story?
1. What is their secret desire?
2. What is the best and brightest moment they experience during the story?
3. What are the emotional places your characters are afraid to go to?
4. Is there a place/city/room where they will never go? Why?
5. If they were permanently leaving town, what would they easily throw out? What would they refuse to part with? (Why?)
6. What do they want (consciously and tangibly)?
7. On the other hand: what do they need (on the emotional, subconscious level)?
8. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
9. What is the most humiliating event of their life?
10. What things do they turn to when they need a bit of hope?
1. How long have they been a couple?
2. How did they first meet?
3. What were their first thoughts of each other? (Love at first sight or “you’re freakishly annoying”?)
4. What do they do that most annoys each other?
5. Are their personalities opposite or similar?
6. How would their lives be different without each other?
7. Are they ever embarrassed of each other?
8. Does anyone disapprove of their relationship?
9. Do they see their relationship as long-term/leading to marriage?
10. If they could plan the “perfect outing” together, where would they go?
1. How many years have you been writing? When did you officially consider yourself a ‘writer’?
2. How/why did you start writing?
3. What’s your favorite part of writing?
4. What’s your biggest writing struggle?
5. Do you write best at night or day?
6. What does your writing space look like? (Feel free to show us pictures!)
7. How long does it typically take you to write a complete draft?
8. How many projects do you work on at once?
9. Do you prefer writing happy endings, sad ones, or somewhere in between?
10. List a few authors who’ve influenced your writing journey.
11. Do you let people read your writing? Why or why not?
12. What’s your ultimate writing goal or dream?
13. If you didn’t write, what would you want to do?
14. Do you have a book you’d like to write one day but don’t feel you’re ready to attempt it yet?
15. Which story has your heart and won’t let go?
1. On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) how well do you think this book turned out?
2. Have you ever rewritten or edited one of your books before? If so, what do you do to prepare yourself? If not, what’s your plan?
3. What’s your final word count? Do you plan to lengthen or trim your book?
4. What are you most proud of? Plot, characters, or pacing?
5. What’s your favorite bit of prose or line from this novel?
6. What aspect of your book needs the most work?
7. What aspect of your book is your favourite?
8. How are your characters? Well-rounded, or do they still need to be fleshed out?
9. If you had to do it over again, what would you change about the whole process?
10. Did anything happen in the book that completely surprised you? Have any scenes or characters turned out differently to what you planned? Good or bad?
11. What was the theme and message? Do you think they came across? If not, is there anything you could do to bring them out more?
12. Do you like writing with a deadline (like NaNoWriMo) or do you prefer to write-as-it-comes?
13. Comparative title time! What published books, movies, or TV shows are like your book? (Ex: Inkheart meets X-Men.)
14. How do you celebrate a finished novel?!
15. When people are done reading your book, what feeling do you want them to come away with?
1. Be honest: how is your writing going?
2. What’s your first sentence/paragraph?
3. Do you have a book cover, and/or pictures that reflect your book?
4. Do you have pictures of each of your characters? If not, describe them for us! (Be as descriptive as you can.)
5. What scene are you most excited to write?
6. Share a snippet or a scene that you really enjoyed writing.
7. Now that you’re writing, have any of the plot details, or the process itself, turned out different from what you planned or imagined?
8. Is there a character or aspect of your plot that’s difficult to write?
9. What’s your favorite aspect of this novel so far? Favorite character?
10. Have you drawn off of any life experiences or people you know to create your novel and characters?
11. Do you have a playlist or certain song for your novel and/or characters?
12. Let’s have some fun for a moment: imagine you are somehow transported into your book’s world. Which character are you most likely to be found hanging out with?
13. How do you keep yourself motivated to finish your daily wordcount? (Pinterest? Internet breaks? Chocolate?)
14. What’s your favorite writing quote or piece of writing advice?
15. How does this book make you feel so far? Are you laughing? Crying? Frustrated?